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Samira30live sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “Samira30live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your heart was in the right place, but the execution was waaaaayyy off. You should have talked to her husband first. You could have just said that you want to do something really nice for her birthday for everything she did for you and let him help you come up with an idea from there. This just comes across in the wrong way from an outsider perspective.

    Appreciation doesn’t always have to come in money form, BTW.

  2. He doesn't feel the same way , shocker!!

    So in his culture bad behaviour is tolerated because that's just the way it is

    The question is how does it make you feel? , is it something you want to tolerate? , what other cultures shocks are coming?

    At some stage its pretty clear he is going to want to move back home , is that something you want?

  3. I have turned down many other guys waiting for my ex and it’s starting to affect my mental health. Neither do I want to spend any more time waiting to be in a relationship with him again. I have started to talk to another guy, who I told my ex about and he got mad at me. He said I bring negativity into his life and I should consider myself lucky to have him in my life

    That is the nail the coffin right there.

    And look, what I would like to tell people caught up in this situations… STOP listening to what the other person is willing to offer you.

    Instead, start focusing on yourself and what you want.

    If you want a real relationship… from the sounds of it, you won't be finding it here with your ex.

    All that is going on is that he will keep you close enough to make you feel engaged, but far enough so you don't have the relationship… Its a dead end.

    Additionally… this comment:

    He said I bring negativity into his life and I should consider myself lucky to have him in my life

    Is toxic.

    To me, it shows how unhealthy things are with you and your ex. Stop clinging onto empty promises.

    If your ex was serious about you, he would step up and demonstrate that here and now. Even if that includes “Hey, I have a lot of shit going on, but here are the steps I am taking to overcome it”… Something that makes you stop guessing about the outcome.

    And for the future… On and offs… rarely work out.

    I think its time to accept things for what it is.. and move on completely.

    Love shouldn't do this to you:

    Starting to affect my mental health.

    That is not a healthy version of love.

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