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Sara_st live sex chats for YOU!


Make me shout with pleasure !!! [GOAL MET]

Date: October 8, 2022

27 thoughts on “Sara_st live sex chats for YOU!

  1. My suggestion is therapy. If you're wanting to pursue this relationship then you need to work on yourself, your insecurities, and your self esteem BIG TIME. I hope you take this advice, good luck. (Also, don't EVER say anything that would make her feel self conscious about her past)

  2. Fetishizing is being okay with your SO cheating with the same sex? You should look at my other comment on it because he’s not “ more okay” with it because he doesn’t take lesbian relationships seriously.

  3. Was your friend married? And were you spending a lot of time together like OP has stated?

    Might be very different factors in your experience and hers.

  4. You cannot just take her to your home without asking him! You should apologize. Your daughter was awful to everyone.

    At least be happy she is making progress and give her space. You can go visit her but you shouldn't force her presence to everyone when she was a bully and punched people.

    Don't use xmas as an excuse! You are the one who wasn't civil. Being civil means having a conversation, reaching a compromise, not doing whatever you want at the expense of your husband and the other kids. Don't you think the other kids were affected by her behavior?

    The best you did was let her go to her dad's home.

  5. Its not “calling you” a pain in the ass.

    He was playfully stating the cause of his gray hairs

    Are by you causing pains in his ass.

    Honestly, I'd get grey hairs by your reaction as well OP.

    IF someone apologizes and is genuinely remorseful thats the best apology you can get, but your refusal of the apology will do more damage than anything.

    It'll take the “playfullness” away from the relationship and thus cause rooms full of silence while its occupied by you two

  6. How is that judgemental? I'm asking why a certain dish is made a specific way, because I'm not familiar with it being cooked this way (I'm not a native to a country I online it, so there is a vague food overlap but a lot of details and cooking processes are quite different)

  7. Try therapy to feel why you must have a goal in mind to be friends with a woman. That is your issue. You shouldn’t have a goal in mind making male either By the way

  8. First thing first… DNA tests all around. If she's not sure? She has reasons for that… and now you do too.

    Second? Probably just take the loss and deal with being separated. Get custody of the younger one if you have too (after making sure it's yours) and then take care of the kids. let them know its not their fault, both parents love them and be their for them.

    I'd say it's important to just consider the relationship over and work on being the best co-parent you can be. While keeping your kid(s) safe.

  9. he’s made it very clear that if I try to leave it will be hell

    You don't need friends, you need help to escape a domestic violence abuser. You should start talking to your family about getting help and escaping from him. Go to the police and get a protective order. Get yourself and your child safely away.

  10. I think he just got defensive about your reaction to him throwing it.

    Well you're both quite young even people older can't give proper apologies. I wouldn't expect much from a 20yo. He was prob tryin to be playful and didn't think about the possibility that it might cut you .

    He should apologize, you could extend some grace just say I know you didn't mean to but it hurt me. Next time just a quick apology is all that is needed. Hopefully he learns

  11. The fact that comments like this are upvoted is really sad . What that guy asked was not unreasonable at all and has nothing to do with open or closed minds . Many people don't want to relocate . Many don't want to on-line far away from their families or have to uproot their entire lives and careers .

    He had a needed discussion at the best time possible . Before things got overly serious . If i were in a relationship , didn't want to move away and had a feeling that my partner would want to , i would be having the exact same conversation . The last thing i would want is to end up in a bitter struggle for child custody where i would have to be the villain in my partner's life just to be able to see my kid .

    Let's say that this relationship went on , OP and the guy had a kid and then OP got a great job opportunity abroad . The guy would either have to uproot his whole life and move with OP , in a country where he would be a foreigner , he possibly won't speak the language and very likely his career will be completely ruined , or he would have to break up . The second scenario is far more likely . What would happen with their kid then ? Would he be the absent parent seeing his kid a couple of times a year ? Would OP be the absent parent ? Actively coparenting from a different country ( possibly different continent even ) is pretty much impossible .

    Reasonable people talk about their concerns . That's what he did . Unfortunately , they seem to not be a good fit for each other . But that doesn't make him in any way wrong …

  12. Y’all were moving way too fast, only dating for 8 months and were already about to move in together … disaster in the making

  13. There guy could have gotten a vasectomy. He could have worn condoms. He did neither.

    You know you call people who have sex don't use any contraception? Parents.

    It's disgusting that you characterize a non-custodial parent's obligation to financially support the child there creates as a “money grab”. And the fact you assume the would always be the single mother seeking child support is just further frosting on your misogynist cake.

  14. funny thought. I try to cook food for myself and wife will give me stink eye. She says it's her way of showing love. Not me trying to press how she should show me love. Just think he's being an ass and trying to force you into the home duties.

  15. She’s setting boundaries – she (sensibly) is letting you know she won’t tolerate that. It’s over

  16. Text him. Tell him that you really liked the connection you made with him at the event and feel like he is slipping away. Ask him if he would like to spend more time with you because you miss him.

  17. You don’t.

    You take your shallow self and stay away from him.

    He’s made improvements to himself. For himself, and you are likely to derail everything.

  18. Right….. is it just more work for her to please him, after having to take care of other people all day?

  19. I’ve seen people break up with someone when they were accused of being unfaithful with someone that WASN’T their brother ffs. If you can’t get past it I think that perfectly fair. How gross that he would even consider that as a possibility! Does he have a sister?

  20. Dude I feel you. The universe (and at this point, the algorithm) keeps putting weird stories in my face about people going through infertility struggles and my partner was raised with religion that has mostly melted away, but left a residue of “god will punish you” that has brought up concerns like “what if there is no next baby?”

    It’s just a wild ride of a decision lmao.

  21. Rereading this, I can see both sides but I’m more on your daughters and YTA. In any of this, did you come to an agreement or compromise for her consideration of this situation? You didn’t ask, you told your daughter to uproot her room for your sister and her kids. Your sister was needing the favor and if it was only temporary, why wasn’t a temporary solution be made for your sister instead of your daughter which is established in this situation? You also demanded your daughter sell her car for your sister and buy back her back. I get family is family, but I would be LIVID if my dad had asked me to sell my car (reading it sounds like your daughter enjoyed modifying her car and it’s a nice hobby and her eyes something she’s proud of). If you had the money to buyback her car, why not have gotten your sister a beater? Legally, your daughter did as she was asked and IMO in her eyes you forced her to make all these changes for her sister, sister got comfortable and your daughter got tired of what was stable for her now all her input, hot work, joys, privacy, and basic living has been ripped from under her. In one way she did overreact, but sounds like she hit her breaking point and also legally asked what you told her to do. You should have consolidated with your daughter before doing all this to get her input and taken in consideration of her feelings on this as you share(d) a roof with her, while also should have set a better boundary with your sister (your daughter sounds like she has her shit together better than your sister). Your last sentence really sealed the deal you took way too advantage of your daughter (leaving us with no transportation) and she probably felt as she was being used (which seems like the case). I don’t blame her for not talking to you or rest of the family or holding your fully grown sister with kids more accountable for turning a temporary situation into a long term.

  22. This ain't about your joke. Time to sit down and have an adult relationship with him when the kids aren't around, no phones, etc.

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