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One thought on “Sarahscotter live webcams for YOU!

  1. I would leave as well, but do it in a calm and non emotional manner. Honestly I would’ve left it hen she said she was still in communication with a fling. She’s in a relationship now, flings and exes should be gone.

    Obviously I get that she apparently didn’t initiate contact with her ex in this situation, but she also didn’t have to join the team. I would have never put a GF of mine in the situation where I’m voluntarily joining a team my ex gf is on and now I’m going to be hanging out with her, probably drinking around her, etc. It doesn’t sound like the ex or the fling are like part of her consistent friend group so there’s no way to avoid them. She is voluntarily entering into these situations/contact of her own volition. IMO this is just simply not respectable to the relationship.

    I also cannot imagine any girl I’ve dated in my life being okay with it if this situation was reversed. I wouldn’t say you have to just leave immediately, but I would have a conversation about if she thinks this is respectful to you and the relationship and if she’s fine with continuing to do this then you leave.

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