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Sarita-candylive sex stripping with hd cam


50 thoughts on “Sarita-candylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'd probably tell him that those are excuses, not an answer. That he is being unfair, because you can't resolve a problem when you don't know what it is and that this constant rejection is starting to hurt the relationship for you.

  2. I hate to butt into your conversation but weaponizing sex to gain compliance in MY opinion is kind of gross and counterproductive. You should be able to talk to him and he should want to improve, mastery is a path and everything has a learning curve. If he doesn't understand that or if you cannot express your wants properly there is bigger issues than Him getting his and you not getting yours. The root issue is poor communication between you two and if you withhold sex to gain compliance in this situation you're going to have to do that any and every time you guys cant communicate through your problems.

  3. u/PsychologicalCity226, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Does your therapist not schedule sessions back to back? I get reminder texts from mine and we have friendly conversations but we’ve never gone over 50 minutes because she normally has another client scheduled immediately after.

  5. Dude said his gf doesn't celebrate Christmas so he took her on a trip to the mountains instead of gifts, and that her bday next month will include something nice as a present. The upvoted replies calling him a douchebag and even a trustfund baby are so oddly aggressive.

  6. He’s probably telling you that you’re a good mom bc you associate a good parent household with two married parents and therefore he’s basically manipulating you into thinking well i’m a good mom so i should be married.

    please know that you are a good mom no matter what and you are still young and can definitely re marry with a guy that won’t cheat on you. The issues you described (of him feeling like you aren’t the same) will only get worse with time as you mature as a mother and he doesn’t mature out of a childless man mentality. A divorced household with happy individual parents is much better then a married household with miserable parents

  7. Hello /u/ThrowRA3107,

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  8. It’s tough with kids/finding time I’m being silly thinking this way She simply doesn’t feel like it most of the time

  9. Tell him you won’t apologize because even if nothing changes you’re not alright with it and not sorry you did it.

    Tell him if he doesn’t like it, he needs to do it and you’ll have his back. In the future I would take a step back in those situations but I wouldn’t apologize for what you said.

    I have an MBA and a PharmD and I fing hate self-confidant aholes that base that on accomplishments. Other people might hold value in those, but they mean little to me in defining who I am, I could care less in that regard.

    I don’t expect your bf to have enough self-confidence and detachment there after 1 semester away to do that.

    I do expect him to take steps to it not being an issue he talks about with you, and one he can address when he wants to.

  10. I think he does notice the changes when he drinks, he was having easily 6-7 per day, and now he’s down to about 2-4/day. I am sure to not rub it in or say anything to put him on the defense at all. I know that he is in a very vulnerable state and it scares me that he will do something to himself.

    I will call his doctor to reschedule an appointment, he is trying to get out of it by saying he needs to work. But I think he just doesn’t want to admit the meds/alcohol are the issues just yet, besides all of our hurtful experiences and pain.

    I will call my doctor as well tomorrow and make sure we are getting on the right track. Thank you so much for your insight. I feel like my world has been falling apart.

  11. adding this here because i haven’t seen it mentioned elsewhere, but please understand that the majority of women working in these “massage” parlors are not willing participants. many are direct victims of sex trafficking. every single time your husband got one of those “massaged”, he directly participated in the abuse of sex trafficking victims.

    not exactly sure he deserves too much empathy here.

  12. The thing about being in a toxic relationship, is that biology plays a very real and big role in our emotions. The most loving, passionate connected sex I had with my ex was after we fought and almost broke up. Yes, there’s passion, and honestly, it hurts to remember it, because in the moment it felt so good and so real. But it was toxic. It wasn’t real. We were just fuelled by hormones and were high off the ups and downs.

    I completely understand your feeling hurt. I think you need to talk to him. My ex was still in love with his high school gf our whole relationship, and that grief still has a hold on me a little. I don’t know that I could offer an objective perspective right now, but I do hope you can work it out. It sounds like the things he does appreciate about you are very important to him, and there’s nothing wrong with being stable.

  13. Maybe the dude just likes his privacy? Or doesn't like lending out his devices to anyone? I'm both of these to be honest. I don't have anything in particular I need to hide but I still don't like people using my devices. It's my personal device. Plus, I have had too many instances of people handling my things not as carefully as I would like and damaging them.

  14. Nope. Nope. Nopitty nope. All aboard the nopetopus.

    There is no way that a relationship that ended with someone in jail can be resurrected in a healthy way. That you’re even considering it tells me you haven’t gotten the professional help you need to ensure nothing like that ever happens again.

  15. Your wife’s behavior and conversations with the other man are incredibly inappropriate. If they have not slept together, it is imminent.

    Stop talking to that guy. Stop talking to your wife’s friends to check up on petty shit like her smoking one cigarette versus two. Stop hounding her, you honestly sound exhausting.

    Talk only to your wife about these issues. Calmly, and amicably. Be prepared to be angry, sad, etc. but be respectful. Only you and she can decide if your marriage is worth saving.

  16. Dude, you've been on two dates, you need to dial it down. It's perfectly normal for BOTH of you to be dating other people at this stage.

  17. But he isn’t even a student, if he were he’d mention it. And just because they are didn’t mean they’d vibe with 21 year olds who are in the childless, carefree parting stage in their lives.

  18. You're being unnecessarily controlled in your Long Distance Relationship. You're going to be miserably controlled for the duration of this relationship. Please reconsider giving everything up for a long distance psycho.

  19. You are still very young OP. Some would say too young to be married and have the responsibility for the upkeep of a house and home. I would strongly suggest that you take measures to ensure that a baby is not added to this sorry mix. I would further suggest that you try your very best to find employment. It doesn’t matter what it is just so long as it increases your independence.

    Talk to your parents. Let them know that things aren’t working out very well. Hopefully they will be sympathetic. Your husband is a bullying boor OP. These are not character traits which improve with age and experience. I wouldn’t put a child within a million miles of this man and neither should you.

    Your marriage was a mistake. But you can rectify this by resolute action. Do not be bullied or persuaded that things will get better. They won’t. You can do this OP. Good luck. ❤️

  20. Wow he's being an asshole. I have depression and executive dysfunction so I understand what it's like to struggle to do housework at times, my apartment is constantly a disaster (something I am working on getting better at), but it sounds to me like you are keeping things picked up and if things do get messy it's not unreasonably so. Sometimes our mental health just gets the better of us. It's wild that he thinks it's appropriate to hold this over your head. If it was a consistent issue, sure maybe I could see where he is coming from, but taking care of a living space, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, is a lot to deal with, especially when you are having a bout of more severe depression.

    I think the best solution is to have a discussion with him or to look at getting a job outside the house so he cant hold this over your head, and you have money to leave if this toxic behavior escalated further.

  21. that’s good. when my friends and i go out to bars and clubs, we always make sure that no one is left alone.

    good luck with your bf! tell him if u feel comfortable and safe. if he get’s mad at you then he’s not the right guy!!

  22. The family knows they've broken up but…yeah, they think he's moved in with a friend. Maybe that's really who I am..

  23. If he has no romantic feelings then why would he need continued closure and planned to spend more time with her other than lunch. He should be able to communicate with you about their meet ups but he hasn’t. From the outside it looks like his meet ups are hook ups. If you respect the person you don’t lie to them and you communicate with them even if you are not used to a healthy relationship. You need to communicate with him and let him know where you stand on lies and secrets. The last thing you want to be is a placeholder for the girl he actually wants.

  24. What the hecc did I just read…

    His old job will NOT take him back. Not after he flipped out like that and possibly damage some properties, it sounds like.

    If he's lucky, he's not going to get hit with a lawsuit by his old job, I mean, they can just say '(Your husband's name) was going on a rampage and flip tables that cost $1000, ruining it, then the computers that cost $5000 was broken due to his behavior.' Therefore he's getting sued for property damage, etc etc.


    I won't be surprised that your husband didn't get the new job because, sometimes they verify previous employment, his antics probably got the old job telling the new prospect about what just happened. Of course no one would want to hire anyone that volatile.

    What he can do is send out resumes everywhere and go on interviews. STAT. If he still doesn't hear anything within a week. He needs to go to the unemployment office, they help you get jobs, believe it or not, albeit, not the 'best' or 'shiniest' of job, but he will get a job there if he can't get it anywhere else.

    Or he can also do minimum wage retail job, 2 at a time, while waiting to get into the job he wants, so that there will be cash flowing. He definitely can't 'take a break' now for 'mental health.' He done burn that bridge. Oh boy.

  25. I don’t know, this seems like there’s a lot of missing info. Who just assumes someone will hand over 1700 unless that was previously agreed upon for you to pay? Did you make threats of harm often during disagreements?

  26. That's how an abusive relationship starts. Abusive people are charming and manipulative and nice when they want to.

    You don't want him nice and pleasant sometimes, you want him to be consistently pleasant to be with. You don't want to be walking on eggshells, guessing when he would blow up.

  27. She's a liar and you're a snooper. This isn't going to work until your both work out and work on the issues that make you both that way.

  28. This relationship really made me wonder how families deal with someone. For example that has substance abuse problem or alcoholism. It must be very hot to feel so helpless to not being able to guide someone to change. They have to want it and it's really hard seeing someone that you care about get to that point. I'm just speaking in general. She's nowhere near that level, but it was just a small perspective of how to better yourself it has to come from within… The issue is some people that life clicks when they're10 , 20 when they're 30 when they're 40 when they're 50 when they're 60 when they're 70 or maybe never .for me I guess at 37 it clicked but I have to be mindful that for everyone is different

  29. Baring you deciding to study domestically (which you should not), it is time to amicably split up. You will meet new ppl and make new friends. You do not know what the future brings. Wish her the best and who knows if the future brings you back together again.

  30. You can say “Sorry, I don't have any.” White lie or truth, it's a way to shut this down. After you refuse her 5 or 6 times, she may get the hint, or just find someone else to mooch off of.

  31. I also have Asperger’s and it doesn’t diminish your sense of right and wrong

    She’s just trying to make excuses and justify her actions

    Send her on her way, You deserve better, Also send a VERY clear message to Tom to not contact you again, the fact he’s now calling you at your job/place of business is too intrusive and you don’t want workmates finding out and gossiping

    If you’ve got any assets hire a lawyer to arrange them to be divided and good luck!

  32. Wow. Is she unable to have her own kids or something? I can't imagine being so cold as to FORCE a child to try and forget about their own mother, and frankly I would never marry a man who was on board with that.

  33. I think you’re over looking a lot of details here! Are you potentially just ignoring the possibility that what she is saying is true, and the reason she waited so long into her adult life to feel comfortable enough to confront these issues is due to either a triggered memory, or therapy?

    You said she’s had mental health issues? Well child SA is a common cause for Trauma.

    Are you refusing to consider the possibility simply because 1) it didn’t happen to you. 2) because you refuse to consider your father in that light?

    I’m not saying it did or did not happen, I’m just pointing out their you’re in a biased opinion situation.

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