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SASHA MICHAEL ADRIAN MARKUS JAMES the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: December 24, 2022

45 thoughts on “SASHA MICHAEL ADRIAN MARKUS JAMES the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Maybe you're recognizing that her growing up feeling unwanted and less-than made her hateful. You might be having an empathy response because she was literally set against you by your larger family. Hearing a mean person sadly admit that they really just want to be friends is heartbreaking. Knowing how drunk she had to get to say it makes it even worse.

    Look, she has been awful. She has not apologized for the harm she has done you. You are not obliged to forgive her or to like her. But if you can imagine a future in which you would like to get an apology, and even potentially have a sisterly bond, it wouldn't hurt a thing to drop your sword and your shield, and stop engaging in the mutual toxicity. She's shown her throat and can't hurt you now.

  2. Don't send her shit. Break up with her. She's a lunatic, and you shouldn't give your banking information to anyone just willy nilly. She's either scamming you, or she's trying to find ways to manipulate you into thinking you did something wrong. Get rid of her.

  3. u/cavityg00n, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Yep. My boyfriend is a really good chess player. I'm bad at chess. The first time we played he played normal but explained why he was doing each move and how it was helping him win. I finally bested him a year later! That was 5 years ago. We still play chess.

    Funny thing about chess is you don't need to be crazy smart to be very good if you put a lot of time into it. If you've been playing regularly for 5 years with someone who knows what they're doing, you probably got pretty good.

  5. Well, I don’t know that just so you know. I’ve just noticed that in a few people that I’ve known about it’s happened to. I noticed a lot more people have differences in libido styles, which is probably what it really is.

  6. So you have been caught in this cycle so long, I feel like my first piece of advice is- this isn't normal.

    I have a host of friends and family with varying relationships, none of them fight this much. My relationships, including my current one- we do not/never fought this much. Not even close. I would say my partner and I “bicker” about once a month- someone cancels plans and the other is having a bad day, we annoy each other, etc- and have a real argument where there is a pit in the stomach/actual anger maybe twice a year at the very most. My other friends and family may have more disagreements/small fights, but twice a week is so beyond normal.

    You get to decide when you are ready to commit, and the person you are with at this moment is not someone you want to commit to. There is no right/wrong amount of time to decide, and if the other person is ready and you aren't, then the next step is to have an honest conversation about timeline and what you need to get there, out of respect for the other person being ready. In this case, she isn't willing to do anything to help you feel ready to commit, and she if fully, wholly responsible for your issues.

    You cannot fix her, and she isn't willing to fix herself. If you continue to be with this person, this is your life. You will either stop going out with any friends and ensure that all your plans involve her, and that you have very limited time with your family or alone, or you will continue to have fights like this EVERY time you step away from her. What if your job asks you to travel? What if a friend asks you to go to a bachelor party? You need to be honest with yourself that you cannot be truly happy with this woman, because SHE isn't happy with herself. Stay broken up, and trust me, every week you go without contacting her you will move on a little, and 6 months from now you will be SO happy that you are out from this toxic relationship.

  7. Go to the rental office and break the lease, after finding another place to live!. Tell the lease office that you and your bf are having serious relationship problems.Then break up with your bf. If you stay with him you are making a serious mistake.

  8. He can self-soothe instead of relying on you to soothe him wehn you're with others? ie, distract with other activities, talk himself down from his jealousy, remind himself that he cares for you & doesn't want to ruin your experience, do something nice for himself when you're gone, call another friend. It's important for you to be clear with him, I think, that if you're out with a friend, you will not be available for texting except for maybe a quick check in? So you've set that expectation up front and there are no surprises for him.

  9. You know you can be active on Facebook messenger without actually using it? If you check the facebook site out (generic facebook browsing), the messenger will be noted as live!.

  10. Your dad doesn’t care about the logistics of your sexy time…. He cares that your boyfriend seems like an ass! WHY would he make a joke like that? Gay, straight or everything in between… no parent wants to hear that from their kid’s significant other. If this is someone you see being in your life for a long time, you might want to consider talking to him about apologizing to your dad.

  11. Honestly, I wouldn't have thought you meant burner accounts used for porn when you asked that question. I mean, if buying porn is a problem for you, that's totally valid. But there's a difference between dishonesty and discretion.

  12. Not a red flag.

    Is there a reason you didn't mention to him in the weeks prior that your birthday was coming up? It sounds like you're someone who places a lot of importance on your birthday, so it seems weird you hadn't brought it up with him, discussing plans etc

  13. Take the hint. She's distancing herself because she is not interested in a relationship. You're both young and should be dating others during your 20s.

  14. Lol most couples do have serious problems like this at some point, life isn’t a fairytale. Most women just get pregnant anyway and then claim it was an accident. Something I’m not willing to do to for what I want, despite being told to. So yeah, I’m bad for wanting a man to want kids.

  15. You f his trauma can cause him to disassociate enough do involuntarily things he could do other more dangerous things. Keep yourself safe

  16. Please do update us. Sending you the strength to make positive changes in your life for yourself, and when you waver, please re-read this post.

  17. Move on from this thread OP. This subreddit is toxic. People who are happy that you're happy are being downvoted.

  18. Just admitting he is trapped and fucked. Just a matter of to what degree. Especially with her being in am open relationship.

    Imagine going from not ever wanting kids to being stuck raising another man's because you're in your mid 20's and “in love” with a 19 year old barely adult who mentally / emotionally doesn't sound like an adult at all.

  19. This Chad unravels a condom before putting it on. Guaranteed.

    Break up with this fuckwit.


    Men everywhere.

  20. I think you should give her the benefit of the doubt. I bet she was really disturbed by what happened and needed time to process. She went through the motions of the other spa treatments, which to be fair, the personnel guide you from room to room so it maybe didn't feel like she was consciously choosing to stick around. Also, the massage guy wasn't the person giving her the other treatments, so it wasn't like she had to interact with him again.

    I think once the spa day was done and she was in her car, the gravity of what happened hit her. She probably realized it would sound terrible to admit to staying on the massage table and subsequently the spa so she decided to omit those parts when confessing to you.

    I think she also wanted to discuss an extremely weird thing that happened to her with you–her partner and best friend. Based on the other posts you did, it seems this type of thing happens frequently without any inappropriate contact, so I don't think you need to worry about cheating.

    Give yourself time before doing anything drastic with the wedding.

    Btw, I just know I'm going to be downvoted for this but oh well.

  21. He’s gaslighting you.

    He’s just saying like wtf I do respect you

    No, he does not respect you. If he does, he would have told you the moment he found out the job was cancelled and it’s going to be a vacation. He should have declined her offer to go on a vacation with a woman behind your back. The boss knew what’s she’s doing. She booked that room beforehand and don’t believe that he didn’t know it as well long before the actual trip.

    Go to HR. Even if it’s a family-owned company, file a report so their employees would know that the boss has a favorite.

    Leave this guy. Don’t stay with someone who doesn’t respect you.

  22. Then I think you need to start learning how to. Finding a gaming group that can help you practice how to communicate through practicing roleplay may help you broaden your communication skills. This will help you with your project, to understand the roleplay side, which is really important, to the point that it's in the name, otherwise it would be tabletop war games, not roleplaying games, as well as give you the skills to communicate better in your wider life.

  23. So he’s either (1) a confusing, contradictory, incoherent communicator or (2) trying to pull a romantic bait and switch scam? Delightful.

  24. So he’s either (1) a confusing, contradictory, incoherent communicator or (2) trying to pull a romantic bait and switch scam? Delightful.

  25. Is it possible he can’t have children? Like have a vasectomy you don’t know about ( possibly any years earlier) I personally would have a very difficult time with this and you might want to consider if you don’t have any would if you would likely be resentful years later even if your happy and love any adoptive children. I think giving you one as well wouldn’t be too much if you both want a large family. I second counseling

  26. She may want to make sure she’s up to date on her Pap smears too. From someone who just finished radiation and chemo for cervical cancer – painful sex was my only symptom.

  27. It is nice you are concerned for her well-being. Your GFs mental health is not your responsibility. She is responsible for her mental health issues. I have suffered from depression for many years and I can't hold other people responsible for my mental health. I also don't use my mental health to manipulate others.

    Hopefully your GF is still living with her parents and has friends that can help her through the breakup. It is best to get it over with than to draw it out long term. If you do get worried talk to her parents or call to have a wellness, check on her.

    If her mental health is so fragile, she should be in treatment not a relationship.

  28. your parents sound like they had a lovely relationship overall and that you were a happy family

    If she cheated on op's dad, than that is far from a lovely relationship. First betraying him in one of the worst ways possible and sleeping with another man, then lying about it, letting him support her through the pregnancy and birth of another man's child, and then having him raise the kid. That's 19 years of lies and deceit, there's no coming back from that. He would never be able to trust he again.

    Things have already been worked out, they are seperated. I'm glad op's dad knows his worth and that he wouldn't stay with someone who has zero respect for him and would treat him this way.

  29. if i’m being really honest with myself i think i’d want to date him. i’m just scared that we’ll break up and ruin our friendship, he’s such an important part of my life that i’m scared if we properly date it’ll screw everything up.

  30. I think I would be if it was a spouse or something, but when you're dating you're in search of a relationship that makes you happy and where you connect on all the levels necessary for romance. And the point of dating rather than jumping into marriage is that you can back out if you want to for any reason! (Obviously you technically can for marriage as well but I think there's more of an obligation to actually try to work things out and especially to take care of your partner in the face of challenges.)

    I've been the person who had a sudden health crisis while dating and needed extra support from my partner. The fact that he stayed and gave that support I took as a sign of his selflessness, but also as a sign that even when I was going through a rough patch I still made him happy enough of the time that it was worthwhile. If at any point I thought he was just staying out of guilt or obligation I would have been devastated and would have *wanted* him to break up with me.

    If you find the person you love enough you may want to do those things for them, and if you find you don't love them enough then you're within your rights to leave.

  31. I’m confused she doesn’t like your job or how you got it? I mean either way I’m still not seeing what you did wrong

  32. My dad did something very similar. I haven’t been able to think about him without a broken heart for years. Your boyfriend is an idiot. Dump his ass

  33. He doesn’t have the emotional maturity/intelligence to know that he is actually in charge of his emotions. The danger is he doesn’t accept responsibility so anything could happen, and he can’t control himself.

  34. If psycho wanted to blow up his relationship he would have contacted op on his own months ago, he’s only responding to phone call from op, I have no doubt he banged his wife

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