Scarlett, 27 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Live Live Sex Chat rooms Scarlett
Date: October 23, 2022
Scarlett, 27 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
I do absolutely read and appreciate every comment I've just never really found myself in a situation like this. I'm terrified of losing her but if it gets to a point where this guy ends up going to the event I might have to end things and it's really difficult to admit
It can be tough, when hearing someone vent, to realize that they need clear air and space to speak.
It doesn’t mean the person on the other end can’t also share their feelings and thoughts, but it does mean they shouldn’t invalidate yours or compare or get defensive.
It sounds like your partner really needs to learn how to communicate and you need to be able to get your thoughts out.
If you don’t have someone close you can vent to, you can message me, or I’m sure many of the other people that will inevitably reply here. But the internet isn’t likely to get you quick responses and validation in your discussions.
Please know, if you do message me, I’ll read what you need to express and be a person you can vent to, but I won’t be able to read right away or always respond in quick timing. The last thing you need right now from anyone is to feel like you’re not being heard and I don’t want you to feel that way.
Girl, get a divorce. This man is trash and you're only 20.
This is what I was going to say. You can show her while you’re in the room or just send her the link, whatever feels better.
OP, your feelings are valid, always. You deserve to be safe. He took that from you. That is not ok. The way you describe your mom, it sounds like she can provide you with a safe space.
I’m so so sorry he did this to you. Sending love.
He says these friends are taking time away from our family. We have one child (7M) who actually plays the game with me and my new friends. But he says when I am on my phone or on the game with them, it is neglect to our family and home.
The point he keeps going back to is that they are online and calls them fake and unhealthy. That because we have never hung out in person it isn’t real. So I circle back to if I was spending time or chatting with women face to face I wouldn’t be neglecting the family or home? It’s just going in circles.