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ScarlettBenz online webcams for YOU!



Date: January 12, 2023

14 thoughts on “ScarlettBenz online webcams for YOU!

  1. Being into RP does not mean that one is compelled to do ERP too. I had an ex who did this whom ended up cheating on me. I did mention I did not want them to do thisz since it's clearly emotional cheating, they kept doing it anyway.

    Doing anything sexual with someone other than your partner is clearly not okay. Doesn't matter if it's just a character or not. He's clearly far too invested and in knows it's not okay because he's never approached you about him doing so.

    Nowadays Id break up over it.

  2. First off, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Second off, everyone but you and the father can go straight to hell!!! My favorite saying seems a bit apropos in this situation..’It’s no fun when the rabbit has the gun!!!’

    Your STBX broke up w you and slept w someone else else…he only came back in play when your mom decided she knew what was best for you…completely disregarding the fact that you’ve been grown for longer than you’ve been a child AND you want this baby…you’re ex came back when he found out someone else was able to give you a child…a day late and a dollar short…

    Live your life with and for those who want the best for you, and an ex who left you to go sleep w your friend doesn’t meet that definition!!!

    I hope the best for you and hope that your baby (girl!!! I’m with you!!!) can have a happy and peaceful life, and the father is the most amazing partner and/or co-parent EVER!!!!!

  3. You're right, he's not really interested. But him never having had a gf before (at his age), he's probably too inexperienced to even realize it or care. He's not going to end it. But you should. You deserve better

  4. Also I thought she mentioned it because someone in Barcelona explicitly asked her.

    Actually, with clarity from OP, it was OP who really focused on it with the gay man.

    “Again she apparently never did anal with op so how is it withholding? “

    The anal sex that she had with other men. She's withholding that experience from him.

    “He is dating a girl who doesn’t do butt stuff.”

    Correction: he's dating a girl who used to do butt stuff but doesn't anymore.

    The analogy is a little off because you can't “club” someone intimately (unless you're using a physical club).

    He's feeling like she's withholding an act of intimacy shared with other people. She likely never liked it all that much to begin with.

    I think that we agree on a lot of the same beats. But I can see how this brings up resentment.

    Imagine your long term boyfriend telling you that he used to eat out but he doesn't want to do it to you because he doesn't do that anymore.

    That'd suck. But your boyfriend also has the right not to do it.

  5. You made the right choice to break up. He made you feel uncomfortable by constantly lusting after internet girls, and constantly asking for more from you.

    You wonder if staying would make him change. Flip the perspective here because was also staying with you in the hopes that you would change. Do you want to change, or do you want to be with somebody that likes you as you are? Both of you were unhappy and wanted to change the other person. Falling in love with the potential, instead of the person.

    He doesn't know what he wants, and so it felt like no matter what you did, it wasn't enough. He probably loved you, but still couldn't keep his eyes/mind from wandering. He watches those videos because it excites him. It's not always bad to be friends with an ex, but it still probably excited him. You know about the stuff you saw, but you don't know about all the stuff you didn't see, such as porn. He complains about you being vanilla because it's so easy to bring up millions of weird porn videos.

    If he truly was comparing you to a past partner, then it's really time to leave. He's starting a competition that nobody deserves. His past partner might have taught him what he liked, but his future partners have zero obligation to change themselves trying to compete with her. If he wants something different than you, he should break up and go find it elsewhere. Watching porn is a widespread addiction and leads some people to wanting more more more. He wasn't willing to compromise his porn habits to fit your boundaries, you deserve better than that.

  6. Yeah i mean sex is important to me so I guess I have no choice.. i love him a lot tho so THISNIS gonan suck 🙁 thank you for the comment !

  7. So he asked you to buy a house with him after six years together (committment) and you said no (don't want committment) and you are surprised that you are no longer a priority?

  8. Ah. Yes. Ok cool yea I did read that Augmentin was effective but certainly not first choice.

    So, we were broken up Sept-End of Jan Back together and I have seen her then (end of Jan/beginning of feb), beginning of March, and the end of March. I started to experience symptoms at the beginning of this month.

    The Augmentin was on 2/15 when I started.

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