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selena_lillive sex stripping with hd cam


52 thoughts on “selena_lillive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The fact that he's not telling you anything is a big deal. He could be lying about who he is – he could be in another relationship, he could be married, he could havr a criminal record…i'd suggest demanding to video chat with him (including facecam). If he refuses, do not continue the relationship. You need to know who you're dating.

  2. Yes he absolutely will regret it. However, it may be many many years until he receives the lessons that will show him why he should regret it. Unfortunately, some people spend large parts of their lives in denial, in phony situations, without empathy or consideration for others. But no one has a perfect life forever. We all, no matter how rich and successful, will go through traumatic lessons in life that should enlighten us about past mistakes. And if that never happens, then he’s simply a narcissist because narcissists can’t enlighten themselves. I hope you know how wonderful you are and that an immature useless man like this has absolutely no value to society. Anyone who utilizes their power to gain “hot” blonde women as if they are tokens, is in no way driving society forward in a positive way. He is totally invaluable and you have endless possibilities due to your empathy and ability to reflect. Look at Bezos’ ex living her best on-line with their kid’s science teacher just giving away millions of dollars left and right- now that’s true success.

  3. I don't think you have PTSD, I think you are not mature enough yet for a serious relationship. You need to work on your own self-worth and self-esteem and get to a place when you love yourself. You are getting wrapped around the axel over something that is all about your own insecuarities.

  4. I think its relatively okay on-line if you're just playing games or whatever but it's definitely weird beyond that, I can't imagine being super close to someone that much younger than me other than a casual friend.

  5. Yeah i wouldn’t be comfortable with my female leaving for days at a time to go stay on a boat with other men. Some men are evil and women can’t protect themselves. You can’t protect her in that situation. And when you brought that up she practically told you to fuck off and called you insecure and said she doesn’t need your protection. Leave and find someone more grateful. Your not insecure for wanting to protect your woman.

  6. Find a couple to play with so there's an even playing field. Tell her you feel left out. All should go at the slowest person's pace, being you. If she and he don't respect your feelings, that's very bad and shows a high level of danger for you two.

  7. I’m divorced here. Yes it hurts at first but don’t drown yourself in alcohol. Give yourself certain amount of time to mourn then move on. You might have to sell the house and move somewhere else so the old memories don’t go haunting you. I had to accept that my former loved moved on so this is a chance to rebuild yourself and go out and do things that you love.

  8. you whippersnappers need a gentle reminder that this (life) is not a dress rehearsal. put yourself first. that’s how this whole show works.

  9. Ew. I wouldn't have taken you back. For so many reasons.

    The excuses you made for “accidentally” cheating on her are just so lame. You know how you got that BJ. You wanted it, some woman agreed to give it to you, you did it at work.

    “Oh I blacked out!” Sure you did buddy. Sure you did.

    But the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here. She's already taken you back. The issue you have now is you want to sleep with other women.

    Oh wait. It's the same picture.

    Look, you have 3 choices here.

    You tell her you want to sleep with other women and you're not sexually attracted to her, and go from there.

    You let your desires fester to the point where you “accidentally” cheat on her again and go from there.

    You break up with or without an explanation and go from there.

    Oh wait. There's also

    You figure out a way to spice things up in the bedroom with her like a sane, adult human would if they found themselves in a relationship where the sex is boring. “Our sex life is boring so I need to cheat” is just an excuse cheaters use to [checks notes] cheat.

    You are NOT ready for marriage. Idek why you would want to marry someone you're not sexually attracted to – unless you're on the asexual spectrum. You are clearly not. You just wanna ho around and go back home to your security blanket.

    Stop stringing her along and being cruel. Either figure out your problem and solve it or let her go.

  10. Omg you love to cook – you’re not a martyr about it. If you hated it and bitched about it, then forced it on people, constantly asking if it’s good enough … THEN you’d be “fishing for compliments.”

    It’s praise for doing something nice, and it’s earned.

    In fact, next time you feed HIM, just sit really close to him, without any food for yourself, and every time he takes a bite, ask a form of “is it good?”

    Do you like it? Is it tasty enough? Does it need heated up? Cooled down? Does it need more salt? Pepper? Should I throw it out? Do you want me to remake it from scratch? Should I just NEVER COOK AGAIN?

  11. Knowing the parties they had in HS, I'm positive at least alcohol was likely involved and possibly weed as well. I definitely am not suggesting this was a great idea, I mean a threesome should never be something done in the heat of the moment. But they were also in HS and I know from my HS experience that stupid decisions are made.

    As I said, in my experience there hasn't been a single time where I felt he was ignoring me or not aware of whether I was enjoying it or not. Maybe he learned from this experience. I'm not trying to suggest that she's making this up, I just felt she was trying to infer something much more serious. I am going to talk with my fiancee about this and get his side, as I feel he deserves a chance to provide his side of this.

  12. She is upset because I left and multiple people left her behind where the dude used it against her more. Also I feel guilty because I did love her back then but she kept going back to the dude so I gave up

  13. You don’t on-line together right?

    Get all your stuff, start working to safe exit. Then break up. You don’t owe him an in person break up if u don’t want. Keep it short and directly to the point. Don’t entertain any gaslighting or debating on this convo. Then go completely NC.

    Tell everyone u live! with ur done and don’t let him in. And take it day by day.

    On-line ur life. Let him go ans have fun with life!!

  14. Hello /u/Prestigious-Lake-399,

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  16. Whether you want to use the words abuse or rape, having sex with someone when they are uncomfortable & don’t want to because it’s hurts is still just that. Victims can be victimizers. I wouldn’t be moving in with him and if you do anyways prepare for a lot worse. Keep your eyes open & trust your gut. If he’s forcing you to have sex that you don’t want that is abuse.

    Other red flags are; trying to get you to cut off friends or family, trying to isolate you, getting mad when you hang out with friends, getting mad when you want alone time, trying to lower your self esteem by making jabs at your looks or things you enjoy, getting angry if you are friendly with the opposite sex, trying to convince you to share a bank account or put all your money together, throwing or breaking things, hitting walls, hitting you, calling you mean names, the list goes on.

    Maybe it’s a one off, hopefully it is but don’t keep sweeping things under the rug until it’s too late. Be safe and reach out for help if you need it. Someone who will continue having sex with you when you are in pain is not a good person.

  17. Agreeing with you on the power dynamic. If this was a “regular” person, his entire spiel about having to keep it secret due to paparazzi etc. wouldn´t make any sense at all – but I guess a regular person who wanted to establish a power play/mindgames would come up with other excuses. So I don´t know…if I´d be able to believe them and the person was important enough to me, then I´d try to give them the benefit of the doubt and keep their secret. That´s what I´ve been doing until now and it feels wrong and exhausting and not like something I should have to do within the scope and boundaries of a healthy friendship.

  18. Oh, I’m totally saying it wasn’t worth it! Just that it needs to be an extremely informed decision and that she needs to know what’s gonna happen when they go to the cops. I was unprepared when I went, thought I’d show the cops my evidence & let them handle it, turned into a lengthy 5 year court proceeding. Of course everything is different but giving cops evidence is no joke! So seeing people suggest it like it’s not a big deal is bad advice

  19. There will be some cases where it isn't obvious but first glance but the vast majority of times you can definitely see the difference between a teenager kid and a young adult, yes.

  20. Who cares why. If you’re not tired of this after 5 years you’re not confused you’re desperate and can’t be helped.

  21. So I think all you can do at this point is communicate better in the future. You didn't necessarily do anything wrong. But you didn't consider that your mom may have been (however unnecessarily) worrying about you. I don't think it's unreasonable for her to want to know approximately when you'll be back, either. That's information I'd tell roommates just for safety reasons.

    Fwiw, most parents have trouble letting go. I appeased mine by promising I'd tell my best friend who I was with, where, and when I'd be back to my place. That way, at least somebody knew, and could find me if necessary. Or, as my mom put it “so she knew where to send the cops”. Sigh. I have teenagers of my own now and it's very hot from this side, too. Communicate more. It'll help.

  22. Surely you had messaged and made plans with your family on your birthday right? Surprise parties don’t normally involve ambushing someone in their home without knowing your schedule or having someone close to you in on it.

  23. Yikes. 20 and 24 isn't much of a gap. (It's right on the edge where it's not creepy, but I can imagine the 24 year old getting annoyed by certain differences.) 18 and 23 is a hell no. That's a high school student and a college graduate. She's not talking to you because she knows he's a creep. People who fall victim to that shit are very defensive. Acknowledging that they were taken advantage of feels like admitting that they're stupid or weak, so they'll argue until they're blue in the face about how they're “different.”

    She needs to know that you'll be there when she finally leaves the weirdo. She's not going to be able to apologize until after that.

  24. I would personally tell my mom and dad together and show them the pics he has of her and what you read on discord, tell them everything, but do it when mom and dad are together. Ask your dad about the best way to handle this. Dad's are the best for this. Good luck

  25. The question of how to expose children to polyamory is tricky, and plenty of poly people struggle with it. I think there’s an increase in openness about it, and you hear a lot of people talk about “kitchen table poly,” meaning just making it part of daily life. I know there are kids growing up now just knowing that their parents also love other partners. Your parents clearly decided that they weren’t comfortable sharing this aspect of their lives and it sounds like it was an accident that you found out. All of that is pretty unfortunate. Depending on how you grew up I can see that being jarring – I grew up religious and would have been upset. Now, I am sort of loosely poly and wouldn’t care at all if my parents were. I could see it being good for them the way it is for me.

    All of that is to say that you discovered something unusual but not, in my opinion, horrifying. You’ve got some trauma around it though, which is absolutely valid! Trauma doesn’t have to make sense. Unfortunately, it seems like you don’t want to do the best thing for trauma, which is to get therapy. I would strongly recommend you reconsider that.

    As for the wedding, I personally think you would regret not having your parents at your wedding. I think you have lots of room and time to grow and learn, and maybe to soothe some of your worse feelings about them. You may never be ok with their lifestyle, but I do think you should consider it this is how you want your relationship to be with them. Overall though, you’re very young and getting married very young, and I hope you spend the time to work through all your feelings about all this.

  26. I'm literally 8 months pregnant. We have a saying in my family when someone is trying to be deliberately taunting with shitty behavior and it's direct translation to english is “they are playing with their sick leave” because they would need to use it..

    My husband would be kicked tf out if he just mentioned this shit to me rn. I'm kinda dealing with enough to even entertain such bs. I'd probably try to kill him… or come close if he didn't get tht talk out of my face. That would get shut down realllll fast.

    Imagine a whole pregnant woman carrying ur kid being told she's not good enough physically anymore because of the changes her body has gone through lol

    wow. The balls on this guy! It's laughable he cld even take the shit he said seriously.

  27. It's 6 months in only, come on, just break up.

    If you can't talk about your desires so she can make an informed decision, it's best to at least allow her to find someone who'll stay committed to her only.

  28. but don't realize (or aren't willing to accept) that it's actually herpes.

    Every time a post comes up in THIS sub involving cold sores, the comments are full of people having to be told it's herpes, they didn't know they had it. It's wild.

  29. They could have been sitting on a shelf with 2 inches of dust build up and he'd be miles over the line for not asking her first.

  30. What a no problem to make a fuzz about hahaha, a trash can with lid or even an automatic trashcan will do, is just another lil bag of trash instead spending a lot on plumbing for a fixer upper, theres your answer, he grew up poor and thats what happens in old houses, is easier to just have a trashcan where you can throw the used tp, thats why it has scent in the first place i suppose

  31. This is not a healthy relationship and honestly, it doesn't sound to me like you're in love with this guy. You have a long list of reasons to not want to be with him and you already broke up with him. You need to block him out of your life and get your mother to do the same.

  32. Hey thanks for the insight – I totally agree with you on that. He used the word addiction himself.

    I am a consumer of porn as well and have no issue with intermediate consumption of it, I totally get it. We’ve even watched it together before.

    To respond your part about if it’s interfering with things, I would not have guessed he was watching it so frequently until he told me. I noticed within the last month or so that we had been having less sex so I brought it up. In summary, it’s not interfering with anything except a decrease in our personal sex life. All other aspects seem fine.

  33. I don't think you need to be sensitive about it when you bring it up. Its completely reasonable that a married (essentially) couple wants their privacy and independence.

    You can tell him something like:

    I am 26 years old, I worked really naked my entire adult life. Buying a home has always been my goal.

    And if I am buying a home, I want the complete package.

    I am not interested in making the largest purchase of my life, under these conditions.

    I want privacy in my own home. I don't want to have to cater to someone else in my own home. I don't want to on-line according to their standards in my own home. I don't want to feel judged for the way I operate my own home. I don't want to have to change my behaviour in my own home.

    If I am buying a house… It is going to be my home.

    As much as I love your mom, I am not interested in giving up my privacy and independence.

    So, before we even consider making a home investment, we need a solution for your mom. I am not living with someone else where I feel like I am still a child under moms care.

    For now, I am putting the home purchase on pause until we figure out something with your mom.

    Nothing wrong with being direct and demanding about it…. You're considering buying a house together! Literally the biggest decision of your life. You have every right to have a level of expectations when it comes to it.

    If I am speaking for myself, yeah, it might even be a deal breaker for me. I have no issue with helping the mom out (of course)… But to have them live! their permanently? fuck that, sorry. Not my cup of tea. Not spending the next 20 years living with your mom, I want my independence.

    And completely hypothetical, lets say you two did break up. The next woman, who sees a full grown man still living with his mom (yes, he's owner), but to still see the mom cook for him, clean for him, do his laundry… Most women are going to go 'ew'.

  34. I understand the concern in that but we were casually dating. Therefore I was not taking him serious so the gifts were not a concern and did not move me. If those were backed by “I love you/I want you to be my gf/etc” I would have been more apprehensive.

    When he began wanting to take this trip and we started taking more recently is when I said okay he’s trying to be serious I may consider and look into things. And then this..


    Do not go on this trip.

    You don’t even know if you have his real name! If he has stolen someone’s identity.

    Call the hospital he supposedly works at? Check linkedIn? There’s a bajillion ways to verify his employment status.

    Cut bait and stop talking to him. If he wasn’t lying, you would have found him easily. That’s the truth.

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