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seline_xoxlive sex stripping with hd cam


41 thoughts on “seline_xoxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You made plans with your ex about your son, your wife knew all this in advance, then your ex tried to change the plans but you didn't allow it, and stuck to the original plans,

    Then your wife gets upset that she isn't getting her way about something, and now is mad at you, and wishes your son didn't exist?

    Is that right because that is what I got from your comment.

    So if I am right on that, then something unrelated to the plans didn't go your wifes way, and she got upset, and decided to hurt you, by bringing up something that your ex wife tried to do, but didn't let her, and decided to take it out on your son instead.

    So it shows you that any time your wife don't get her way she is going to take it out on your son. Which will cost all kinds of emotional and mental problems for your son as he grows up , and has to be witness to this behavior, and always wonder if he is the reason daddy is so unhappy in a marriage with a woman who got involved with a man with a kid, and expected to be put above the kid. Or she will treat him so poorly every time she gets upset that is causes him mental problems as well as emotional problems.

    She knew what she was getting involved in when she married you.

    I am a stepmom, and I knew what I was getting when I went into the relationship. I knew my life was going to have to be shaped around these kids at some points. Knew things were not going to go as planned all the time. But it is something I signed on for when I married my husband.

    My advice still stands. Choose your son, and divorce her, before she moves in with you. There is no reason what so ever that anyone should ever say they wished a child didn't exist

  2. You're 20, this is exactly the time in your life when relationships should be on the back burner while you focus on your dreams. I so, so regret giving up opportunities when I was your age for the sake of making my boyfriend happy.

    The person I'm with now would never ask me to give up my dreams. We're living in different countries this year for school, and our relationship is stronger than ever. He's doing what he needs to do for his dreams, I'm doing what I need to do for mine, and we're supporting each other instead of sabotaging each other.

    Don't learn this lesson the nude way like I did. Follow your dreams, he's either with you or he isn't.

  3. Give her several options, all in their original sealed containers. It was always a little weird if someone brought me a drink in a glass already, I don’t know, I’m a little old school and maybe paranoid

  4. You should probably read up more on what can constitute rape. In most legal systems, “stop” is not required. “I'm uncomfortable” is also a pretty clear indicator that she doesn't want to continue especially if he never received any confirmation to continue after.

    Previous consent also does not indicate future consent in most legal systems. Just because she ended up consenting in previous similar situations doesn't mean consent is implicit for all future situations.

    Dude didn't make sure he had consent, he can't say and hasn't said here that he got it. That's the responsibility he bears. He should own that.

  5. Then perhaps the best answer is to let her kids have the inheritance and you contribute towards your child. If something happened to your wife,God forbid, atleast she has taken care of her kids education. Considering her dad just passed, that might be on her mind.

  6. Your husband lied to her like he did you. You do have children to think about and you are showing them that you have zero agency and their dad has zero accountability, and that you all blame your problems on anyone but yourselves.

  7. Wow husband gifted intimate gifts to your friend? His plan is to check how she enjoyed vibrators and next thing he will ask if she thought of him while enjoying.: this story will go on . I hate the fact that husbands try to be over smart with wife’s friends in the name of friendship.. how about you gift similar flight to his close friend.. will he be happy? Such a disgusting thing to hurt wife on Christmas. Your husband is giving hints to your friend and making you fool . You have to let go of your friend or husband or deal with this stress choice is in your hands . All the best and sorry to hear this I’m so disgusted

  8. You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who loves all of you the way that you are! You should have an open conversation with your boyfriend about how you feel (nude, I know), but maybe he has never considered that he was being cold towards you when you needed affection. If he explains that your being trans is the reason, then it might be time to find someone who would truly love you the way that you are. Good luck!

  9. No, he DOES mean to brag. Someone that was not bragging would talk about the experience and never put a price on it. The only reason to mention the price in this context is focus on the price if only momentarily.

  10. Get out of there now. You know what my husband cares more about than taxes? My bodily autonomy. Do you want to apologize and make up excuses for and minimize the damage of his remarks for the rest of your life? Do you want to explain to your parents how nice a guy he is after he said some of this shit at the thanksgiving table? He should be embarrassed and you don’t have to be at all.

  11. u/Salty-Excitement-865, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. You need therapy for a pregnancy phobia; this is not a normal reaction to having sex. You went through an entire medical procedure and it has not done anything for you psychologically.

    But also having gone raw for like 8 years I understand where you’re partner is coming from frustration wise too; I want to feel my partner. It doesn’t mean you should do what you don’t want to do, but I get why he’s kind of fed up.

  13. I have lost all interest in self-expression. Every passion I've once had has become meaningless. That is another reason I posted this. I have been further and further disengaging with everything that makes life meaningful. Without intervention, I will eventually reach a point where I will be compelled to let go of life completely.

    I have let her know that my isolation has nothing to do with her and that I greatly value her. She knows I have problems. However, I know she feels pain that I have not been able to overcome them. It hurts being unable to establish a bond I yearn for so greatly.

    You're right about needing more understanding. I have a lot to learn and work through so I can make sense of the way my brain works.

  14. Don’t forget, she lied to you, pointedly for hours and days about where she was. You’re getting a classic trickle truth here. Suddenly she admits. She was at a guys house all day and she got dolled up and lied about it and now you’re having some symptoms… Wise up and get out

  15. I’ve been sexually active for like 20 some off years now (I was a late bloomer, didn’t do it until I was a legal adult) and I’ve only ever had to take plan B twice.

    Never did either man ask me to “prove” I took Plan B to him.

    I would Plan B this relationship. The trust issues alone are red flags, bells, and whistles.

  16. Oh really? Give an example where I suggested she do something illegal that would land her in trouble. None of these actions would result in OP landing in nude water. I told her to inform her ex that if he copies/distributed/emails or otherwise distributes these pictures, she will have him charged with Revenge Porn, because that's literally how it works. I then informed her to TELL HIS MOTHER what he is doing. He DID coerce her into taking several naked pictures when she wasn't comfortable. The only, “questionable,” bit would be lying about being underaged in a photo or two to light a fire under the Mom's ass to make sure they're all deleted. That's not illegal. Derp, derp.

  17. Tell him one of two things:

    Okay fine, and I’m going to bang some other dudes also


    This relationship isn’t working, bye

  18. Oh lol, ok.

    You’re right, I did assume that a reasonable person would look at her reaction and think she’s being a brat. My bad. I’ll leave space for those who think acting the way she did is reasonable (for those who do think it’s reasonable, probably shouldn’t be handing out advice).

  19. damn 2 years is both shorter than i expected and a damn long time :/ yeah i thought so and yes i wanted to talk about it with the (potential) new partner 🙂 any potholes you can warn me about?

    Ok. i will take it. I don't know.She ment a lot to me (duh.) and i always thought we would breakup as friends (if ever) and seeing her just throw us away without even making sure we did all the things is just…oof. I mean she met some1 apperantly and it just clicked so..shes happier than i am i guess. Why would she come back tho? She is succesful herself and her partens and “his” parents got a lof of money. Mine don't . So i doubt it. Especially if we break up like this where shes only angry at me (for some reason lol) . And i think i will always give a shit about her since those were almost 8 years and 8 important one at that.18-26 i mean damn all the things that happen in that time all the choices one makes and the development one goes through. I dont know if she will value it in the same way

  20. Give him space. If you need more then leave. He’s completely into you but you sound very incompatible for each other.

  21. Thanks that makes sense, I don't know enough about the different philosophies to know what terms to look for. Appreciate it.

  22. She may deny the behavior, but that’s ok as long as she stops doing it. The goal isn’t “get her to admit she’s sexually harassing you”, it’s “get her to knock it off”. Denying it out of embarrassment is a very probable outcome. To return awkwardness to sender (her), it is better to describe the behavior you have an issue with than to just ask her to stop hitting on you.

    There is a big difference between “Stop flirting with me”, which likely leads to a response of “I wasn’t flirting with you!”


    “You frequently make comments that you want to touch me, give me personal compliments, and bring up sexual subjects when we talk. You have also stated that you want me to visit you and to develop a personal relationship with me. All of this behavior is unwanted and inappropriate in a professional relationship. “

    If you want, you could add that in the US, some of that behavior would actually violate laws relating to sexual harassment. Which is true—frequently bringing up sexual topics in a professional relationship is a good way to get sued.

  23. My husband takes both 20mg and 30mg throughout the day but he definitely struggles with his sleep schedule if he takes his adderal to late in the day, he’s gotta his timing right but it’s like night and day when he’s on his medication, I can just see the shift the adderal has on him mentally and physically.

  24. honestly, im getting tired of drinking. im usually the one that pushes for “one more shot” and im usually always down to drink, but i’ve realized it’s not that fun anymore. plus the hangovers suck ?

  25. It's not a wasted year, dont see it like that. It was an experience you lived, it was fun and you both will miss it.

  26. I honestly thought that he was donating the switch, too, but when I found out that his switch didn’t make it into the box, I lost it. I can’t wrap my mind around why a reasonable person would donate switch games that didn’t belong to them, and not also the switch. Even if he wants to use the “my games aren’t rated well,” he can go buy new games. Ffs.

    He might just want to look good for work, but he shouldn’t be doing that at your expense.

  27. From what she wrote, he told her he had 300k, and didn't tell her that 150k of those weren't his.

    I also wouldn't agree to let the husband borrow an extra 150k – if he couldn't save it up til now, how is he supposed to save it up in the future? People don't just grow fiscally responsible over night.

  28. My ex husband once got mad at me for how long it took me to finish work to take the kids on vacation to the seashore. He left me there with the kids and no car. Notice he is my EX Husband

  29. A/ Don’t generalize. Your guy is the one who’s expecting to buy your body for a dinner or a movie not every man out there. B/ If you continue thinking this is how men think you’ll only attract men like this. C/ Dump his ass. Grow a pair. Raise your standards.

  30. the way she treated everyone with respect.

    Seriously? Outwardly she plays the game well but now you've seen behind the mask. It's an act! Not real.

  31. That's really weird. There's definitely a reason he didn't want you there. I don't know if I would be able to move past this without finding out the real reason.

    Maybe there was someone coming who he didn't want you to meet.

    Seems like he either wanted to seem single or there was someone showing up who he acts differently around. For example, a friend who he acts broey around, when he acts very progressive around you.

  32. If i were you id be more pissed about the sick depraved lines both your bf and sister crossed by sleeping together. Like your bf is wheelin two sisters and your first reaction ISNT to scream vomit in the shower while scrubbing your body clean with steel wool? Your boyfriend and sister sick, twisted, horrible people. End of story. Sweet home Alabama’s playing in the background. Run. Vomit. Block their numbers. And Tell your parents yourself.

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