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Sexshantel live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 15, 2022

60 thoughts on “Sexshantel live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Understood:) I've told her it doesn't bother me and genuinely doesn't. I'm a guy who has trust issues and someone who tends to overthink. So i just got a little worried if it was normal for her to do that like just 18 days before going out with me and why did she wait 5 months to tell me that something like that had happened


  2. “I don't think you should reconcile though, I think you should be looking for an escape route, as I honestly think your partner sounds toxic and abusive based on what's written here.”

    This is something to keep in mind.

  3. I’d try to talk to him about it. Ask him what he means!__ Personally, I really loved my ex gf, and we were best friends. Other factors lead to our breakup, but I think it’s important to be friends with ur partner. Something’s are “girl talk” or are “for the boys” but i think it’s definitely a good thing to be friends with your partner

  4. He’s still young. His hormones are raging like all young men his age. Ask him to be respectful and at least cover his percy tracks. The probability of him cheating on you with a porn star is very unlikely lol. It’s natural. And stay out of his phone. You also might learn more about what he’s into by being open to seeing together what he likes.

  5. 10 kids in 5 different homes? Really doubt it. I don’t doubt the kids turned out healthy and loved, but not because of their father.

  6. go to r/vent. there is no actual advice to give here.

    he's your ex. he is single. what he does now is of no concern to you, and vice versa.

    move on.

  7. My boyfriend is a literal Reverend “Smith” and is going through a divorce. Christianity is not an excuse to stay with this abusive arsehole. You deserve better.

  8. Nope i wouldn't think twice before breaking up with her. Cheating isn't a small thing to turn your head from.

  9. You need to ask her if marriage is a requirement for her. If it isnt, cool, no problem. If it is, You have to decide which you want more. Her or your desire to stay unmarried. Either way you should decide soon before you waste her time even more.

  10. Hello /u/humbleness8,

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  11. Definitely had some people in mind and wanted sex without the cheating label.

    Also OP, it’s a universal truth that it’s much easier for women to find casual sex. There’s nothing you can do about it.

  12. I appreciate you taking the time to comment, however I would like you to also consider the possibility that she isn’t “choosing to put up with him”. I don’t like victim blaming in any capacity.

  13. Different dudes in those posts, sorry.

    But besides, I get being uncomfortable and asking him to stop, but sexualising someone's body because you can see an outline of something that is covered is not cool, especially when you then use that to call someone a pervert.

    On the school thing with the AITA guy, we literally don't know what they looked like on him, but the people at the school literally saw him many times and didn't find it inappropriate enough to do anything about it. That to me says it was maybe strange, but not so revealing that it was criminal, like some want to imply.

    This guy with the 14 year old though… wearing your underwear in your house is one thing, but he seems to have very creepy intentions based on his comments on this post, so I have nothing to say there but that it's not the underwear that's the problem, it's his creepy behaviour.

  14. It's clear that your fiancé and you have some major differences and you're worried about sacrificing all your dreams for him. Here's the deal, if he's not willing to compromise and make things work for both of you, then you gotta start thinking about yourself. You're not gonna be happy if you're always being ignored and pushed aside.

    You gotta have a real talk with him and lay it all out on the table. Tell him exactly how you feel and what you need in this relationship. If he's still not willing to compromise, then you gotta start thinking about if this is really the right relationship for you. It's important to be with someone who supports and loves you for who you are, not just when it's convenient for them.

    And if he's still not willing to work with you and make things right, then you gotta start thinking about your own happiness and well-being. You deserve to be with someone who loves and supports you, not just someone who's asking you to sacrifice everything for them.

    So, don't be afraid to speak up and tell him exactly how you feel. If he's not willing to work with you and make things right, then it's time to start thinking about yourself and your own happiness. And remember, you deserve the best, always.

  15. It's clear that your fiancé and you have some major differences and you're worried about sacrificing all your dreams for him. Here's the deal, if he's not willing to compromise and make things work for both of you, then you gotta start thinking about yourself. You're not gonna be happy if you're always being ignored and pushed aside.

    You gotta have a real talk with him and lay it all out on the table. Tell him exactly how you feel and what you need in this relationship. If he's still not willing to compromise, then you gotta start thinking about if this is really the right relationship for you. It's important to be with someone who supports and loves you for who you are, not just when it's convenient for them.

    And if he's still not willing to work with you and make things right, then you gotta start thinking about your own happiness and well-being. You deserve to be with someone who loves and supports you, not just someone who's asking you to sacrifice everything for them.

    So, don't be afraid to speak up and tell him exactly how you feel. If he's not willing to work with you and make things right, then it's time to start thinking about yourself and your own happiness. And remember, you deserve the best, always.

  16. Look him up and ask him to come meet you for a coffee. Not a drink, but a coffee. It's very low-key, very chill. Do it. Because if you don't, you will always wonder. And he could end up being a great match for you! Or maybe even a fantastic friend! Good luck, and please let me know what happens with this! I definitely want an update on the roommate potential! ?

  17. We've been together coming up on 4 years this April amd don't plan on getting married for at least a couple of years. And I should've clarified in my OG post that my dad does have some of his own money. He does get some money but what he gets a month is nothing short of a joke honestly. But if I did move out my dad probably could make it on his own I'm sort of just having a nude time leaving him alone because I know there's things he can't do. For now I'm mostly focused on therapy and getting myself back to where I need to be and he's very supportive of that. My fiancé offered to do this and we had a long conversation before I even told him I'd be okay with him giving me money. It's a very odd time and I'm just trying to see what I can do to make the best out of him being gone for long periods of time. If I didn't help my dad he'd be just as supportive of me as if I gave him nothing and he'd still try and make it on his own. Just a strange situation to be in I suppose.

  18. Thats even more concerning. So you CAN get an age appropriate partner, you just PREFER pubescent girls.

  19. I think in general he lacks thoughtfulness. This isn’t the first time I have felt like my needs aren’t being met while I go out of my way for his

  20. Yeah, exactly. I’m not disagreeing with that! I honestly don’t think that most of the people arguing with me here disagree with me either, but a lot of y’all seem to think I’m saying that this situation was okay in any way? clearly this is a relationship issue, between two adults, & they should have had a conversation about this— a conversation that OP’s wife absolutely should have started when she realized her concerns weren’t being prioritized, because OP is still in a vulnerable state herself. If they’ve had the time & energy to fight about this several times in the last day, surely they could have made the effort to discuss it reasonably a week ago.

  21. Please leave him! So much anxiety and stress. You would hold up everything because he acts like a brat!


  22. Vasectomy aren’t 100% but he is going to be doubtful. Tell him you will get a genetic test for the baby to prove you were faithful.

  23. He needs to go to the doctor. This does happen. It happened to my parents. He had to have the surgery again. Tell him the truth. If he accuses you of cheating ask him why? What are you guilty of to think this way? It happened to my SIL & BIL. He also had to have the surgery again.

  24. It's okay if she doesn't like me but what hurts me is she values her male friend more than that she can't even lift my phone.

  25. IDK, all the comments saying she's feeling neglected or whatever are, IMO, missing the point. She's comparing it to cheating. That's a massive red flag to me.

    I'd be tempted to walk away if I heard that.

  26. I would suggest atleast going to the police, alot of places are adopting the idea of this being assault by failure to disclose

  27. I mean do you really need us to spell this one out for you broski? She's checked out and is enjoying all the perks of a single life while keeping you in her back pocket in case it doesn't work out.

    If she always has her phone on her and responds immediately to the random guys that message then you just aren't a priority. You're a backup. My advice is to leave.

  28. Are you okay with him doing that, if no, and if you hadn’t talked about boundaries like that before it’s a pretty huge red flag

  29. Walk away. Do not go the open route. That is not fair to her. Let her find someone who loves her.

  30. You need to be honest with him. I’ve been in your shoes, and I’ve had it pass before. But you shouldn’t be hiding your feelings from him.

  31. Thanks! I’m not trying to complain. Only trying to see if others see the red flags also. Ya know sometimes it’s nude to see them for the inside.

  32. There's a reason a 30 year old is dating someone 10 years younger. She thinks you're on the same maturity level, unfortunately she doesn't even have the maturity of a 22 year old.

  33. He is going to be here for up to 4 years possibly more. Told me he wants to eventually buy a place here. I’m just so confused. We haven’t really gotten to a deeper personal level yet in our conversations so I almost want to ask about his relationship history first before I reach out.

  34. I would move on. Let this one go. This relationship seems like a lot of drama, and you have some sort of vague promise of a future together at an unknown time. That's not commitment. That's him saying he's looking for other women but will reach out if he gets bored.

  35. For curiosity, how is “body counts”, i.e actions defining the person you are and your morality, dumb and misogynisitc, but something like height, something you are born with and out of your control, totally fine to care about?

  36. All you can do is support your gf and not get upset with her. Try to not hang out at her parents or go over if your girlfriend is ok with that. Hopefully eventually they will come around.

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