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Room for live! sex video chat Sexy_Hasina
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Birth Date: 1992-09-12
Body Type: bodyTypeAverage
Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBlack
Subculture: subcultureHousewives
Date: October 5, 2022
If people went back to read their posts more often they’d realize exactly this, or even more.
My ex was just absolutely awful and it wasn’t until we got into a fight and I almost demanded he tell me redeeming qualities about me that made him love me but I couldn’t think of a single thing about him aside that we both play games and have similar hobbies, and it wasn’t until he mentioned an ex told him he was controlling and I had to break it to him that yes, yes he was that I was like wait why am I still dating you.
I did what a majority of posters asking for relationship advice should do and I made boundaries and stuck to it, even going as far as increasing the level of certain boundaries when he refused to meet them, and then continued to whine about having to meet them, that I was like yeah this isn’t working.
When you go back to see the complaints you send to other people and add it all up you realize something, and I also realize how little people proof read.
There’s a guy, I got a side with your wife at this one. Boundaries.
I can see why her family dislikes you based on your previous posts ?
so am i in the wrong for bringing it up? or is this something you should tell someone you care and love about?
Thank you for your sympathy… yea I mean I’m not someone who advises to dump right away as I know it’s harder when there’s commitment involved… but do take time to see if this is a pattern of his … it may hurt at first if you decide to leave but better to cut the limb than lose your life
i wish i knew lol the plumber pulled a bunch of them out of our pipes a few months ago and he took a picture of it, that’s how bad it was. they were all intertwined and created a blockage. my aunt uses them and we had no idea she was flushing them when she was staying over.
Thank you that’s a good plan
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Is this for real?
Setting boundaries is all good and dandy. Doesn’t matter though if you don’t stick to them.
The fact that she spent a third of her life hiding who she is, being forced to have sex with a man, just makes me disgusted with myself. I can't imagine how miserable I would be if I was in this situation
Wtf?!? OP STOP!
She was never forced. You know that. Don't degrade yourself. She may not have been honest to her family, but you showed her the vulnerability of death and losing a loved one, you should have and you EARNED THAT RIGHT to honesty from her.
I'm a big advocate for sexuality and living your truth…. but don't you blame yourself for her not telling you her truth. She chose you because you were “safe”… never aggressive (but I'm assuming that's what she would prefer due to who she follows, I watch some of those as well and take notes honestly)… you are actually a victim in this OP…. she said she doesn't want to lose you? Why? She's not attracted to you right? She is OK with someone else having you right?… she doesn't want to lose this lifestyle OP…. not you… the lifestyle.
10 years… and cancer?!?
Getting your parental rights termed post childbirth is almost impossible. You're looking at most likely paying child support until he finds a wife. Pretty much No judge will grant you terming your rights until he's got a spouse willing to adopt the kid. I'm sorry that you got burned like this. It sucks, but there's no way to duck your financial obligations to the kid but the courts can't force visitation atleast.
You could of also been mature by avoiding this situation altogether and telling him if he wants to raise a kid, go find a partner who wants one.
But no, not even one of you was thinking this?
Sounds like he knew his intentions in the situation beforehand. Not sane reason has been presented reflecting why he needed a kid specifically from YOU.
Also, it is messed up that you went through the mental gymnastics to clearly understand: you would be having a kid for a single dad (with whom you have on/off relationship with) that you would also immediately be abandoning. There is some SERIOUS lack of care for human life right there, and if you don't understand that because “I didn't agree to this” it shows your immaturity.
If you wanna believe that an omnipotent being wants his creations to not put corresponding body parts together because it will offend him/her, that is great. I guess part of faith is suspending reason and just going with it. My advice would be to pray the anger away…or just fuck.
Ask yourself if you would want to be a nazi because it’s that or it’s over i think. You could try showing him articles and they showing where maybe his ideas didn’t work
Yes. There are other exhausted mother out there who have less energy and drive for sex on a regular basis. But I for one, have a husband who understands that. He also understands that if he really wants sex, he is more likely to get it if he helps more than usual with chores, especially dinner/dishes/kids bedtime stuff.
Your husband sounds like a jerk. And is trying to blame it all on you. It’s sounds like you’re looking after a whole other grown child.
He would be happier with me…
This sounds manipulative, controlling and honestly, a bit of a turn off. I’n not saying this is the case- but a lot of what you’ve said makes it seem as if he wants to give you low self esteem- making himself appear more important than you and that he has so many more options.
Why don’t YOU make a list? I would be making a huge list and sit down with him and then dump him.??
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So I was talking to my bf the other day and I forget how the conversation started but the topic ended up going to cheating and my boyfriend admitted to cheating on his ex. I asked him if it was the only time he cheated and he said no, he cheated on all of his exes (he said he’s had 3 serious relationships). I asked him why and he said he was being stupid and immature, and he regrets it, and doesn’t want to hurt a woman he’s with in that way again. He also said that was one of the reasons that he didn’t date for 8 years after breaking up with his last ex.
Now I’m really thinking twice about being with him. We’ve been together for 6 months and I find cheating to be a major character flaw. A one off, I can maybe overlook but cheating on all his exes? I don’t want to be next. But he did say he worked on himself, so idk what to do. And I’ve fallen for him too. Should I give him the benefit of the doubt or break up now?
Yes, very much so. We're just both very family oriented people. And she gets along so well with my family, it's so nice to see. I just wish I could have the same with her family, because they mean a lot to her.
This isn't to say that she blindly follows her family’s views and opinions, because she doesn't. She defends them very rationally and calls them out when they're being unjust. They're just very hard people to impress when it comes to their daughter.
I’m not the biggest fan of cats, so I don’t think I’m being biased when I say, your BF is an asshole. How do you demand a gf you don’t live with give up pets she already owns?
Your friends are right. You're romanticizing trauma and it's fucking gross.
Yes, this isn’t going anywhere. Sorry
It’s really good that we’re starting to accept poly relationships as valid. That doesn’t mean everyone needs to want a non-monogamous relationship.
Your partner is being a bit pushy about what she wants here. It’s not okay for her to continue to press this when you said no. You two should have an honest conversation about what you each need from your relationship. It would suck if you found a dealbreaker when you’re both so invested, but it’s better to catch it today then tomorrow.
My darling, every red flag you mentioned is exactly what we all expected. He’s dating you because women his age won’t put up with this Peter Pan bullshit. You deserve much better. He’s 35! If he was going to change he would have by now. Please, leave him.
Hell no girl
It really is up to you. If its paining you, if you can't get it out of your head, it's not healthy and you'll start resenting and lashing out eventually, and it will be bad for both of you. If your more sexually open minded and you feel the emotional connection is strong between you two, maybe stay. Don't let society dictate what you should do. But also I'd say don't let love drive your decision, cuz, hey, older guy here, love doesn't conquer all, you can love someone and be unhappy and hate them all at the same time. Think about it long and hard.
You’re right that we arent exclusive and I don’t think I would mind or think that much if it if it was a regular date with some guy. But on his birthday it’s just the two of them getting drinks then dinner? It seems like one of them is into the other and I can’t tell which. That’s why I’m wondering if I should just avoid all together. It seems messy
I would just tell him you can’t reciprocate right now. If he doesn’t react well, then yeah maybe run. Otherwise I’d stick with it.
Just break up. Only tell the reason if she asks. But dont take her back if she begs. because that would mean she only agrees to sex because she doesnt want to break up, which isnt good for either of you
Good on her for having some boundaries. You came Into the relationship knowing that. Either beat it out yourself some more or move on. A couple of months isn’t a huge amount of time. Definitely don’t be trying to force her, instead look at it that she isn’t just hooking up with a different dude every night for 3 years straight.
Instead figure out, do I actually get along with her and really click on all levels, or is it I just want to have sex…
That's shitty.
I don't know, but when someone wants to spend time with you they make it happen.
Look, I'm going to be honest with you. This has nothing to do with Sami and Tom, and everything to do with your husband being a manipulative control freak. Reading between the lines, is he using religion as the crux of his argument? Something fundamentally based? Or is he just paranoid that you'll realize you could do much better than him?
And this is coming from a guy. I've seen plenty like your husband over the years, and wondered why the hell their wives stay with them.
If you're happy to let a guy waste his life on a cheater then that's fine but don't pretend that you're doing it to protect yourself or if you are just come out straight and say you're a coward
Also don't act like you're against cheating like you have done in other comments whilst desperately trying to convince op to not speak up.
People like you are a cheater's best friend, you're inaction is covering for them, the women in that cheater's sub you mentioned fucking love you
Yep. Women are likely to see men they fuck in the ass as feminine.
Yeah I sound exhausting tbh
Honestly tho! He straight up made a comment about how they would have to “wait weeks to get an appointment to remove it.” Like, does he think the uterus is an easy bake oven? If you can't handle waiting for a doctor's appointment to remove birth control, and can't handle multiple visits, you probably arent ready to have a child
There is only one choice to make … how long you are going to endure a one sided relationship. Being with BF is a distraction from a happy life that you should be having. You are at the beginning of a great adventure (your life) and don't need an anchor to hold you back. Dump him yesterday. Best wishes.
I think you already have. My feelings would be hurt. I would tell him my feelings were hurt. But. You already have, right?
Why you so quick to defend a possible, what’s heavily implied in this thread, pedophile?
Also, I’m going to ask you to turn that “reading comprehension” comment around on yourself. I said… “ …any comments he’s making” not “the comments he making”. ?
Seems both of y’all are pretty young and not mature enough to sit down and delegate tasks y’all can do that u both are okay with. Sick of these posts that are basically a walking flag saying “I married super young and didn’t expect my significant other to be annoying and not what I expected”
Just tell him his two choices are a) the babysitter you very kindly arranged or b) his Mom. That's it. Those are the two choices, and he needs to pick one. You are under absolutely no obligation to do something that makes you (understandably) uncomfortable. No matter what any of his family or his mistress say.
My advice is to stop allowing his family to abuse you. If he allows this ONE DAY to affect his co-parenting, he's a moron who will just find some other reason down the road to be awful. Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.
That's for the constructive feedback. I'll sure take it to heart.
Yep he’s trying to gaslight you. Homeboy is screwing someone else. Kick his stank-ass to the curb. He’s a real POS. Never settle for a jerk like him. Make him go get tested for STDs.
Why is it so hard for her to pick up the phone and just say “hey”?
Sounds like you both have totally different communication styles. You both need to tell each other what you need out of this connection. Or how it's making you feel. Just like you could have texted her more, she could have done the same. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
I'm sorry you feel so alone in your relationship. But communication and affection are two very important parts to any healthy relationship. I think you may want to talk with him about his communication with you. If he still can not communicate with you, you should think about why you love someone who can not give you something that is essential in a relationship. and maybe think about finding someone who does.
Your husband should be in your corner. He should be your partner who respects your boundaries and lifts you up when you're feeling small and weak. He shouldn't be making you feel small and weak in the face of your trauma.
I'd say it's time to free yourself from this man. He should be helping you. Instead he wants to hurt you. and he doesn't care that he's hurting you, he expects you to put up with it so he gets what he wants.
Literally fuck him. What a cruel piece of crap. You deserve better than that. You deserve someone who shields you from your hurt. Someone who actually cares.
It's ok to be average in looks bro. You have a girlfriend that loves you stop being paranoid
It is disrespectful and degrading to be assaulted by someone’s bodily fluids. What can I say? She’s a nasty pig. What’s insidious is you are likely going to forgive it because….love her so much which then teaches her that it’s okay to cross this boundary as it has no consequence. Then she will escalate her abuse. By the time you are finally realizing that love isn’t enough for a healthy relationship and end things,you will have been spit on multiple times, slapped, punched, and publicly humiliated by her. Are you sure you want to go through all that before you break up with her?
Oooh bitch about it on the internet, argue with a woman on Reddit, maybe that will put a halt to all sex work!
Of course it's valid for you to want or even need more words of affirmation.
You just can't expect to automatically get them from your wife if you've never actually told her that this is where she should 'put her money', so to speak of.
I would encourage you to talk to her about it honestly. You don't have to do it from the perspective that it's something you're lacking and don't think she's providing, you can just tell her it's something you would appreciate more of.
If you don't want to do that, for whatever reason, you can also try to encourage it by telling her “I love it when you tell me x y z” or similar and hope she eventually catches on. However, why go through all that when you can skip right to the improvement you're seeking by just talking to her?
Avoiding a problem is not the same thing as solving a problem.
Something that is a major problem with young men in the western culture is the fact that we become conditioned to sexualize women. And I don't mean that in some type of crazy unrealistic way. I mean we literally lack the ability to look at women as humans. All we see is tits, boobs, thighs, that happened to have a face attached to them.
And this really isn't healthy. Because you have to force yourself to not think of people this way rather than just not thinking of people this way. Again, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to women. It's natural. But it shouldn't be every woman.
He sounds ridiculous. Please don’t ever leave your dog alone with him. I get he’s sad over losing his dog.. but his reaction to you getting a puppy is seriously unhinged.
It’s so bad especially with reflections of cars or buildings. I damaged my left eye when I crushed that side of my face and I have a freckle in the back of it that has to be watched for cancer. I’m certain that if I had dark eyes I wouldn’t have that freckle.
Disclaimer: I don't have all the answers for you, I can only point you in the directions the answers might be. That said, instagram, tiktok, facebook, etc. are all designed to be addictive, so he may just be dealing with that poorly. To be fair, a lot of people are. As far as whatsapp, telegram and other third party messaging apps, I don't know, but I would hazard a guess that he is in constant communication with the other students or professors in his program about things that are pertinent to his being able to complete this almost 12 year journey of his. I know that that's how we commonly communicated when we needed an isolated medium. Speaking from experience, the closer one gets to achieving a big goal like this, the more pressure one can feel and with that, other things that are important to us can fall by the wayside. This can lead to a multitude of odd behaviors, but the behavior in question, the constant checking of his phone, could be one of them, and seeing as certain medical professionals are required to pick up their phones 24/7, my bet is that it's a habit that has been instilled in him by either an overzealous professor somewhere along the way, or perhaps a work experience, traumatic or otherwise. You've been on three dates with this gentleman. I don't mean to be crass, but try to put yourself in his position with any of the above qualifiers being met and let me ask you: If you had been working for about 12 years of your life on something's important that it could drastically change the course of your life, as great as any guy may be, would you be willing to miss a potentially vital message concerning that for a single digit date? Just something to think about. I personally believe that your best course of action would be to, if you do decide to go on another date, to ask him about what he plans for the future, how he plans to get there, and most importantly, how intentionally he is seeking those things. If he brings up wanting a family, phrase it politely, but let him know that that requires a lot of, if not moreso, intentionality than his chosen profession. Let him know you want to see this continue, but that if you don't see marked improvement, you will go somewhere where you feel valued. Let him know that you want him to succeed, and that you're not setting an ultimatum, but that you do, for the durationof your date, want his undivided attention. Understand that he is busy, but don't be afraid to ask for justification as to what he's doing on his phone. You are there with him. Whoever he's talking to via the phone is not. Encourage him to be in the moment. Now, if he says having a family is not in his future, then you should seriously question what you're doing on this date with him, because it would be immediately apparent by that answer that you two are not moving towards a future together. Just my thoughts on the matter. Use them if they'll serve you well, trash them if they won't.
She has cheated on you (more than once), you owe her nothing
I think at this point there isn’t much you can do. At most, you can apologize for bringing relationship drama in to his business and tell him you were trying to look out for him, but that you won’t bring it up again. If shit hits the fan, then you say, “sorry dude, but I tried to warn you.”
You gave him the info, but it’s his life.
He never told her he was uncomfortable, just that the guy wants to have sex with her. Before she asks if he's jealous, Bf says she doesn't understand why he's mad at her. BTW she didn't just invite him but others for drinking at her place. He was the only one who came over. She is not mocking him although he was correct that the guy took the opportunity to come on to her. Like every other guy out there. She's 24 and has bad judgement I will agree. She was also drunk, as was the guy, which makes bad judgement worse. She didn't miss the sexual angle but told him NO. She claims he stopped or she stopped him. She's an adult and believe me, countless women think they can handle a similar situation (whether they have or not).
She made a poor decision and now needs to decide if she wants to have a relationship with OP or Not. She also needs not to be such a dumbass when she's drinking. On the other hand she wouldn't be talking to this guy about feelings and life shit if OP would have these conversations with her. She wouldn't look outside the relationship if it was inside. By OP's own admittance he doesn't do these talks, and concludes that he has a hard time with his emotions.
You can wave your flag all you want.
Well.. husband is abusive. Family is abusive.
So it's very clear she should focus on living by herself, work her traumas first then trying to find a partner not only with the goal to get rid of her abusive family. Otherwise it will only put her inthe hands ofabusive people.
Why? Your husband has shown a pattern of dangerous and uncontrolled behavior and is a sexual predator. “But I want to give him one last chance to live! with his kids and ruin all our lives” FUCK THAT. Let him get therapy as a condition of visitation.
And by “therapy” I mean “sex offender treatment”. Do NOT go to couples counseling with him for this. That implies that this is a couples issue. It is not. He is a sex offender. That is his issue and his alone.
So what is he doing about it? Why are you the one coming here asking how to fix him?
Thank you.