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SexyNikkita on-line sex chats for YOU!


chattake me to the land pleasure

Date: October 19, 2022

14 thoughts on “SexyNikkita on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Okay cool, ty for justifying my feelings. I was worried people were going to be like “well this is why you shouldn't have casual sex” or something. Like I get that nobody owes me anything but it still feels really disrespectful and bad, I don't like it. And yeah I really hope he doesn't try to come back just for sex.. after ghosting… I'd feel SO bad LOL, i'm going to delete and ignore ?

  2. Without warning her in advance, drive her over to the location and see what or who is there. Knock on the front door …see who answers.

  3. I would leave it this was happening to me. I’d also ask her if she actually thinks your a pedophile then how can she morally still be with one ? That should drive the point home that’s she’s being ridiculous.

  4. Two things going on here:

    You should work on yourself. Maybe counseling/therapy. Your lack of self confidence roots from somewhere. It’s up to you to identify, and work on it.

    Also, you need to decide if you are willing to be with a partner that is unwilling to give any reassurance. We all need reassurance sometime. I know I wouldn’t put up with a partner that refuses emotional calls.

  5. Chickens. Roosting. So many chickens.

    But hey, you got what you asked for. Enjoy all the sexual partners you want as a divorced person.

  6. OP isn't a parent. Daughter is an adult which you somehow can't understand. “The intruder (OP) in the relationship will always be the loser.” not really dude, we don't agree at all.

  7. This is such a weird problem that I'm trying to think of ulterior motives for your boyfriend's behavior. Weird shit like he wants to sell you, so he's establishing a pattern of behavior for you to explain your sudden disappearance. Far fetched? Sure, but his actions are putting you in actual danger. Beyond not making you feel safe, your partner is literally making you unsafe. A) Don't go on scary walks with him and B ) maybe dump him before he comes up with a new nefarious plan

  8. When it comes to beauty that people find overwhelming, my experience is universal. It also happens to people that become famous as adults. Actors talk about it often – how difficult it is to form genuine friendships, how they have to be careful because they don't know whether someone actually likes them, or they just want to use them. How they have to set boundaries to protect themselves. That's how I know you are not at that level of beauty. It is universal.

    People see us as trophies. They see beauty as power. So they try to use us to make themselves more “important”. You have no idea what that's like. They want to be seen with us; I've had people fight just to stand next to me. Not because of “me” but because they wanted to be seen standing next to me. I had “friends” charge people ridiculous amounts of money in exchange for an introduction. People have charged others money on the promise they would arrange for me to walk down a particular street. People paid, just so they could look at me. Not to talk to me, just to look at me from a short distance. Those are only some examples.

    You have never experienced that. Most people can't wrap their head around it. In NYC, home to actors and world renowned models, I stop traffic just by standing there waiting to cross the street. You don't know what it's like to get mobbed by strangers when walking down the street, they want to touch my hair, tell me that am beautiful, try to get a hug. I've had crowds of children stop, stare, and then run towards me for a hug, or just to say hi. It affects everyone, regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation. My experience is universal – every person that's of equal beauty have described similar experiences.

    If you had experienced a world, a life, where your beauty is overwhelming, you would not have written the OP. You would know that friends are priceless. Given your age, you would know setting boundaries is the only to function. You would know that by now, if you were truly beautiful.

    I'm not knocking you, am just explaining that you are not a the level of beauty you believe yourself to be. Maybe because of your abandonment issues, you don't want to set boundaries. Maybe you feel like setting boundaries will lead to people “leaving” you – abandoning you. I'm just pointing out that you shouldn't use your looks as an excuse because your looks are not the problem. You are not truly beautiful. Don't sabotage yourself and become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Learn to set boundaries. Start little by little. At first it may feel weird, it may cause you some anxiety. But it will get better. Dealing with those issues now will allow you to create long lasting friendships. Those relationships are priceless.

  9. Absolutely! Also, it sounds to me that he's trying to make her feel guilty for not saying to ignore his own actions/to get away with it.

    “Sure, I tried to put you through a permanent change to your body and brain by forcing 9 months of painful pregnancy onto you, and a lifetime of being a parent, despite you not wanting that at all and always stating that you didn't want it…. BUT you lied and didn't tell me you were infertile!!!!!!!”

  10. “Do I keep asking her every couple days or once a week if she is ready to have sex again or do I just stick it out and wait” No. help her start the process. Do whatever it takes to make her feel wanted.

    Come on brother….

    You need to squash the “you” right now if you want to fix this. Sex is 90% the problem when it's a problem but only 10% of a actual relationship.

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