It’s most likely over. I would really consider deleting old partners content, not just so this doesn’t happen but why keep it? I would let him be, this was really hot for him to see based on his actions.
Follow your job opportunity and I hope you two Break off the relationship. Sorry but I think that from reading the first post and this one that you both need to be single. Leave and get on with your life and I hope that each of you leave each other alone.
Correct; asymptomatic means without symptoms. I wish people knew that Chlamydia tends to be symptom-free for many people but it's working its way to cause internal damage. I think about women, for example, and the issues with pelvic inflammatory disease that they're wholly unaware of. ALL people; get tested for STDs regularly, even if in a committed relationship, even if married.
The age gap shows she is a creep. Why aint she dating men from her age? Give her an ultimatum of paternity test. Dont sign on any birth papers till then. Or if you can get her ex husband contact and talk to him about their intimacy in recent times.
… sorry my man dating a girl in her 20s when your 30, sorta ends like this unfortunately, she has changed, it's best to cut the cord, give her rent money for a couple months if you feel the need too. Plenty of people get loans and go to grad school, but if you want any hope of dating someone who loves you and has similar goals and wants you need to go
Thank you so much for this, I’m hurt and angry but I’ll be okay, it’s good to hear other people’s perspectives on this. When you’re going through it yourself you don’t always seen things clearly.
I would be the same if he came to me saying he was concerned about a male friend. I would do what needed to be done to make things better. It seems he values Lizzie over me and that is tough.
This actually might be a good idea, thanks. I know her therapist so it wouldn't hurt to at least talk to him about it even if he can't address the situation specifically.
This guy got you to his place, tried to have sex with you then only after you rejected him revealed that he's with someone else. Point being, he hasn't changed in all these years he had to mature into his chronological age ('cause if he's still doing this at 32 he's not bound to change). So be all the way pissed off, he deserves that. Stay completely away from him and let your anger be your guide so you never fall for his garbage again. It hurts to lose people but it can also be liberating to finally accept that someone just isn't worth your energy.
My ex was a serial cheater and I found out how many times he’s cheated on me from his brother, thank god his brother told me cause apparently he was out on a date with another girl when I was at home and he texted me to tell me that he was out on a date with another girl. I honestly appreciated him because I didn’t have to waste my time with a cheater.
You should wait and move in together before proposing. It's one thing to be in love when you don't live! together. It's something else entirely when you live together. There is lots to learn about how the other lives
yep. assume the worst because of her boundary and let's have another single parent in the world. don't even bother talking or trying to fix the marriage now that there is a baby. time to go. GO GIRL. tell the courts it was Snapchat!
We have the same humor and he's really cute, smart and studious. And we have so many things in common like our fashion sense, interest for design, and being physically active.
I dont like being cast aside but I feel like I was love bombed when he was giving me attention then disappearing on me.
I know I should be smarter on this. But Im giving the benefit of the doubt that maybe he doesnt know how to keep the ball rolling.
I know everyone else is saying this, but holy shit, NO!!!! You are ABSOLUTELY NOT being “overly dramatic” and you are absolutely NOT handling this wrong. This dude lied and gaslit you for so long all while he was cheating (and lets be honest, he moved in with this girl soon after the divorce. Yes, he was being physical with her. He's fucking lying) and now he thinks that just because he said sorry for what he did that just erases the impact of his cheating, lying, and gaslighting?? What someone does doesn't just disappear when they apologize. That's not how the world works.
Your ex is a fucking pos, selfish scumbag. And honestly, as someone else mentioned, if you live! in an at-fault divorce state, I'm willing to bet that he lied and kept his affair a secret so that he didn't have to face the repercussions of that through the divorce.
This man is genuinely scum of the earth for what he did AND for him treating you like you should fucking appreciate him apologizing and should just move on because he's moved on. Honestly, him not recognizing that it's reasonable for you to be upset shows that he lacks empathy and compassion, and you shouldn't give this dude any of your time that isn't absolutely necessary. OP, I'm SO, so sorry that you were married to a pos. You never deserved that, and I hope you can find happiness in the future. I'm glad you got a divorce (albeit later than you should have because your ex is fucking selfish) You're doing what's good for you by not interacting with this asshole.
This is what he hopefully means. Just keep the conversation open, OP. See if you can compromise and make sure you're both comfortable – if it seems more like he doesn't want you talking to people in general (it doesn't seem that way so far), be very cautious.
Gamer chick from waaaay back here. Your bf was right to stay out of it. Either you stand up for yourself, or ragequit. Don't rely on him to fight your fights for you.
Everyone has their boundaries. Why didn’t you insist on condoms??? He could not want to and you could’ve been fucking someone else for the last 3 months ??
Are you 31 or 13??? Either way maybe you shouldn’t be having sex yet.
And at 30 he talks like this??? Y’all are a match made in heaven lol stay together, we don’t need this stupid back out there.
I was in a similar situation years ago and the dude refused to get a job. He had 0 income, couldn't pay for his own medication, and just had no intention of working because he wanted to be a trainer, which he did maybe 1x a week for less than $100 a month. It was honestly exhausting paying for everything for an extended period of time when my partner had no intention of finding a job. He accused me of just wanting him to get a job so he could buy me things. I just wanted him to be able to cover regular life things or pay for the occasional meal.
It was a factor in why I eventually ended things. I didn't make enough to support us and it didn't make sense to me to start a life with someone who didn't have any intention of contributing to a life together.
I think before trying for a baby (or not not trying lol) you both need to sit down and talk about what being parents will look like for you both!
It is like people who obsess about the wedding and don't plan the married life lol
Talk about finances, parenting values, schooling, changing nappies, doctors appointments, sleeping, toilet training, discipline…all the daily things you can think of. Talk about your own parents and what you want to do the same and what you want to do different.
Then…once you both have a clear idea and if you have similar goals… then stop birth control. Give it 12 months and try not to obsess on cycles etc… just have fun with it (which I think is what he means).
Your vagina is not too loose. I’ve had three children and yeah, it’s not as “tight” as when I was like a newly minted non-virgin. But it sure as heck gets no complaints and a happy organs can be had. There is nothing wrong with your vagina, it’s perfect. Ditch this gross man please. Don’t know any 30 year old men that act like this, and I’m glad
5 yr age gap in college, he picked you, because you are easy to manipulate and don't hold your boundaries, other women wouldn't put up with what you are. You chose him because you have low self esteem and feel you cant do any better, you definitely can do much much better.
asked if he’s watching me and waiting for my mistakes.
That's exactly what he is doing. And now he is punishing you (silent treatment) because you caught on and questioned him.
Y'all need counseling, individual counseling. His actions are abusive and you should never do couples counseling with an abuser.
I bet, if you really thought back on your relationship, you'd find other instances of him being over critical, questioning why/how you do things.
Does he even help you with your child? Help around the house? Doesn't sound like it. You are sick and should be resting and healing, doing what needs to be done for baby, that's it. He should be helping around the house and cooking on occasion.
Yes he does. But in his words I have made him extremely happy, been there for him, are great in bed, sweet, loving, smart, etc…. And he said he could see how I felt lonely and the affair partner took advantage of that, but that it can’t happen again and hes going to be checking on me to make sure of that.
And I have felt jealous/insecure of my sister before because of her boobs (not because she was mean about it or anything, just jealous) and this whole thing with my bf won't help with that either.
Yes. Came here to say: DO NOT see him in a few days. Do not listen to his bullshit.
If you absolutely positively can't resist hearing him out as he tries to weasel out of responsibility for his behavior, remember that real apologies DO NOT start with, “I'm sorry if” or “I'm sorry you”
You are 100% correct, and you're being downvoted by people who are making up facts out of thin air to support their predetermined premise. I still remember years ago play wrestling with an ex, she initiated and jumped on top of me on the bed trying to pin my arms. It developed into her using both her arms plus her full bodyweight trying to pin just one of my arms, and she still couldn't do it. We were both surprised, I never really realized how much stronger guys are either. She didn't cry or anything, but I could see the frustration in her eyes, and I get it.
You want a girlfriend two days a month, she wants a boyfriend every day. You make it completely clear that your work is your #1 priority, your academic duties is your #2 priority and your girlfriend is a very distant #3. She is telling you that's not enough for her. What do you think is going to change about this situation? She will probably want kids one day, and not only that, she will want her kids and their father to meet often enough to recognise each other by sight, and that's clearly not what you want out of life.
The two of you are fundamentally incompatible. Leave her so that she can find someone who won't make her bitter and miserable. She is not the one. Honestly, I don't think there is a one for you. You might want to look into sex robots and AI girlfriends.
No. Are there special counselors for these issues? Im the one who pushed him to get the therapy that resulted in the diagnosis for his ADD and CPTSD. I don't want to keep sending his to different therapists every few years, that's more of a last resort thing. Right now I want to try to help him myself and find a way to balance his needs and mine.
Tell the husband, but don’t let this ruin dating. Anyone could be a liar, this is not indicative of all women or even all women on dating apps. You’ll find someone else
Dogs actually NEED structure and rules. It makes them happy.
If they have rules and the humans are in charge, then they know how to be a “good dog,” which is what they want to be, and they don't have to be so worried and micromanage the household.
Not a lot but more valuable. I've asked if that's what it was about and he said no.
Dude sounds like a L 7 wienie.
What a kind thoughtful rapist
What were his complaints? I doubt it was like you chew annoyingly?
You're going to MC already. What spawned it?
It’s most likely over. I would really consider deleting old partners content, not just so this doesn’t happen but why keep it? I would let him be, this was really hot for him to see based on his actions.
Maybe he's feeling overburdened with responsibilities? Marriage tends to do that to some people.
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Follow your job opportunity and I hope you two Break off the relationship. Sorry but I think that from reading the first post and this one that you both need to be single. Leave and get on with your life and I hope that each of you leave each other alone.
Correct; asymptomatic means without symptoms. I wish people knew that Chlamydia tends to be symptom-free for many people but it's working its way to cause internal damage. I think about women, for example, and the issues with pelvic inflammatory disease that they're wholly unaware of. ALL people; get tested for STDs regularly, even if in a committed relationship, even if married.
The age gap shows she is a creep. Why aint she dating men from her age? Give her an ultimatum of paternity test. Dont sign on any birth papers till then. Or if you can get her ex husband contact and talk to him about their intimacy in recent times.
Exchanging nudes (pictures and videos).
… sorry my man dating a girl in her 20s when your 30, sorta ends like this unfortunately, she has changed, it's best to cut the cord, give her rent money for a couple months if you feel the need too. Plenty of people get loans and go to grad school, but if you want any hope of dating someone who loves you and has similar goals and wants you need to go
Thank you so much for this, I’m hurt and angry but I’ll be okay, it’s good to hear other people’s perspectives on this. When you’re going through it yourself you don’t always seen things clearly.
I would be the same if he came to me saying he was concerned about a male friend. I would do what needed to be done to make things better. It seems he values Lizzie over me and that is tough.
I really appreciate your response.
This actually might be a good idea, thanks. I know her therapist so it wouldn't hurt to at least talk to him about it even if he can't address the situation specifically.
This guy got you to his place, tried to have sex with you then only after you rejected him revealed that he's with someone else. Point being, he hasn't changed in all these years he had to mature into his chronological age ('cause if he's still doing this at 32 he's not bound to change). So be all the way pissed off, he deserves that. Stay completely away from him and let your anger be your guide so you never fall for his garbage again. It hurts to lose people but it can also be liberating to finally accept that someone just isn't worth your energy.
My ex was a serial cheater and I found out how many times he’s cheated on me from his brother, thank god his brother told me cause apparently he was out on a date with another girl when I was at home and he texted me to tell me that he was out on a date with another girl. I honestly appreciated him because I didn’t have to waste my time with a cheater.
You should wait and move in together before proposing. It's one thing to be in love when you don't live! together. It's something else entirely when you live together. There is lots to learn about how the other lives
yep. assume the worst because of her boundary and let's have another single parent in the world. don't even bother talking or trying to fix the marriage now that there is a baby. time to go. GO GIRL. tell the courts it was Snapchat!
We havent spoken on the phone.
We have the same humor and he's really cute, smart and studious. And we have so many things in common like our fashion sense, interest for design, and being physically active.
I dont like being cast aside but I feel like I was love bombed when he was giving me attention then disappearing on me.
I know I should be smarter on this. But Im giving the benefit of the doubt that maybe he doesnt know how to keep the ball rolling.
I know everyone else is saying this, but holy shit, NO!!!! You are ABSOLUTELY NOT being “overly dramatic” and you are absolutely NOT handling this wrong. This dude lied and gaslit you for so long all while he was cheating (and lets be honest, he moved in with this girl soon after the divorce. Yes, he was being physical with her. He's fucking lying) and now he thinks that just because he said sorry for what he did that just erases the impact of his cheating, lying, and gaslighting?? What someone does doesn't just disappear when they apologize. That's not how the world works.
Your ex is a fucking pos, selfish scumbag. And honestly, as someone else mentioned, if you live! in an at-fault divorce state, I'm willing to bet that he lied and kept his affair a secret so that he didn't have to face the repercussions of that through the divorce.
This man is genuinely scum of the earth for what he did AND for him treating you like you should fucking appreciate him apologizing and should just move on because he's moved on. Honestly, him not recognizing that it's reasonable for you to be upset shows that he lacks empathy and compassion, and you shouldn't give this dude any of your time that isn't absolutely necessary. OP, I'm SO, so sorry that you were married to a pos. You never deserved that, and I hope you can find happiness in the future. I'm glad you got a divorce (albeit later than you should have because your ex is fucking selfish) You're doing what's good for you by not interacting with this asshole.
And you’re right that I violated her trust, but I came clean about it in an attempt to get the truth. I was lied to in return
Doesn't matter if she “means it” or not. If someone doesn't like a sexual activity you stop doing it with them. No excuses.
Oh, and yeah, being racist sexually excites her, that's a dealbreaker for most people.
This is what he hopefully means. Just keep the conversation open, OP. See if you can compromise and make sure you're both comfortable – if it seems more like he doesn't want you talking to people in general (it doesn't seem that way so far), be very cautious.
Gamer chick from waaaay back here. Your bf was right to stay out of it. Either you stand up for yourself, or ragequit. Don't rely on him to fight your fights for you.
Everyone has their boundaries. Why didn’t you insist on condoms??? He could not want to and you could’ve been fucking someone else for the last 3 months ??
Are you 31 or 13??? Either way maybe you shouldn’t be having sex yet.
And at 30 he talks like this??? Y’all are a match made in heaven lol stay together, we don’t need this stupid back out there.
I was in a similar situation years ago and the dude refused to get a job. He had 0 income, couldn't pay for his own medication, and just had no intention of working because he wanted to be a trainer, which he did maybe 1x a week for less than $100 a month. It was honestly exhausting paying for everything for an extended period of time when my partner had no intention of finding a job. He accused me of just wanting him to get a job so he could buy me things. I just wanted him to be able to cover regular life things or pay for the occasional meal.
It was a factor in why I eventually ended things. I didn't make enough to support us and it didn't make sense to me to start a life with someone who didn't have any intention of contributing to a life together.
I think before trying for a baby (or not not trying lol) you both need to sit down and talk about what being parents will look like for you both!
It is like people who obsess about the wedding and don't plan the married life lol
Talk about finances, parenting values, schooling, changing nappies, doctors appointments, sleeping, toilet training, discipline…all the daily things you can think of. Talk about your own parents and what you want to do the same and what you want to do different.
Then…once you both have a clear idea and if you have similar goals… then stop birth control. Give it 12 months and try not to obsess on cycles etc… just have fun with it (which I think is what he means).
That’s a fair take. I was just taking her word at face value because she said she just wanted sex.
I think he was telling you, albeit in a foot-in-mouth kind of way, that he found you hot.
I think that the granny part is indictive of how he perceives both himself and you – a bit past your prime.
She only got you a water bottle and candy?
Your vagina is not too loose. I’ve had three children and yeah, it’s not as “tight” as when I was like a newly minted non-virgin. But it sure as heck gets no complaints and a happy organs can be had. There is nothing wrong with your vagina, it’s perfect. Ditch this gross man please. Don’t know any 30 year old men that act like this, and I’m glad
5 yr age gap in college, he picked you, because you are easy to manipulate and don't hold your boundaries, other women wouldn't put up with what you are. You chose him because you have low self esteem and feel you cant do any better, you definitely can do much much better.
asked if he’s watching me and waiting for my mistakes.
That's exactly what he is doing. And now he is punishing you (silent treatment) because you caught on and questioned him.
Y'all need counseling, individual counseling. His actions are abusive and you should never do couples counseling with an abuser.
I bet, if you really thought back on your relationship, you'd find other instances of him being over critical, questioning why/how you do things.
Does he even help you with your child? Help around the house? Doesn't sound like it. You are sick and should be resting and healing, doing what needs to be done for baby, that's it. He should be helping around the house and cooking on occasion.
Pin this post for other people that got cheated on to see what happens if don't break up with a cheater?
That would be amazing
Yes he does. But in his words I have made him extremely happy, been there for him, are great in bed, sweet, loving, smart, etc…. And he said he could see how I felt lonely and the affair partner took advantage of that, but that it can’t happen again and hes going to be checking on me to make sure of that.
My good God. Dude is literally sobbing in the other room and you're calling it a red flag? Maybe a little compassion for an obvious trauma response?
And I have felt jealous/insecure of my sister before because of her boobs (not because she was mean about it or anything, just jealous) and this whole thing with my bf won't help with that either.
Yes. Came here to say: DO NOT see him in a few days. Do not listen to his bullshit.
If you absolutely positively can't resist hearing him out as he tries to weasel out of responsibility for his behavior, remember that real apologies DO NOT start with, “I'm sorry if” or “I'm sorry you”
They could have armed wrestled to prove his point. He could have even made it fun. They didn't have to do anything to make her cry.
You are 100% correct, and you're being downvoted by people who are making up facts out of thin air to support their predetermined premise. I still remember years ago play wrestling with an ex, she initiated and jumped on top of me on the bed trying to pin my arms. It developed into her using both her arms plus her full bodyweight trying to pin just one of my arms, and she still couldn't do it. We were both surprised, I never really realized how much stronger guys are either. She didn't cry or anything, but I could see the frustration in her eyes, and I get it.
You want a girlfriend two days a month, she wants a boyfriend every day. You make it completely clear that your work is your #1 priority, your academic duties is your #2 priority and your girlfriend is a very distant #3. She is telling you that's not enough for her. What do you think is going to change about this situation? She will probably want kids one day, and not only that, she will want her kids and their father to meet often enough to recognise each other by sight, and that's clearly not what you want out of life.
The two of you are fundamentally incompatible. Leave her so that she can find someone who won't make her bitter and miserable. She is not the one. Honestly, I don't think there is a one for you. You might want to look into sex robots and AI girlfriends.
No. Are there special counselors for these issues? Im the one who pushed him to get the therapy that resulted in the diagnosis for his ADD and CPTSD. I don't want to keep sending his to different therapists every few years, that's more of a last resort thing. Right now I want to try to help him myself and find a way to balance his needs and mine.
My best friend is vegan and there is no way they would act this this – it is not normal behaviour.
But he’s with me everyday! I know his every move ?
Tell the husband, but don’t let this ruin dating. Anyone could be a liar, this is not indicative of all women or even all women on dating apps. You’ll find someone else
Dogs actually NEED structure and rules. It makes them happy.
If they have rules and the humans are in charge, then they know how to be a “good dog,” which is what they want to be, and they don't have to be so worried and micromanage the household.