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shaliniaarushlive sex stripping with hd cam


55 thoughts on “shaliniaarushlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Going against the current on this one. Your feelings are valid. That said im saying this with the following as my knowledge.

    -you both cuddled constantly at night. You would start to get tired and roll to sleep because people need sleep

    -her solution was to buy a plushie to cuddle after you rolled away.

    -her plushie has now taken over all of her physical affection. You don’t cuddle at all unless you ask and she never stays for more than 10ish minutes to go back to the plushie for no reason.

    You have a relationship problem. She’s replaced you. Yes that sounds dumb but if she’s not be physically intimate with you (other than or including ?) it’s an issue. You need to have a conversation and if she’s not willing to cuddle you more than every once in awhile for 10 minutes and you need more than it won’t work. Plus she’s acting like a child. And this is coming from a married women who has a “blankie”

  2. If you delete something thru your phone , Google photos still has it. This is normal and its past and it happened if she didnt even delete tht doesnot matter bcoz tht was a part of her life. And accessing like this is really bad bro ,you will loose her trust over this.

  3. Good morning to everyone in this group I’m very interested in anyone who would like to be my sugar baby ……❤️ I’ll like you to be my sugar baby indeed imma spoil you with money ??? need someone to drive me crazy…..?? imma get you paid weekly allowance of $2k lmk if you’re interested ❤️❤️❤️ thanks lovelies DM now!!!

  4. Jesus, who does that to a guest? Tell him you can't go, when he asks why – tell him you can't afford it. End of discussion. Also, find a new bf. It's one thing being cheap. It's a whole other thing when you don't have to be. Yuck.

  5. I probably should’ve mentioned this— we have had this “not doing enough” talk 3 times before. Nothing had seemed to change, until recently. I’m glad he’s making an effort and I appreciate every little thing. I’m just a bit nervous I guess, especially after her called this coworker pretty.

    Which she is, I’m probably just being anxious.

  6. Some people with ADHD end up living like this because they can't plan well and don't manage their time well. But without treatment of some kind, they generally don't change. Would he be open to discussing the problem with a physician?

  7. Yeah tbh this is largely why, so we are each other's next of kin etc and to protect us both financially if we have kids and/or of one of us dies. Practical reasons basically. I do kinda like the idea of a wedding but the planning and expense of it.. yeeesh. No thank you!

  8. If you don’t find someone who likes to fuck and is super fun in bed, you’re going to look back on your life when you’re old and wonder why you put up with a dead bedroom when you were young and very hot. Life is short and then you’re dead forever. On-line your life and leave the dud in your dust. You can be friends with her if she’s that nice of a person.

    But, heed this warning: Do not hook up with an asshole just because she’s great in bed. Find someone who is cool and fun in bed.

  9. Because it’s far far less likely for a man to get it. Both of you get retested but don’t assume she cheated. So much easier for a woman to get it dude.

  10. Lol okay I guess it way to early for me to read this cuz I read the 70/80 comment . I mean if you can’t get pass this I 90% sure you should probably break up because your issue will only get worse over time and your feelings will get hot and harder to suppress them. Your young if it’s ment to be it will work out if not then we’ll life moves on and it’s just an unfortunate circumstance that you will have to decide if you can stay with OP.

  11. Both sides are fair, but now that you’ve discussed it the issue is solved. It’s entirely normal to ask someone for advice on a conversation. It happens way more often than you may think. It’s also entirely fair and normal to not want that to occur. The two of you did well in discussing and coming to a mutual conclusion. Good job.

  12. Both sides are fair, but now that you’ve discussed it the issue is solved. It’s entirely normal to ask someone for advice on a conversation. It happens way more often than you may think. It’s also entirely fair and normal to not want that to occur. The two of you did well in discussing and coming to a mutual conclusion. Good job.

  13. This sounds like one of the shitty gifts someone gets you, where they sponsor some wildlife in Africa on your behalf and you get a picture of an animal every year

  14. You did the right thing dumping them .

    Get the nail polish that changes when drinks are spiked

    Thank god you did not have a reaction they cod have killed you…

  15. She’s trying to baby trap you with a kid that isn’t even yours. This whole relationship sounds like a disaster. Please leave. Even if you don’t fully understand how fucked up it is now, you will when you’re 26.

  16. Stop initiating and see where it goes. He may very well have his own life and priorities. Could just be wanting to take things slow.

  17. It’s far more bizarre that you accept this behaviour and haven’t left.

    You can’t have a relationship without trust and reliability. You have none.

  18. it totally sounds like that. I am not a distrustful person and I know that you should not get carried away by everything people say on reddit. but the consensus seems to be that at least something strange is happening

  19. Dont assume the worst.

    Can you deal with an open relationship? It is a big step and big deal. Start from there.

  20. It's really not though. It's disrespectful to go out in public dressing for attention like you're still single, when you're not single.

    I realize that concepts like “class”, “respect”, “grace” and “dignity” are lost on a generation of feminist-brainwashed women but just because she wants to display her assets for the world to see doesn't mean he has to tolerate it.

    There are still SOME women who remember how to compose themselves with class in public. OP needs to drop this one and go find one of those.

  21. She belongs to the streets. She will later co plain that no man takes her seriously and that she is a saint, it is always the same.

    You'll get over it with time and never trust another person blindly again.

  22. Maybe you should talk to her before you spiral anymore. This might not be as far as her still being in love with him. Could be just being hurt he’s able to make a commitment to someone else if it was a dealbreaker in their relationship

  23. Honey you deserve way more. You should not be going without anything less than what you deserve and let me tell you…it isn’t this. He should make you feel like he is lucky to breathe the same air as you. You should leave him. He clearly does not appreciate you physically or emotionally and for everytime he is looking at some girl on pornhub, there is some out out there who would love to even get the chance to kiss your cheek. Don’t settle for this scum, you deserve way better and he is not capable of giving you that

  24. He doesn’t like you, respect you, value you, value your safety, or even love you. Jesus Christ run for this hills and break up with this man. Stop making excuses for him, you don’t deserve to be treated like shit and that’s literally all he’s giving you. Leave

  25. I agree w you. If his dad is still in his life then I wouldn’t do it. I’m sure you love the kid but he needs to keep his dads name. Y’all will still be a family but she’s being unreasonable and even the dad doesn’t like it. He’s just trying to keep peace to be able to keep seeing his son.

    Just tell her you aren’t willing to do this because his dad is still in his life and you don’t want to feel as if you’re trying to take his son away or give the kid the impression you’re trying to take his dads place. I wouldn’t tell her you talked to his dad because she may take it out on him & believe he talked you out of it. This needs to be your decision. Her reaction will tell you everything you need to know.

    Just be honest

  26. I went to PM OP to tell her to ignore most of these juvenile and chauvinistic comments but y’all ran her off the site. There was nothing wrong with her asking for a 50/50 relationship a year ago and there’s nothing wrong with her being concerned about him seemingly over-correcting his behavior now. It’s not that she can’t be happy, it’s that she wasn’t happy and now she’s worried that he’s not letting himself chill.

    I agree that she should acknowledge all his hot work and affirm the stability of their relationship but nothing here says she doesn’t do those things. You’re all just thinking the worst because he did so much wrong early on for him to have to change.

    OP, if you’re still reading these comments: plan a date night for him and take him out in a couple weeks. Schedule it. Listen to him in the mean time to see if there’s anything he’s been wanting for himself and buy it for him. Give it to him when you’re at dinner on your date. Assure him that you’re not going anywhere and you appreciate all his good habits, but he doesn’t have to be perfect all the time and you’re worried he’s working himself toward an early grave trying to please everyone, including you. If he has trouble letting go, schedule a relax at home day where you pamper him and make him play all the games he’s put off to unwind. Affirm that he can be his old self and the new, grown up version of himself.

    If you’re not in therapy also, I suggest you do that too. We all have attachment wounds and his abrupt 180° to keep you, along with your constant worry about some facet of your relationship with him suggests you two could be codependent. I’m not saying that’s the case, but it’s possible from a stranger’s POV. Therapy can be whatever you want it to be! Couple’s and individual counseling for both of you sounds like it would be beneficial, so definitely find one for yourself if you’re not there already.

    Make sure you don’t fall into a pattern where he’s always trying to keep you. This breeds resentment and pushes people away. Make sure you’re improving yourself too! I try to be a better version of myself today than I was yesterday everyday. I love myself now. I never knew it was possible! Make sure you’re loving yourself, too. Make space for yourselves as individuals as well as a couple.

  27. Is your husband dense when females give signals to guys ? If so, tell him that it wasn’t appropriate what has happened,

  28. You don't have to be in a sexless relationship. She isn't able to fulfill that biological need for you. Not to say it's her fault, but if you ever want to overcome that insecurity you have to move on.

  29. Get a lawyer.

    And ignore most of the advice at the top of this thread – if this matter goes to court, it’s likely that this woman will end up part of the child’s life in some fashion.

  30. Fallen in the hood, under the spare. And didn't think about notifying the ex wife, instead of stalking her.

    I mean, he can lie, but it takes a decent amount of stupid to believe it.

  31. In the very basic look, your relationship is no longer about you and your bf, its a about you, bf, and your son. But you never actually built a relationship with this person.

    With your son, your reasoning is right in the post. Your son is bonded to him and your ready to break up and know it will hurt your son. Imagine this is your cycle for every new bf, he is not emotional built to deal with that roller-coaster.

  32. I really appreciate that, for being 24 I would've expected him to be better. I don't know, I can start prepping for a breakup. I give people so many chances when they don't necessarily deserve it.

  33. It's a LDR. He doesn't spend much time with me nor does he initiate things like watching a movie or calls or just a conversation in general but he says he loves me the most. I just sometimes feel I don't trust him

  34. It sorta sounds like he just have a low sex drive and any amount of tiredness/stress zaps it (but doesnt want to attach himself to the “low sex drive” label).

  35. If you don’t believe here there likely nothing she can say or do to make you. Just move on and let her find someone that doesn’t resent her for going out

  36. What “nightmare”. He says he likes them.

    But they just get too many over time.

    “Only those who use tgeir mouth for communication may find a solution for their problem.”

  37. Firstly, he is is NOT on life support because of you!!! Get that idea RIGHT out of your head.

    Unless you physically restrained him and forced the pills down his throat or injected him yourself, this is ZERO to do with you.

    You have been so relentlessly manipulated that you blame yourself!!

    He's THIRTY SEVEN. He's responsible for his own life decisions.

    Suicide attempts are no joke, and I'm sorry you are dealing with this, but you have far more serious issues here. You have a child you're responsible for. HER needs come first. MAKE HER WORLD SAFE.

    The longer you keep waiting for “the right moment”, or “the nicest way” to tell him, you AND your daughter remain enmeshed here and that is irresponsible for your daughter who is completely helpless in this situation .

    You need to do whatever is necessary to protect her and yourself!! If that means going NC for a time, so be it.

  38. I have no clue what you are trying to say in your post, nor what the actual problem is.

    The way the post is written, it's nude to understand the situation you have a problem with.

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