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Shaniatwainxo live webcams for YOU!


shaniatwainxo chat

Date: October 27, 2022

6 thoughts on “Shaniatwainxo live webcams for YOU!

  1. Lmao right like I get it – a h whole house to yourself is quite a treat, really. Even when your partner is also introverted. But this dude is demanding too much. He either needs to on-line alone or see a therapist for this if he’s that sensitive to it.

  2. Why would you ever agree to this? He is literally, and very clearly, telling you that your future is not important. Why would you agree to be with someone who doesn't think you're important?

    You teach people how to treat you. If you've decided that your life isn't worth as much as his, then there's nothing anyone can say or do to help you. You have to decide that you're life is valuable and worth as much as anyone else's.

    We can type “Dump this guy, go to college” until our fingers fall off. You're the one who has to live in your head and experience the consequences of your choices. If you are going to let this person designate his plans and his kid as more valuable than you're plans for your life, that's your choice to make. Personally, I think that's insane.

    But, if I tell you what to do with your life, then I'm just doing the same thing he is.

    You need to stop asking other people what to do with yourself and decide for yourself how much value your life has and if you're willing to fight for it.

    Or maybe that's too much effort. Maybe it's just easier to let someone else tell you who you are and what to do with yourself. In that case, just forget about college and be his nanny until his daughter grows up and moves out. He totally sounds like the kind of guy to stay faithful and grateful to you for all your years of service. He totally won't hang you out to dry at 40 with no education, no job history and no money.

  3. Are there any kids in the house? Could you put a lock on the door and claim it was for that reason?

    Or maybe have a tough sit down convo with her and say it’s getting really naked to feel comfortable when you aren’t given basic privacy

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