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SHELSY-KIM on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 23, 2022

34 thoughts on “SHELSY-KIM on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. It seems like no one is saying anything about the fact that I hate that my bf has been in other vaginas before me. Because I’m right. It’s gross. Period.

  2. Well it certainly makes no sense to say that you can manage a stripper job but not a different ones, if anything a stripper job might be a lot worse if you have such mental issues.

    If you absolutely want to strip it isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you shouldn't use these kind of excuses, and you should acknowledge that this would be very hurtful for a partner and do it while single, otherwise you are just being selfish and mean to her

  3. When your wife worked outside the home and your kid(s) were in daycare, did the daycare teachers clean your house?

    If it “must be nice”, then would you consider swapping places and taking care of the kids all day while your wife works?

    In fact, you could try it. Take a week off work, or just a weekend. Invite your wife to leave the home or hang out in your home office with the door locked all day. See if you get 75% of the housework done while she’s gone. Let me know.

    I’m a single parent who does 100% of the housework. Only maybe 10% of it happens while my 2 year old is awake. It’s very naked to get anything done while solo parenting a toddler. The other 90% of the housework gets done while the kid is asleep at night. Not during naptime, that’s when I need to recharge so that I have patience and positivity to bring to the afternoon with the toddler.

  4. Well, the Democratic party of the USA isn't on the left either. But if we're talking about actual leftism, there's going to be a lot more disagreement there. Starting with what basic rights people should have.

  5. When it comes to closure in this case, you will have to bring your own by accepting the reality that it’s over and he doesn’t care. Let go of any expectations from him and block him on all fronts, he’s not interested in your heart. Don’t give yourself to those that just want to use you. It’s a terrible way to treat yourself.

  6. I appreciate this perspective!

    My concern with trying it is if it doesn’t work out he will not go back with me. He said that. He’s going and staying put. If the kids and I go with him then they will stay there, and if I want to leave I won’t be able to take them with me.

  7. I don't see any contradictions. He finds you attractive but doesn't want a relationship. He's fine with the friendship. He won't pursue anything more. If you have your hopes up that he will want to date you, put that to bed. He's not going to. He said he doesn't want a relationship, and he doesn't. That doesn't mean he doesn't want to flirt, have fun, drink coffee, etc. He just doesn't want a relationship.

  8. End things with her, she deserves to date someone who loves her whole body. Do not tell her it is because she has small boobs (say you’re not feeling the connection you are looking for or something). In the future, don’t go on dates with girls who have small boobs!

  9. He says he “refuses to settle with something that will make him depressed” and has been actively job searching and feels like I'm not giving him enough credit.

  10. Yes I do understand that he could potentially not be available and he would have every right to make that decision. I think I’m feeling guilty. Between the stays in the hospital and moments where I can’t be around him or give him a “proper” relationship, I feel bad. I then start worrying about it and focusing on that rather than recovery and healing. I’m feeling overwhelmed with my personal life. But thank you for saying that, it has me thinking maybe I should just have an honest conversation with him on how I’m feeling. He has been very supportive and someone that has brought me some happiness through this hard time in my life so perhaps having a conversation before coming to a decision would help me understand what he thinks as well. Thank you

  11. Oh honey. He's been sleeping with other people for 14 years, and it sounds like he's gaslit you into thinking that you agreed to an open relationship. From how you're describing it, it sounds like he managed to convince you that a lot of it is your fault or not an issue.

    You misunderstood the conversation about being open, therefore you should accept it and move on? You're telling me he thought you were in an open relationship for 14 years and NOT ONCE did he mention anybody he was seeing or who you were seeing? Its not like it happened once… he slept with people multiple times a month for FOURTEEN YEARS.

    You wanted to be exclusive, he wanted an open relationship, but somehow its your fault that you're not exclusive because “you refused to get on board with his plans?”

    I'm sorry, but it really sounds like you were gaslit here into believing his narrative. You knew how you felt about the relationship and what you thought the relationship was, and you shouldn't let him redefine the last 14 years for you.

    Look, you've dated for 14 years. If he was serious about you and wanting to make sure the relationship is healthy and happy, I can't imagine he wouldn't let this whole thing slide under the radar and undiscussed for 14 whole years. I can't imagine he wouldn't have AT LEAST once checked in… make sure everything was still okay and that you're headed down the right path. I think you need to step back objectively, trying to not be biased towards all the time you've spent with him, and really assess the situation for what it was.

    Good luck

  12. The first thing to remember is that you've been living in an eight year state of being aware of something that's brand new to her. It takes time to get to know someone well enough to know if you want to date them. So while her insistence on personality tests and such is loony, it's her way of figuring out if you're worth taking a shot with. She doesn't have the benefit of having been obsessed with you for eight years. But:

    You're not a therapist and if she tells you she can't get past her past then the appropriate thing to do is suggest she speak with a counselor. This isn't something you can do for her. All you can do is wait for her to decide if she wants to date you. You also need to be able to accept it gracefully if the answer is no. You stop pursuing her when either she tells you to or it becomes obvious that she's never going to date you. This is something that requires honesty on your part. You have to be able to gain enough distance to know if this is futile.

    TBH, you may have too much built up in your mind at this point to ever have a normal relationship with her. Unless you can back off and approach this as a non obsessed person would any new potential relationship you're probably going to slip at some point. Meaning that if she ever finds out about the depth of your obsession she's going to be terrified. You could benefit from some counseling as well. Good luck

  13. well i’m a lesbian so if my partner turns up pregnant i know for a fact it’s not failed birth control lol i’m just putting myself in a man’s shoes in this scenario and yea i think the thought would be there even if i really trusted my partner. ultimately it’s great to trust your spouse but i think it’s foolish and naive to trust anyone so completely that you can’t see the reality in front of you. and the reality in this situation is that it is much much more likely to be cheating than vasectomy failure. most people who get married trust their partner and that’s why they’re getting married. yet massive amounts of marriages deal with infidelity. so that’s my thought process

  14. Maybe it's because I'm older, but if you haven't comingled your finances, I don't understand what her problem is. I can't imagine asking permission or even doing much more than saying, “by the way, I might buy a car this week.”

  15. Do you really need him to propose?

    I mean….if he doesn't but says he would marry you, you could either propose to him. Or skip the proposal, talk to him and you both agree on a date for the wedding and start preparations.

  16. I'm not saying it is oka that he asked. I'm saying it's not something a couple can never recover from.

    It's fine if she wants a divorce for any reason. But the people saying it would be impossible for her to get over this are most likely incorrect and irresponsible for telling a real person that.

  17. You were broken up at the time. She was free to do anything she wanted with other people.

    Don't have “breakups” if you aren't 100% serious about it.

  18. I’ve had guys insist for my number even after telling them I’m in a relationship. Worst thing is that when they ask for my number sometimes they call me right then. Lucky her she was the one with the registered for number, IMO there’s nothing to worry about

  19. NAH. It sounds like he’s dealing with a lot of mental health issues, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It also sounds like you don’t feel able to handle those issues. Frankly, it doesn’t sound like you even like him very much any more. It’s okay to break up and move on. But YTA if you stick around and make him feel bad for dealing with normal human struggles.

  20. Ok it was the first time.. but you’ve only been seeing him for 3 months .. max. When suitors are supposed to be on their best behavior. Do you think that extreme abuse just happens out of nowhere during a relationship? There is ALWAYS a first time. They test the waters.. if you let him get away with it and stay.. it signals to him that you will tolerate it.. so he will escalate and each time you justify it to yourself, you’re building a tolerance until one day you wake up and realize that you are trapped in an abusive relationship.

    Frustration at the game is not an excuse. Neither is “I think he kind of missed with his hand and hit me in the face instead” … as if that excuses and ignores the fact that he tried to hit you AT ALL. Doesn’t mean shit where he tried to hit you, it’s the fact that he did at all.

    Is this someone you really want to build a life with? Maybe have kids with someday? If he gets angry enough at a video game .. something meant to be fun, to put hands on you .. how do you think he will react to the real and serious things that come along in a relationship?

    I’m sorry, I know you’re trying to find any way to excuse it away to yourself but this is not someone you need in your life. One time is one too many. Please, please .. leave him

  21. In many of these relationships gone wrong on this subreddit, there’s almost always a large age gap. As a man, I truly don’t understand why mid 20s women go for the 40 something men. A 6 or 7 year gap is digestible, but 10+ is just odd. Men of that age have more resources and so can be charming with gifts and fancy dates, but if you genuinely believe that the guy who’s 15 years older is worth it, you really need to proceed slowly and with caution.

    Tell the girlfriend, OP, and get tested for STIs. This man is vile.

  22. Yeah, Ive been seeing a therapist ever since this all happened.

    I on-line in Malaysia, age of consent is 16 here. Its a bit blurry if it was consensual or not.

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