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SherylEliotlive sex stripping with hd cam


74 thoughts on “SherylEliotlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. | I would deeply care if we start having Problems.

    OP you already have problems. If you don’t buy their love they won’t give you love. How is that better than saying no and not getting their love? You are an ATM to them.

  2. fair point, idk if u saw I updated my post, I msged her immediately when I noticed the “anomaly” lol. But she hasn't replied yet despite posting on her whatsapp status (it's like an Instagram story)

  3. You're welcome! I agree that the perspectives and voices of people who have been assaulted or have had painful sexual experiences should be centered on posts like these. Unfortunately I feel that rarely happens on this site.

    I think there's also a general misconception or stereotype that all abuse survivors want revenge, punishment, the death penalty, a jail cell. In reality, so many survivors (not all, of course) just want an acknowledgement of the fact that what was done to them happened, it was wrong, and it hurt.

    And thank you for your kind words

  4. OP this is a red flag and a half, and from how you're responding, are being abusive to your kitten by allowing him to stay around despite hurting them without remorse.

    You are enabling him and what's worse is he'll keep doing it if you let him get away with it. It's time to be a grown up and think of your future children and the fur baby you have now.

    Dump the man, keep the cat and remember to self respect yourself over covering for an abusive partner.

  5. I think you need to come forward with your feelings and just ask her who this person is rather than hiding behind Instagram accounts and thinking of conspiracies and stuff like that. All that's going to do is drive you crazy and give you assumptions and possibly make the situation worse when it could actually just be nothing

  6. Its difficult dont think i pretend its easy to break such a cycle. But view stuff like its a coin there is allways another side. For darkness or light to exist, the other must exist too for otherwise u cannot perceive either.

  7. One of these days OP you are going to reap what you sow. As for your bf, he is trash and a good for nothing for cheating on his wife with a 20yo. Do whatever you want OP, you dont seem to have any heart to other's feelings and suffering.

  8. The problem is that they’re still harassing me and guilt tripping me, and they have no regard for what I’m going through really. I just wanna know how I can get them off my back and to enjoy my Christmas guilt free

  9. Not necessarily, there are plenty of ways to hurt someone without the need to even physically be in the same place.

    Yes OP should cut all ties with him no good can come from keeping anyone in your life if they threaten you.

    Is it statistically probable that he will physically hurt her yes, but a statistical probability is not a definite.

  10. If it has taken you years to accept yourself and move on from this don’t let this guy drag you back down a dark path mentally! A bf of 4 months is not worth throwing away all your progress.

  11. Don’t go to the wedding for sure.

    But you could have him served at the wedding to go back to court for child support

  12. My guess is that he doesn't want to be in this relationship anymore and he's using this as a reason. Instead of being mature (oh the irony) and saying “I want to break up” he's putting you down. That's really shitty of him and you shouldn't put up with this. Why does he want to break up? Who knows; I think some other commenters have provided some good guesses

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  14. u/BlessedbutCursedL, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. You need to make sure he pre eats. I have a friend who eats a crazy amount, but before going over to anyone’s event, he will pre eat.

  16. First, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

    There are times when two people can get past an infidelity. These times are very rare, and usually involve years of marriage, layers of complications, and, above all else, an ability to remove oneself from reminders or active threats to it happening again.

    Being around the person he cheated with, knowing she is going to be a daily part of your lives, is going to make it nearly impossible for this wound to be closed.

    You feel betrayed because you were betrayed. There's no mistake about it here. He did a terrible thing. You deserve to be treated better than that. His daughter deserves better than that.

    Sadly, sometimes we find out people who we thought were good people are capable of very hurtful things.

    You did so much wonderful work accepting his daughter into your life. And having to deal with co-parenting with an ex can be a tough ask emotionally, and you were up to it. Please don't take his failures in this relationship as any failures by you. You went above and beyond here. He failed. Leave him, and let him find out the consequences of his actions. Move on, let yourself heal, and find someone who deserves how caring and loving you are.

  17. You don’t need advice. You need courage.

    End it. Then go enjoy life.

    The last time I ended a relationship where I had been low key unhappy for years, it felt like when I was in college and had just finished my last final for the season and walking away from that classroom felt like a huge weight had lifted and I could breathe again.

  18. Hello /u/NecessaryDirt1892,

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  19. Or, even more likely: she doesn't correlate dressing up for parties to sex at all, and just truly doesn't feel like having sex.

  20. Well if someone wants an open relationship they should discuss it before getting into a relationship. You cant just drop that bomb on someone after 4 years and for them to not think they are cheating, trying to cheat then be suprised that the other person breaks up with you.

  21. Yeah honestly to help support him if you still want to be together you have to start with small steps, like no smoking until xyz is done so it's more of a reward rather than a necessity.

    This even took me years, the fact that I had a job meant I couldn't smoke until the evenings either so that's what helped me but as soon as I got home I was craving it because of habit.

    My next stage was finding a replacement of things to do in the evening which was the gym. Now by the time I got home it was like 8/9 pm and I'd be tired from the gym and I'd cut down from 3 to 1.

    But I did slip up and start smoking before the gym even when I didn't want to. It's hot.

    However be aware if you push too very hot it can lead to resentment. Weed also numbs pain stress and emotions – do you know why he is smoking? Could it be anxiety or depression or just leisure? There could also be like a can of worms you might not be able to deal with. Just don't give ultimatums

    Maybe start with that? Talk about it together

  22. Yea I know all of these things and I would say that too if it was for a friend of mine, but being in it myself its so difficult.. I just dont get why he would show me to his family if he aint actually trying to get himself to work on it. But ye. U might be right, which is my worst fear with this shit

  23. Yeah honestly to help support him if you still want to be together you have to start with small steps, like no smoking until xyz is done so it's more of a reward rather than a necessity.

    This even took me years, the fact that I had a job meant I couldn't smoke until the evenings either so that's what helped me but as soon as I got home I was craving it because of habit.

    My next stage was finding a replacement of things to do in the evening which was the gym. Now by the time I got home it was like 8/9 pm and I'd be tired from the gym and I'd cut down from 3 to 1.

    But I did slip up and start smoking before the gym even when I didn't want to. It's hot.

    However be aware if you push too hot it can lead to resentment. Weed also numbs pain stress and emotions – do you know why he is smoking? Could it be anxiety or depression or just leisure? There could also be like a can of worms you might not be able to deal with. Just don't give ultimatums

    Maybe start with that? Talk about it together

  24. Jesus be thankful for 3 times a week at this stage, million posts on here about the well running dry so to speak. Push him on +you’ll kill the relationship

  25. he should be the one having to go through the process of therapy and fixing things

    The problem is the unfairness: he broke her, and her punishment continues. He gets a new wife, kid, and his other kids don't lose respect for him. It's fucked. Your dad's an asshole.

  26. He’s done this multiple times now. I suggest you let him contact you when he’s ready and just know there’s a pattern of this. Please don’t keep troubling his family who are not concerned and they know him well.

  27. It sounds like this about a lot more than a misplaced phone. If I had to guess, I would say that she feels as though you are not listening to her feelings and paying attention to what she says about anything and everything. The phone just sent her over the edge. The only way for you to get this back on track is to pay attention to what she says before it gets to the point she has had enough, and is ready to walk away.

    Communication is important. Listening is important. Work on those things in your relationship. Talk to your wife.

  28. Good luck to you and your sister. I hope you can find the culprit. Until then, please document what is happening so you can press charges against the offender later. Google docs keeps time stamps on your documents so it will show when something was written. Good for using over a long period of time.

  29. He's feeling so insecure that he's worried that…a vibrator will replace him.

    I think that speaks for itself.

  30. This is why you don't start planning your life with someone you've only been dating a couple of months. He's an abuser and just starting to show you who he really is after having love-bombed you. Get out now and be glad that he was only able to keep the mask on for a short period of time. And, if you really think he was trying to caress your check and “accidently” hit you so hot it hurt, you are only fooling yourself.

  31. Tell your husband as quickly as possible before your BIL can make up a story. If he does it first, it's unlikely your husband will believe you.

  32. Just break up with her. You’re very shady about how long you’ve been with her, which really means not that long. You’re phrasing sucks and you seem pretty selfish. Do her a favor and move on. Some people don’t just give their virginity to the first pushy AH that shows up. In this case , I think she called it right.

  33. Im in therapy. My therapist will have a field day with this honestly. I know. He was convincing and i hate myself for it

  34. Yeah, this would be an “everyone sucks here” situation. No one is innocent, and they're all actively making things worse.

  35. What are either of you getting out of this relationship? He's claiming he doesn't trust you and is using that to control you. You're claiming he “indirectly cheated” (whatever that means) multiple times. How is this relationship good in any way, shape or form? Ditch this guy and enjoy the time with your friends.

  36. I'm sure you have discussed all of this with her before, but I would break up with her, tell her you love her but you cannot be with her when she and her family condones her behaviour and the amount of control (money/location etc) that he has over her.

    That when you have kids you would NEVER allow them to be around someone like that, so instead of making her choose between the two of you, you are leaving.

    Assuming you have done all of this already, how did that go?

  37. Jesus christ dude.

    How disrespectful if your friend to go behind your back for this. It's one thing to take cute pictures as a gift but ANYTHING more should have had your consent and have been talked about beforehand.

    Also super disrespectful of your wife to do without mentioning something first. Both of them suck.

  38. Dude is super sleazy but why did your wife feel okay about doing a hot shoot with anyone? He made the gross offer but she said yes and her clothes evaporated. Whatever falls out of this, they are BOTH complicit, not just the creepy dude trying to stealth your relationship.

  39. Tell her. You don't know him many women did he had sex with. She should get tested for STD, and you too. And maybe the baby should have a health check too

  40. 100k in debt. Jobless. No plan to get out of it? Went back on agreements to apply for jobs?

    Absolutely not. There’s no reason for you to go down with this ship.

  41. Your husband is being a bad father and a bad partner. Of course you're not attracted to him- he's shown himself to be indifferent to your needs, and that is the opposite of sexy.

    You don't necessarily need to take irreversible actions right now, but know that (regardless of what your family says) his behavior is wrong. And absolutely do not feel pressured into sex.

    Right now, focus on what you can do to get more support. Can your family or friends help? Can you hire someone? Give yourself a chance to breathe and finish school. Then you can figure out what to do about ol' useless hubby.

  42. Tell her you can keep your friend but I’m out. If she argues them definitely get out because she doesn’t respect boundaries.

  43. Yep, I am still having trouble understanding why Jane had decided on online international dating at such a young age.

  44. and refuse to talk to me. I just feel embarrassed. my privacy was violated. Going through someone's trash is an insane thing

    Refuse to talk to them over the privacy violation. Demand an apology. Jesus doesn't spy on people.

    It will be nice and quiet.

  45. As a woman, hot disagree on the second sentence. If you're trying to reestablish real intimacy, secrecy is not the way to do it. I would not think any less of my husband if he needed Cialis or any other medication, but I would be genuinely hurt if he tried to hide his struggles from me.

  46. When you said you occasionally fuck each other, I was keeping an open mind about the fact that you were just experimenting and learning about your bodies all that. But you just don’t have other options (almost like a prison situation??‍♂️)

    But then you said you guys are kissing/making out, and I’m not sure how to put this, but….. I hope you’re sitting down, this might come as quite a surprise. You might very well be gay.

    How can I say such a thing, you must be wondering? Well let’s review, shall we? You’re in a quasi-regular sexual relationship with a man.

    The plaintiff rests, your honor. No further witnesses, and no further evidence will be admitted at this time.

  47. Yea I've thought about that and I told him that I don't want to be stuck in this situation for years. And as for criteria to move, he has 2 dogs 1 of which is a pitbull and does not make a good inside or outside dog and no one around here in our little town is gonna rent as long as we have her. Rent in surrounding towns is about 1000+ a month because we online right in the middle of 2 college towns

  48. No, don't put your insecurity on her – This will start eating away at you and cause the relationship to break down… how about instead of being so worried… give her enough attention to get her away from the app and want to spend time with you or even better start using Snapchat and being playful with her through it. Your go to shouldn't be am ultimatum… unless you're looking for a way out and anyway she's allowed to 'window shop'.

  49. When my parents wanted me to take over dinner dish duty I told them I'd prefer to cook and handle the cooking and dishes as it would literally be less work for me (not to mention better food). She was a psycho, though.

    Have you talked to your wife about this? What is the childcare setup when she works from home? Is this the only time she gets where you are the primary parent on duty? I get that being at work isn't necessarily fun for you, but have you talked to your wife about burn out levels? If you don't like her choices of things to cook, are you involved with meal planning? Would she agree that your previous distribution of chores/childcare was equitable? What is she doing during the extra 10-20 hours you are working outside the home?

  50. Sounds hinky. People who are trying to be just friends dont typically enquire about your relationship status unless they already know you pretty well, and casual acquaintances DEFINITELY dont text about keeping secrets without context.

  51. Not really about the location, more about the fact that she randomly was out of the circle one day lol makes me think she doesn’t want me knowing something.

  52. What betrayal?

    The friend is obviously an actual friend as he travels to stay and visit with your BF several times a year. Also, it seems that even after the friend's divorce they are buddies.

    So how is it scandalous that your BF's friend had an open relationship with his wife at the time of his marriage.

    How is it far fetched that OP's BF met his friend at work. Whilst hanging out with his new friend outside of work, he meets the friend's wife. He gets to know them better finds out that they are in an open relationship and that the wife fancies OP's BF.

    So, OP's friend dates his own wife and other women. The friend's wife dates her husband, other men, and via the introduction to OP's BF through her husband dates him. No one is cheating or being cheated on thus the labelling of the marriage as open.

    The marriage dissolves and since they already had a foundation of friendship pre-divorce, the friendship continues after it through to the now present.

    What is the big scandal?

    Lied about what? Did the two of you have to provide each other the name and photo and duration of every single dating experience prior to you committing to a relationship with your current boyfriend?

    I don't get it.

    It's obvious that the two men are true friends. It is believable that they met at work.

    The way OP is going off, I thought that the friend was a past lover but that is not the case at all.

    They shared a romantic / sexual partner but not in a threesome. As the sexual / romantic relationships were non-existant when OP met the friend, the information regarding it is irrelevant to her current relationship.

    I think you find unconventional relationships scandalous despite saying otherwise.

    He hasn't lied about anything as far as I can see.

    You are upset about something else and need to calm down and give a think as to what it is.

    Do you want to break up but feel that you need a reason?

    OP if the relationship isn't working for you anymore you can just break up.

    Manufacturing drama is not the way to go about it though.

    My two cents.

  53. You haven’t been together for 6 years… it’s just been 6 months. There’s nothing to fight for. Ive had shein tops for longer than your relation with this avoidant type of guy. Don’t fight for him. Fight for yourself. Date yourself.

  54. Lmfao address your hate towards strangers. How smart of you to try to connect deepness of mind with alcohol resistance as if these two were related in any way.

  55. He is clearly using this as an excuse to make himself not be the bad guy because its a “lesson” that “YOU” need to learn… nah… hes a POS.

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