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Simran-Raajlive sex stripping with hd cam


66 thoughts on “Simran-Raajlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Just break up with him, he doesn't deserve to go through this. You don't love him at all anyways, that much is clear by the comments. You can go explore your options that way too. You literally told him he's not enough, then lied about talking to others. He's probably just agreed because he's afraid to lose you. And now you lie to him.

    Now don't be selfish and try to close the relationship cuz you'll end up cheating or falling out of love anyways, break up.

  2. It wasn't the fact that he didn't have my last name, it was the reasoning behind why she didn't put it. We decided on his full name, and she changes it and did it to hurt me.

  3. What's the problem exactly? Sounds like you guys got chemistry in person, which is way more valuable than a text heavy relationship.

  4. It's almost like if someone moves, you tend to glance in their general direction, which is likely what happened and she is so jealous and insecure she is blowing it out of proportion.

  5. I am prepared to do anything to help him. I love him so much. He is actively trying to find help for his disorder, if you see my other comment I have mentioned how none of the therapists we have found have really worked yet, so this is not his fault that he has not got proper help yet. He is aware and lucid of his disorder and wants help, and I am here for him to give him all the help he needs. (Reminder that English isn’t my first language. Let me know if anything needs clarifying.)

  6. u/strawberryskies07, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Honestly I think in ops case, her situation is bad enough that I would advise a closed in house therapy until she is stable enough to on-line on her own.

    Having fits where you want to off yourself and even hurt bystanders is outside the realm of weekly therapist appointments.

  8. Hello /u/LawyerZestyclose7414,

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  9. Fake books is the weirdest thing ever. Are you supposed to wear them? Fondle them as they are laying on the bed? So strange.

  10. so while we were arguing I confessed my lie.

    You're being too nude on yourself. You didn't lie when you told him you didn't want kids and at the time it wasn't necessary to divulge the reason why.

    Your bf changed the terms of the relationship when he changed his mind about children. Even if it was possible for you to have children, his changing his mind about children would be deal breaker as far as the relationship was concerned.

    At this point you both have different objectives for the relationship and maybe breaking up would be the best course of action.

  11. Babies aren’t relationship glue.

    The issues still stand and miserable parents won’t a good thing to a kid. Co-parenting is very much an option.

  12. Yeah sadly it’s from personal experience as my ex had a friend at work who pulled this on her. Oh I’ve run into money issues I am going to be made homeless I can’t afford the rent. My ex paid this girls rent for ages but eventually told me what was going on as she was proud of helping her friend, I was shocked this girl treated my gf like shit had a well paying job and still my GF was telling me how great her friend was. Me she didn’t even invite you to her birthday party, has never got you a present for your birthday and despite the fact you give her frees lifts to work and other places has never once said thank you she hasn’t even thanked you for the money (which she spent on drugs as she had no rent) . Worst of all she told you that if she gets the chance she’s going to seduce me and fuck me in front of you! So WHY ARE GIVING HER MONEY AND WHY DO THINK SHE IS YOUR FRIEND?

  13. You think it's weird because it IS weird. People that are in their 30s that actively pnly aim for people in their early 20s are both immature and WEIRD. It's absolutely a red flag.

    Well-adjusted 30+ year olds usually find people in their early 20s to be kiddish because they haven't been out of highschool for very long, they have a major lack of adult life experience, and plenty still haven't grown out of thinking like teens.

    This dude is a creep

  14. Not even kind of a red flag. You’re sabotaging yourself for some reason. He’s dating you, and asked you to be exclusive, how are you concluding he “actively won’t consider dating someone his own age”?

  15. He seems very excited about moving in together and the fact that is this legally just my house hasn’t been an issue. I have made it extremely clear that I want it to be just as much his house and I want him To be comfortable there. I have included him in all of the decisions so far/ran them by him

  16. Ugh he’s probably trying to come to terms with his first baby leaving ? I’m tearing up reading this because it hits close to home. Just bare through it and be as accommodating and helpful as you can be. His baby won’t be here for forever and he will always remember how you acted during his last days.

  17. Honey, you said your ex partner and his wife treated your daughter poorly, right?

    Everything you’ve written here confirms you and your partner are doing the same thing.

  18. Most people wouldn't have a VERY public open relationship and be all touchy where their kid could see them

  19. Later that day, I messaged her trying to fix things…

    I’m sorry mate, but you are a fucking idiot. Should have left her ass a long time before this. Now, who gives a fuck what she wants. As top comment said: cancel the gym membership and block her number, your ex is a POS. Now you are free, do whatever you want to do and go to whatever gym you want to, the only thing you are forbidden to do is ever speak with her again.

  20. Honestly, you’re 20. You hardly know yourself at this age and will both change so much in the next five to ten years. If you’re unsure now you need to speak up, put the wedding on hold for a while and just experience life.

  21. Yea, I saw that. I would still tell you to gtfoh. I am not making my mom sleep on the ground nor on the couch. I'd look you straight in the eyes and say “ROUND ONE fight me”.

  22. Speaking as someone in an open relationship, if you want to tear off your skin at the thought of a threesome you should not open your relationship.

  23. Just for clarity he has contributed February and march. Not since I made this post. Not that any of that matter

  24. he’s now “dating” a girl he met on hinge lol when I tell him he’s not ready he gets defensive & says that he doesn’t need me to tell him when he’s healed & act like his mom. mind you this girl has also already met his daughter & they’ve been dating for maybe a month at the most.

  25. no man should ever make you feel like you arent worthy of being admired. this guy is not a worthy boyfriend, and when you break up you WILL find men who are in love and interested in you, who are willing to admire you. the wandering eyes of a man are never your fault. beyonce was cheated on, you know.

  26. Sorry – since you have ONLY been together two months – and she is already gaslighting you and hiding her phone.

    Time to break up – sorry.

  27. Bravo. This is a man who does NOT take marriage or relationships seriously, and is the last person you want at a wedding. You did your friend a solid by keeping him (and the gossip that will follow him) far away.

  28. Bravo. This is a man who does NOT take marriage or relationships seriously, and is the last person you want at a wedding. You did your friend a solid by keeping him (and the gossip that will follow him) far away.

  29. OP has every right to end the relationship and if her fiance didn't see this as a highly possible, if not likely outcome, honestly she didn't think it through or there's a screw loose.

  30. 1 he have the right to know. he probably already do. so showing your honesty is all benefit.

    2 she is your friend. so you will help her talk with her husband, give her emotional support and all in all act as the friends of their family

    3 i am pro abortion. i respect everybody is not. if it ias a baby affair, it will happen again since she will cheat again. abortion in that case is not a solution. it is just a temporary repair of a bigger problem.

    4 get her to have a paternity test. there is no sense in aborting the baby they wanted while believing he is a baby affair.

    in short : i don't have to approve my friends to help my friends. but i will help them by pushing them to do the good and sensible things.

  31. There is nothing wrong with having a preference. I prefer darker hair over lighter/blondes. And prefer wildly dyed colourful hair over natural dark hair. Doesn’t make me a hairiscist.

  32. I'd make it VERY clear ,I don't like it . She is going to get back with him If he didn't cheat shed still be with him . There is no WAY IN HELL I'd be friends with a partner that cheated on me . So it shows you are a place holder. The SECOND you guys have a problem she is gonna be running to him for “comfort ” and ” understanding” aka ” it just happened” I didn't mean anything ” “it was a mistake” Tell her that she cuts contact with one or the other of you. If she protests. Then just cut her off and ghost her . And let him know she has a man now and do not contact her again thank you. Contact him first then let her know you did it . That way if there is further contact. She is just somebody that used to know

  33. I'm sorry you're stuck in this situation. Unrequited love sucks.

    If you're not going to ask a question, r/vent is that way. This is a subreddit specifically for asking questions.

  34. I’m more concerned that Alex would bring this up and that they “got into an argument” about this. Says a lot about Alex.

  35. You are an asshole. You don’t act like you broke up with your wife on bad terms. You have a coparenting relationship with her. Just coparent and talk about your son or pet. Do not talk to her about other issues. You are putting your relationship in the backburner without caring about your wives feelings

  36. So why don’t you take your wife to the museum during your long lunch? Why do you have to take someone else?

  37. I think you are being horny, and should stay with her. Is having sex with a man really worth throwing this relationship away?

  38. I am 38 and my family and my partner have my location and I have theirs. Because we don’t have anything to hide there ia no issues, I say nothing to his my by partner has busted me a couple times buying fast food or sneaking out for a coffee during work

  39. Why don't you make some 'realistic observations' of your own? That he's verbally abusive, lacks empathy and makes you feel bad about yourself. Your partner should lift you up, not drag you down.

  40. Mother of God, please give me the confidence of a mediocre white man, so I can use it to better the world. Amen.

  41. He's not going to change, and he can't change the past. What exactly do ypu expect? He apologized. You didn't accept. He shut down.

  42. Don’t give her the ring. Your grandma gave it to you, not her. She can be validated in other ways that don’t involve stealing a ring from you.

  43. There’s two problems here: the lying and the imbalance in attraction.

    Pretty much everyone else has covered her lying and why it’s a dealbreaker so I’ll leave that as is.

    For the imbalance in attraction, you guys went on lots of dates in November, and people date to first see if they are compatible, and then build upon their mutual attraction into a relationship. While you were focused on moving forward into a relationship with her, she was halfway holding back by keeping her ex around. To put it more bluntly, when you went home after a date, you had the butterflies and were thinking of how much you liked her and were looking forward to your future together. She was thinking of how much she liked her ex’s dick and was looking forward to him coming over.

    I don’t know about you, but that imbalance would absolutely kill my feelings and this the relationship.

  44. Call him out on it. Your feelings matter too. World should stop revolving around him for a moment.

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