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Sofia and Dex the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Sofia and Dex, y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Sofia and Dex

Sofia and Dex online sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

69 thoughts on “Sofia and Dex the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Read his comments. The married man was in an open relationship and his wife knew. The gf slept with his best friend before they got together.

  2. What she‘s doing in unethical and harmful. I am sure there a number of articles about catfishing you could use to support your intervention. My two cents as to what to say is that it needs to stop now or you will have to inform your brother and she needs to discuss this with her therapist. This is a problem. She has no connection to him. A fiction she created has duped him into feeling like there is a connection.

  3. You’re boyfriend should set boundaries because he clearly didn’t have the same reaction as you, this is something you should discuss together with him.

  4. I know for sure. I heard his friend complaining for myself. I just think that it's messed up that he would allow that. If one of my friends ever tried to treat him like that, I would never think of ever speaking to them again.

  5. You are totally different people and it wouldn't matter if you were identical twins – you're still different.

    You can't compare yourself to anyone else – you'll always find something they have better – better hair, smile, legs, etc etc.

    Be proud of you – who you are, what you have achieved, how you approach life – she'll have insecurities and worries just the same as you.

    And the fact your shitty friend made that comment shouldn't impact your friendship with her. ….

  6. I’d love to be the first to say that as long as you put thought and effort into her present, she will appreciate it. My bf could make me a card and I’d be thrilled, solely because he put in time and was thinking about me.

    If she doesn’t appreciate it, well then you may want to reassess the relationship.

  7. Other comments: [after asking for details on something] “They did this in the Military too; so this shouldn't be a shock.”

    “You want to accept a job at turning into a paralegal? You never said you were interested in being a Paralegal before, you never talk to us.”

    “You want to telework tomorrow instead of taking leave? You said you hate usually teleworking. Just saying.”

    “Why did you cause this to happen? [after she reviewed my work and didn't know herself what the outcome would be when I'm a new employee]”

    These comments at face value don't seem bad, but her tone of voice is extremely confrontational and f*cking rude as hell. 27% of the employees here leave without 8 months. The last 4 have vanished specifically because of this woman after I talked to them privately (from building friendships.) I've heard a lot of bad dangerous things about this woman.

    Hence why I came on HERE to ask for YOUR OPINION but you guys, literally, every Redditor seems to be nasty and always flip crap on the OP and make them feel like shit for being vulnerable.

    I am asking for your opinion on HER, not me. How in the world can you accuse me of being a narcissist for asking a simple question, although seemingly a dumb question. Do you not understand I already said there were more comments and incidents. But I wanted to LEAD with a comment thats been upsetting me because it's every time. Every time I don't wear a coat, I get nagged at for no reason. She isn't being cool, friendly, or playful. It's harsh criticism.

    I was wearing A LONG SLEEVE and it was not windy or rainy. So no. Today I didn't want to wear a fcking coat because it's WARM inside and a 2 second walk back to my fcking car.

  8. He sounds like a very respectful and kind person; maybe he’s waiting for you to express that you’re comfortable with putting a label on it? It could be that simple.

    Don’t pay attention to the words, pay attention to the actions. He’s already playing the role of a wonderful boyfriend. Does he have to label it for it to count?

  9. I'm unclear as to the nature of the threat here. He broke up with you and told you that your interactions with him are so toxic he finds it difficult ot remain calm and civil as you keep after him on the ex-GF thing. Your relationship is (according to you) effectively over. He has told you that while he wants the break-up to be non-acrimonious he does not want to be with you for the aforesaid reasons.

    It sounds like you are asking for permission to keep pestering him about your non-existent relationship. Why not take what he is saying to you at face value and simply stay away for him?

  10. A lot of people don’t really understand how genetics work. For example I’ve heard a lot of people say that you can’t have blue eyes unless both parents have blue eyes because the blue eye gene is recessive. Well my brother and I have blue eyes and so does our mom but our dad had brown. The probability of blue eyes is less likely but it’s not some kind of game where brown automatically trumps blue. People also think if you have a mixed race child they have to be an equal mix of both parents’ skin colors like you’re mixing paint.

  11. If you need to look at it from a kindness point of view – every day you spend with your partner that you don't really want to be there will make it harder for them in the end.

    How your partner responds is on them, not you. Just be ready to go when you do break up. Be firm but kind, and be final. Have your stuff ready, have your plans made.

    Do you online together? If there is a lease, that may cause some problems, but offer to pay your part until the end. Talk to the landlord and find out what you need to do. Be prepared.

    It is kinder to be honest and end it than to stay and not be happy.

  12. Then honestly it might not improve until the kids in school and teachers start calling and needing to have a talk with her because her kid bit another and sent them to the nurses office because she didn’t get the toy she wanted during recess.

  13. One of my best friends was divorced from her husband after a couple years of marriage and probably a total of 9-10 years relationship. He ultimately decided he didn’t want kids. She was devastated but eventually moved on and even moved to a different city in a different state. A couple years later she found out he had gotten married to someone new after maybe a year of dating, and they were expecting a baby. To say my friend was crushed is an understatement. Not because she had feelings for him (she absolutely did NOT) but because it’s awful to realize that someone you spent so much of your life with was essentially stringing you along, or at the very least, being dishonest about their wants/needs.

    I’m sure your girlfriend is over her ex after four years, but it’s still devastating to learn that you weren’t enough, that your partner couldn’t be honest with you, and that the future you thought you were going to have was given to someone else after a year or two of dating. It’s like when someone has a kid and isn’t a great parent, but then turns a new leaf and becomes an awesome grandparent.

  14. Probably a bit of expectation and stigma(not sure if stigma is the right word, it's like.. glorified maybe?)

    For so long the expectation was graduate, get married, get a house, have kids, work until you die and pay your taxes. It's definitely starting to change as the world opens up and we learn more about human interaction good and bad. Plus if people come from hyper religious families/areas it can be expected to marry young, especially if premarital sex is a huge no no.

    At the end of the day, I have no fuckin clue why it happens, just always sad to see someone that's like 22-23 already divorced and broken up over it.

  15. I think your husband is just really passive aggressive and wants to make other people “suffer” his bowel movements.

  16. He jizzed all over you while you were sleeping – knowing you have been assaulted in your sleep in the past and having agreed on a boundary together about no sexual stuff while the other person is sleeping. He then laughed in your face, left you alone to clean up, and ignored you for the rest of the day? And he is almost 30 goddamn years old? Hun. No. He's not the one. Degrading you for his own amusement is not the man to stay with.

  17. No, there is no hope for this relationship. You have very little self-awareness.

    I don't try to control her hobbies so I feel her attempt to decide mine are too much.

    Dude, you forgot your GFs birthday because you were into Pokemon Go that much; you don't reply to her messages because you put your phone on DND so it wouldn't interfere with your hobby. And you don't see these are not the behaviors that make for a good relationship?

    Your single-minded focus on your hobby of the moment makes me think you are neurodivergent. You need to do even your hobbies in a more balanced way or you will have no relationships at all.

  18. I am 27 and I feel very touched by all the issues you mention in your post. Apathy for life, not having interests, not asking for help, keeping all emotions to yourself, isolating yourself from everyone, socializing less and less.

    I have been thinking about depression for some time and starting with a psychologist, but I feel that I am not prepared to do it and even afraid to do it, I feel that everything that happens to me is an overreaction on my part and that it is not such a big deal, that It's not worth it to go to a psychologist. But after seeing your post and the things you wrote, I feel a little more validated with my feelings. Thanks OP and I hope things work out for you, good luck.

  19. whether or not the relationship is actually a proper open marriage (which obviously it’s not) is in the end immaterial. the fact that your husband decides to judge sami that harshly after everything she’s been through, and the fact that he thinks she will make you cheat for some reason… that is both unreasonable and concerning. making this into an ultimatum says a lot about who he is as a person, and what he thinks about both your integrity and your right to autonomy.

    all i can say is please don’t turn your back on your friend now, even if you disagree with the way she’s handling things. she’s in an abusive relationship, and she is going to need you.

  20. Thanks, I appreciate your words. I’m leaving for college this fall. I think it’s for the better. And she has been seeing help. Her psychiatrist recommended a full time mental health facility. I’m hoping she takes up the recommendation. I’m still an awful person who led a poor girl on. I shouldn’t have, and I’m never making that mistake again.

  21. I only sucked his dick and he ate me out! That’s all! Oh look what I ate today…. Your ex having delusions of grandeur….. Bro grey rock the hell out her , block her on socials. If you want to be petty and get with her friend do so, just completely ghost this Ex tho! Good luck! ✌?

  22. Hardly any men are interested in party planning, this alone seems a small reason to cancel.

    But if you want to cancel, then I'm guessing it's not a decision you came to lightly so you really just have to go with your gut instinct.

  23. She also sent me a snap of her at work saying she was pissed because her coworkers’ BF took her flowers.

    So she compares y'all's relationship to others, huh? You're in for a bad time.

    Seems CHILDISH

    Because it is. Watch out for more behavior like this. If it continues, reconsider this relationship.

  24. After years of being in with the 2 yes rule, it's pretty strange of him to break it over such a small disagreement.

    Is there more to it? If give him some space to think over what he said. Hopefully, he apologizes. If not, in a few days, initiate the conversation.

    I'm in your corner. We're away, so no fist sleepover.

  25. your idea that your kid not having your name will mean a judge will assume you're not involved is absolute horseshit.

    I'm not even trying to be rude, but are you a lawyer? My lawyer, who naturally deals with this stuff on a day to day basis gave me advice on this. I came here because I really don't want to have to go through court for this as there will most likely be future court cases that will need a lot more attention.

  26. to answer your question why a lot of guys are less bothered by their girlfriend cheating with another woman there's 2 reason I can think of

    they have some kind of fetish for being cheated on but see it as less 'pathetic' because it's with another woman a woman can't get another woman pregnant so it's less 'risky'

  27. So he lied, flirted with another girl, and met with her and he says you are the problem?


    There's a whole lot of red flags here – pay attention.

  28. Your girlfriend is amazing. She is stepping up and emotionally supporting. Not only you, but your children. If your late wife is as wonderful as you describe her, I don’t think she could’ve asked for anything more than that.

    It is unfair to your current girlfriend as her partner, and I imagine if she sticks around – as a mother figure to your kids, to treat her this way. She deserves all the love and compassion in the world, because not only is she dealing with her own grief admirably, but she’s willing to take on the burdens of you and your kids grief.

    You are in denial, and you need to get some help. You can’t online a life with a ghost. But you can live your life with a warm, compassionate, loving woman who is choosing to be with you now. Don’t throw that away because you can’t overcome and get over what is in the past.

    Work on how you can honor your wife’s memory together, with your new partner, so that your kids can know how special their birth mom was, and how wonderful your new partner is to help keep her alive in some way.

    Next time you have an outburst like the cookie incident, take the opportunity to bring out photos of their mom, baking cookies, or using a recipe that she would use. Your new partner isn’t a replacement for their birth mom, but she is their reality now. And both deserve to be loved and respected.

  29. No, it doesn't “have to come from them” what's going to happen. Just sitting back and letting this fade is pointless. You need to have the will to just ask straight up if this guy wants to break up.

  30. What do you mean “maybe she is responding to his advances”. She kissed him once and then as soon as you were out of site she invited him into her family home twice…and made out with him. Let’s stop blaming the coworker here. Your girlfriend is a shit excuse for a partner and if you stay with her knowing she has proved multiple times to have no respect for you, then you don’t respect yourself also.

  31. Sit her down and talk. Ask her how she plans to fix this? No BS answers allowed. Does she even want to fix it? She needs to find a new job. But until then she breaks contact with the guy. If she works with him, communicate for work only. No messaging…zero zip. She does not meet for lunch. Stay away from office social gatherings.

    You could try counseling….together and her bt herself. You might want to go for yourself to help you manage the anger.

    See how you feel by what she says. If it can not be fixed, work out a timely arrangement for her to move out.

  32. It sounds like you already know that independence is your next step.

    I have been at that point of burn out with a long distance relationship before. Its very hot, especially since you greatly care for them as a person.

    Best advice I can give is to be open, and honest about what you need, and what you can give. Good luck

  33. I’m not waiting around for him or anything. I’m not the type to block someone unless they’re threatening me or making me uncomfortable. So far, he has not been inappropriate with the interactions, such as flirting or making any sexual comments. It has been casual and polite. Which stumps me because we had gone NC for 2 weeks and he believes this is all harmless which yes, it is. But he wanted to set boundaries for his relationship, since we previously had sex and I was in agreement with that

    I don’t mind that he reaches out but he does need some growing up to do. Because after 2 weeks of NC since he got into a relationship, he just randomly sends me reels on instagram with no words, as if nothing ever happened and is totally normal.

    He did tell me earlier on when we were talking (when he brought up exclusivity), that vulnerability and communication is so important to him. I told him it’s important to me too and that I am transparent and honest. So for him to ask of that but not reciprocate that when I asked him if everything is okay, why he lost interest, and so forth … stumps me

    The last time I had asked if everything is okay, was my third try. Third times the charm right? I let him know, “I’m easy to talk to. I’m okay with having uncomfortable conversations and I’m not going to retaliate or react.” That’s when he finally opened up about “losing his spark”

    That’s another topic .. “spark.” I mean, what even is that? People define it in many different ways.

  34. Honestly, I feel sorry for him. That would be really difficult to reconcile strict religious believe with just getting a BJ from you’re gf. This one requires therapy. The church has done a number on him.

  35. There is nothing wrong with being selfish and shallow in regards to dating, every single person has preferences and boundaries, it only causes moral dilemas and suffering telling other people to ignore them.

    Honestly I don't advise childless people to date parents.

  36. Alright. This is why I’ve been talking to him about it multiple times. I want open communication, though he doesn’t say much of anything in response. We both have anxiety and maybe it gives him anxiety over it too

  37. My wife with ADHD loves going down on me, so I’m calling BS on him using that as a crutch. Your boyfriend sounds like a selfish & lazy lover. You’re only 18, you deserve to have a sex life you’re fulfilled by. If he’s not willing to prioritize your pleasure, you need to find someone who will.

  38. You made a great decision. Your friends are still in that young, if nothing happens, then it's totally fine mindset but it's not that simple.

  39. It doesn't matter what he said. It's what he's done that's the truth. Figure out how to pay bills on your income, and change the locks. Get a lawyer and don't talk to him anymore.

  40. It seems like the first step is admitting it out loud. Do you plan on moving or do you think it would be best for her to move out? It might be difficult if you have both been in your place of residence for a long time. Also, you may need to look into whether this counts as some kind of common law marriage depending on where you online and whether she might say she has rights to your joint property and savings or even alimony. I know absolutely zilch about this, I'm just thinking out loud. But it would help to have some financial plan in mind that has a definite beginning and a very clear end.

    Have you brought this up at all? Is it on the table? Have you talked with her about whether she is happy in the relationship? If she is just as unhappy, then it seems like you just bring it up…. You might want to tell a friend that you are going to break up so that they can be there to help pick up the pieces. You might want to let her have some space for herself, for instance.

  41. We kiss/make out every once in a while but it never gets past that. I’ve asked her before about this and she says that she wants to wait until marriage. I don’t want to push her into doing something that she doesn’t want to do but […]

    But what? She told you she wants to wait until marriage for sexual intimacy. What do you think your options are here?

  42. he knows people go to bars to meet other people. He also may know that many men are pushy, disrespectful, and are dangerous at bars. But this doesn't mean you're going to meet people and it also doesn't mean you can't handle your own.

    You're right its not really controlling/manipulative. But I think it sounds more like insecurity and projection.

  43. Hon he’s emotionally and psychologically abusing you. That’s on him, not you. Abusers specifically target people who are vulnerable and that includes people whose esteem is already not high.

    Of course you’ll likely have to find a share housing situation but you certainly shouldn’t stay with someone who’s abusing you. He will never get better and now he’s starting to test and stretch boundaries with laying hands on you.

  44. Girl, block him, delete and move on. Ignore him at the wedding. He’s with his ex. You know he’s sleeping with her. It’s a good thing you left him but you’re still acting as if you’re together. Let him go. Move on. Find someone who won’t disrespect your or the relationship

  45. Nah ignore him. There’s nothing unreasonable about you feeling uncountable SEEING your bf stare or gaze at other women in front of you like a child with no self control. Finding other people attractive is natural but shit, I can keep it to myself and I don’t ever comment to my partners (or stare at a very hot guy in front of them) about how hot another guy is. Is there some super power womne have where we can control ourselves and are better disciplined than men or something? No, of course not.

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