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Sofia-cleir live sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 10, 2022

3 thoughts on “Sofia-cleir live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I dated a Swiss girl years ago and when showing me family photos there were pics of her 14 year old sister topless at the beach. I didn't know where to look or what to say, her family thought it was hilarious.

  2. Healthy relationships:

    Things can be discussed together. ALL things. Even personal icks.

    A partner in a healthy relationship will hear you out, even if he has a hot time.

    He/ she will not guilt trip/ coerce/ gaslight you into doing things you don't want.

    a healthy relationship doesn't involve powerplay or fighting. It doesn't make you feel like you are in for bare life struggles.

    a healthy relationship never involves physical abuse or aggression.

    a healthy relationship makes you feel like having entered a brightly lit ballroom on your head. Because it looks good, feels good, lets you breathe. But after so much abuse you just feel like “out of place” and having zo learn all things anew.

    a healthy relationship comes devoid of that nauseatic rollercoaster feeling that abusive relationships come with.

    -a healthy relationship comes without a threat to end everything if the partner happenes to be unhappy with one tiny detail.

    a healthy relationship has no on-off-on-off- on “growth”. It has a linear growth. Or it's off because after trauma and abuse this is a really scary emotional area, as it is a totally new experience.

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