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SofiOXOlive sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “SofiOXOlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So you're going to also recognize the reverse right? That she also can have anxiety about these topics and wants the distance from them respected?

    Or does only one person matter here?

    He has the option of having different people support him. She doesn't have an option of whether or not he dumps this on her. He can always have a different support person for this topic.

  2. I think it's me being used by comments on my weight here in Asia. Just a couple of weeks ago a friend told me I had gotten really fat and I shouldn't drink Coke because of me being overweight and looking pregnant. You learn to shrug it off after a while but it's different when dating somebody. So I kind of foolishly ignored his comment on the first date

  3. “my dog keeps peeing in the house, how do i fix this?”

    “If you didn't want pee in the house all the time you shouldn't have gotten a dog”

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