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Sofyx-m live! sex cams for YOU!


Spank in doggy style [Multi Goal]

Date: November 2, 2022

29 thoughts on “Sofyx-m live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I just can't accept that some jerk using her personal info to stalk her is normal. For her sake and that of any other women coming into that DMV office I want him gone.

    Bear in mind he is stalking her and as much as you want to, you cannot be her protector 24/7. If you get this guy fired, he will have 8 extra hours per day to dedicate his life to your girlfriend and you.

    Eventually, he will turn his attention elsewhere. But, for the time being unless you have her consent, it would be both unfair to her and dangerous for you to go after this guy in any capacity, even if you would be 100% in the right to do so.

    If she does agree to take action, make sure there are protections in place for her (such as a restraining order) before this guy is confronted.

  2. I would skip the cheating for now.

    At the beginning of December I got covid for the first time and it was horrible. He didn't want me to get any of his students sick and risk them needing to do a makeup final so he made me sleep in the living room.

    So what you’re saying is that he’s not only a cheating uncaring scumbag but he’s also stupid? If he was so worried about getting his precious mistress sick, the smart thing to do would have been to isolate you in the bedroom so you don’t go spreading germs in the middle of the apparent.

    That’s a sarcastic take of course. Stop wondering if things can be fixed because they can’t. It’s over. The dog died, don’t keep it.

  3. Hello /u/Jamiemememem,

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  4. There's not much you can do, you reinforced how important honesty and communication is, and she got that, it's just her honesty and communications were with other guys.

    She's been sexting and sending nudes to these dudes for years, for years……….

    You can't trust her, at least she's said shes not ready for kids, she's right and it would be a disaster for you

  5. All this in only five months? You do deserve someone better than her. Agree that you can’t support her and let her find someone else. Nothing you do will ever be enough for her. Nothing, so stop trying. She is too young for you anyway. Find someone older and more mature. Get out now.

  6. Bro she is manipulating your ass. Why are men so goddamn gullible. Why are her finances after you break up your issue. DO NOT SIGN ANY LEGAL DOCUMENT OR MAKE ANY BINDING STATEMENTS!

  7. I guess it's a little better that he volunteered it than you found out on your own, but he's still not mentioned it for a month. The way I see it whether you were official/exclusive at that point or not friends are generally out of bounds. Way out of bounds.

    If she still doesn't see why this would upset you then there's nothing to discuss with her. If your boyfriend doesn't see that then I don't really know what happened to regain your trust. I guess I'm trying to get at what those discussions looked like and what kind of terms you two put in place as for how big a violation this is. At face value, I think it's really bad and wher in going is that you obviously need to discuss this with him, but should you need to? What did you leave unsaid before that would make him think this is okay?

  8. Wow OP. I’ve been cheated on multiple times with multiple partners (thankfully not a fiancé). It’s pretty much the worst pain I’ve felt in the world. I’m happy you have friends taking care of you.

    It sounds like you know what you need to do, but know Internet strangers are thinking of you. Seriously, my heart goes out to you.

  9. I think if you think back there had to be more before that meeting

    That didn’t sound like an isolated thing, they all really seem to dislike you ?

    And all that stuff she said about you didn’t just spontaneously come out just then for the first time, it sounds like she’s had problems wjth you a lot longer than that

    She maybe just didn’t feel safe to voice it till then

  10. If you aren't compatible now, you never will be. Any marriage based on changing the partner is a disaster. It never works. If the differences he pointed out were tiny, he wouldn't care, it sounds like an excuse.

    Possibilities that come to mind:

    He correctly realizes that you have very different priorities, and it isn't going to change. If you are from a very different culture, that can make those differences even more obvious. He doesn't really ever want to be married to anybody. He sees you as a “friend with benefits”, instead of as an intimate life partner. By “work on us”, he may mean “drag it out until you're gone, then look for somebody else”. He has a phobia of commitment (not just to you), and would be a terrible husband for anybody. He's being warned by family and/or friends that you're looking for a way to stay in the country, even thought they won't say it when you are present. I suspect this is the most likely. When you marry a person, you are basically marrying the entire family. If the family doesn't like you, you're in trouble. If his family isn't begging him to marry you, they're probably doing the opposite.

    In my own case, I'm married to a foreigner. After learning the language, I met her in her country, and years later I went back, dated her, and married her. We have a large house in her country, where I will retire one day. My children were raised in both cultures, know both languages, and we all do lengthy stays in both countries.

    If your boyfriend is serious about you, he will immediately look for how he could go see you in your country if you aren't able to get your visa, get his passport, and save money to fund the trip. If he isn't making those steps, he wasn't ever serious about you, you were just “friends with benefits”, in which case he was just your practice run before you find a man of higher quality who will be your husband. The best revenge against someone who wasted years of your time is to on-line a better life without them.

    Regardless of what happens, I wish you the best of luck!

  11. Going to need an insta link for proof, or this story is just more made up karma farmin bullshit. ??‍♂️

  12. Wow, being bi isn't being crazy. Your reaction feels homophobic and This is not the right post to b homophobic

  13. So that’s your brain going into emotional shock and protecting you from self destructing. Same thing happen when my dad (my favorite human being on the planet) had a stroke and was hospitalized. When I saw the text from my step mom—I felt nothing. I remember putting my phone back into my pocket and focusing on work and the clients I was dealing with.

    My brain literally couldn’t process how devastated I was and instead of feeling that—it just shut down.

    I’m so sorry you’re in this state. And I suggest meditating and focus on finding your emotions.

    Because they’re going to come back.

  14. How on earth is she not going to be messed up from that.

    That's not a fair assumption. A LOT of people grow up into decent, well-adjusted adults, in spite of having horrific parents. They do so by choosing to be good, against their own environment.

    Everyone deserves to be assessed on their own flaws and merits, rather than by the reputation of their insane parents.

  15. Tell me you jump to unwarranted and absurd conclusions because someone disagrees with you without telling me that

    Are you the toddler bf? Let it the fuck go.

  16. Actually, since his size makes it so uncomfortable, anyway, she could use this as an excuse to stop penetrative sex for good. Just use mouths and hands, no more need to squeeze a python through the eye of a needle.

  17. Maybe tell her just that. rip it off like a band aid. explain you have tried every way you know to help her and nothing is working. express your loss of physical attraction.

  18. I understand the feeling when your number is less but 3 is really nothing man. I am pretty sure my gf has been with 50+ people.

    Work on letting go of that type of jealousy and appreciate that you both want each other right now.

  19. Ewwww how could you ever be friends with someone who THINKS THAT IS OKAY AND MANY MEN WATCH IT. I would freak out and her to cps that the mom think child Pornography is acceptable and people should get punished for it.

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