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Stephania Aguirre live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 5, 2022

59 thoughts on “Stephania Aguirre live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Look,

    Some people are family people (this can be with or without your own kids)

    Other people are NOT.

    It's very hot for those two types to get together.

    I grew up in a family with an open door policy. Never had to call, never had to knock. I still find it weird when friends knock on my door to be let in lol. But I will too knock on theirs bc ya know.. social norms ig.

    My family could show up at my house for me to find them hanging out eating breakfast when I wake up and I litterally would not care.

    Saying that, I could never be with someone who was so opposite and boundary placing like that. Nothing wrong with wanting private space, but it's just not for me.

    So you might have a compatability issue. Also, he might be less tolerant to the jumpiness of your dad if you were correct in earlier posts about his possible alcoholism.

  2. Is it possible that since they had the child, your friend is so into being Daddy, he has forgotten he is a husband also? Also is he just doing the showy dad bits like uploading photos to SM. I think the message is more than about one photo

  3. That’s what I think too. Especially if she comes back in the future trying to get child support and it turns out to be his kid, having a child support check every month would affect his finances, which would affect our shared finances.

  4. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So my wife (F25) has a 50B on her that I (m33) had put in place after she showed up at my dads house unannounced in may of this year and proceeded to hit me on front of my parents. We were separated for 5 months starting in January. Due to previous emotional abuse. We got back together and moved into her grandmothers house in July and having been living together since. Since we have gotten back together she has attempted to strangle me, hit me and slapped me on multiple occasions. I have begged and begged her to stop and make positive changes for herself and our kids. I know eventually she will treat them the way she does me. I think the best course of action I can do at this point is move on so it forces her to come face to face with herself and whatever is causing her rage. However, She is emotionally black mailing me and saying it will be my fault for destroying the kids lives and tearing our family apart. I feel guilty but I’m also numb. She begged me back and promised to change in June and she was the nicest most loving person for about two months. Then she started backsliding. And I don’t think I can give her another chance.

    TLDR: I am a male victim of domestic abuse and need to know if abusers ever change in a relationship or if I should move on and leave my wife.

  5. If she doesn't have the courtesy to communicate with you about why she's being distant, what makes you still think she's worth dating?

  6. Ahhh so you came here looking for validation and sympathy rather than actual advice?

    Okay, if it's what you want to hear:

    It's completely fine to treat the person you love this way, you shouldn't feel bad. You're definitely not lacking empathy and wanting to manipulate someone into forgiveness is the way to go, the ends justify the means. It's your husbands fault for being psychologically damaged by bereavement and not able to get his dick very hot anyway. Definitely nothing to do with the fact you don't make him feel safe enough for intimacy to occur. A pill will fix all these problems. Put it back on him so you don't have to do anything meaningful to deal with it.

    There you go.

    Hope it makes you feel better for a while.

    From the looks of it, it'll be the end of your marriage though.

  7. You did the right thing. Stay strong and remain no contact with him.

    He is trying to talk to you to give you some bull reasons like 'it meant nothing' or 'our relationship needs work'. Dont give him thay satisfaction. Stay no contact. Good luck to you

  8. I think you should break up. It's sad that she has these issues, but a long distance relationship is the very last thing that someone with those issues should be in. Add the family dynamic in, and it's clear that this relationship isn't doing anyone any good.

  9. I'm going to be as honest as I can. “They” will tell you a lot of things. Mostly what “they” tell you will be about withholding affection or pretending you don't care as a means of psychological warfare. It's very dumb advice. You will be sitting around the house “not chasing him,” and “waiting for him to come to you.” Meanwhile, he will be out living his life.

    If you like the guy, you should text him. If he's not into it, find another guy.

  10. It’s really very hot to accuse someone because even though you are asking a logical question most of the time, a cheater is never going to outright admit anything and will make you feel so incredibly bad or stupid for asking about something that probably indeed happened. I honestly just say to go with your gut. He is being weird AF with this woman. If he ain’t cheating, it is leading up to it

  11. Reach out, but not in an I’m still so in love with you way. That would be creepy.

    Let her know you think of her occasionally and would love the opportunity to touch base and catch up. As a friend. Only as a friend.

  12. You’re absolutely right, but there’s no way you can tell your friends this and not break up. “Hey my gf just violated all of your privacy and also mine but I’m staying with her” is a great way to lose all your friends

  13. I am utterly flabbergasted. Nowhere in your post you’ve mentioned that your wife or anyone else asked you to do this? Only that this family member is sick?

    Did you walk up to your wife and proactively suggest – hey wife, how about we divorce so I can legally marry the relationship and she can have my insurance?

    Like I am still struggling to see who asked you to do it? I get it’s a sad situation, but did anyone specifically ask you to ruin your own life to save hers? It’s like saying hey it’s a cold winter night, let’s set fire to the house! That’ll keep us warm!

    I mean it with all the compassion and not at all as a snark, but do you have a therapist? Are you talking to someone? Because I am scared for your family and their safety.

    And idk if this is some kind of psychosis you have but do you truly not see why she is angry? You basically told her your marriage in a legal sense meant nothing to you because you’d be ok to do that and I am guess stay married to your own wife ‘in spirit’. Not to mention how inappropriate it is. ‘My ex husband is now married to my brother’s wife/uncle’s wife/stem mom’. Your wife still has to live in the society after your little stunt saves this other woman’s life. And if you’re so worried about her medical bills why don’t you sell your house and give out the money? Or give away your retirement funds? Are you going to argue that giving away your pension or house will be a real financial hit to you, but this fake marriage thingy won’t actually change much? Because if you argue that I’d say the sanctity of your current marriage means nothing to you. If you think breaking your marriage in a technical sense is nothing but the financial impact would make a difference then yes your marriage truly has no value to you.

    Again, I can’t stress this enough please get a therapist if you don’t have one already. Also get a divorce lawyer just in case. If I were your wife I can’t see myself coming back from this

  14. When it was discovered that a boy in my daughters class at high school had a phone full of pictures of her, he got in big trouble. That's not even nearly OK.

  15. You realize one of them might get in your car and rob you? A lot of those girls, while victims, are also predators themselves, because they are driven to do so.

    Please stop trying to be a hero to others. Instead be a hero to yourself.

  16. Pretty certain because her mom had sole custody, she was also given her moms last name. She was born as the result of an affair between her 18 year old mother and her father who was married and had kids already (her older sister and brother). It caused a lot of problems and her moms family disapproved. Whenever she was with her dad her mom and grandma where with her because he lived hours away.

    The dad had 50/50 custody of the oldest siblings from marriage 1 and primary custody of her youngest sister from marriage 4 and that’s how he was able to abuse them. The oldest and youngest sister are 18 year apart so they didn’t live there at same time.

    My fiancé was only at her dads for parties, to collect gifts like her car for her bday and for celebrations. Sisters were there 24.7, so my fiancé wasn’t aware of abuse and lashed out at them for mistreating her dad or being difficult

  17. This isn't something that can be fixed. It's just who you two are. And frankly as relationships progress there tends to be less sex.

    So either accept it or don't. She has shown you who she is. If you are ok with this for the rest of your life, go for it. Lots of people would be totally ok with it. I wouldn't. Call me shallow, but physical intimacy is super important to me. She should probably find someone who is satisfied with less sex. They are out there. And it's awesome.

  18. Well if you can afford in the city, and it isn't a question of sharing the load it may sadly be a compatibility issue if she can't let it drop. Have you made yourself clear that you don't plan to move out of the city etc?

  19. A Nanny 3x a week for 8 hr days, Grandparents for 15 hrs a week, AND a cleaner? Why not just let her stop being a Mom and partner altogether? lmao

  20. Just send a message saying Hi how are you. Haven’t seen you in a long time. Was wondering if you would like to get a coffee some time to catch up.

  21. Yes, she should have been more upfront about when she started to feel that way, but maybe it's new. Maybe she's been feeling a little on the fence, and when she felt like they were sliding to a different position than they had been, she finally opened up.

    The difference between the two main characters in this story is she WAS TELLING HIM. and before they got married, she wasn't trying to hurt him, she wasn't waiting until after they are married.

    He however, verbally attacked her. And TRIED TO HURT HER emotionally. He didn't freak out about her not wanting kids, and how disappointed he is or try to find out where this is coming from.

    He attacked her character. He deliberately tried to hurt her.

  22. I, for my part, wouldn't want to have a partner that keeps on mocking people over things, they didn't ask to be born with tbh.

    I mean, it's your decision in the end, but to me that doesn't really show a great personality – so there are other problems I'd say..

    Also, what are we talking about? Could be important

  23. You kind of shut yourself in the foot here. There’s nowhere this doesn’t lead but somewhere uncomfortable.

  24. He likes flirting. He misses certain things about you and the relationship, that doesn't mean the relationship would be better if you dated again. Now that the relationship is restricted to his liking, he can throw all these mixed signals around with freedom from caring about your feelings. You still want to date him, which is why you are getting flustered by this flirting. It's just flirting, there doesn't need to be some hidden motive. He has the boundary of “I don't like you as much” and so he can tease you like this and keep you exactly where he wants you.

    I think it would be best to break up. Fully break up. Stop sitting next to him. Stop waiting for his gaze/laugh all the time. Stop going on dates (cute walks after the gym, trying to cuddle with him). Stop hoping he's going to 'like' you enough to date you. He knows you like him and he's taking advantage of you. He enjoys the game and you are playing by his rules now. He can tease and tease but one day he'll just stop and be like “I told you I didn't want this” and you'll be hurt again.

    I just wish I knew if he liked me.

    He doesn't. He already told you that. This flirting doesn't change that at all. He likes you enough to flirt/fuck, but not enough to exclusively date you. He wants the freedom to sleep around, to flirt with you when it's convenient for him, to have a booty call when he's lonely.

  25. I would be hurt and angry to be so badly neglected. Who cares if you’re not technically cheating, you’re paying more attention to a coworker than your wife. It’s not right.

  26. Agreed but we call grow up and live in different bubbles. In hers it was important to go to those schools.We see what she did makes zero sense but she doesn’t. Whatever bubble she grew up in, sounds like it popped.

  27. Dump him he's a dead weight. He obviously has an enabler who is working against you ,unless he lives in van someone is suppoting a 28 year old man to sit on his ass and game. Even if he got a decent job his lazy ass will probably make a lousy husband or father.

    Do you want to spend the rest of your life nagging a guy to do the absolute minimum?

  28. Is it causing a financial problem? Is she gaining weight and complaining about it? While it doesn’t sound healthy per say, it isn’t fully your place. Maybe she’s stressed about something and is eating to cope. Maybe she has a hormone imbalance and the extra sugar is giving her energy that she’s not fueling properly.

    Maybe approach this from a household point of view of trying to be more aware of food and health. For instance, buy her a popcorn maker and kernels. It doesn’t need much oil at all to pop and has way less crap than the bags of popcorn. Find a recipient or a high protein high fiber cookie and ask her to try making that instead.

  29. Right. Mine is dampened but when I did depo I was just always in a bad mood and my libido was shot. Ironic, if you're taking it to aid in safe sex.

    It's some very hot garbage

  30. This is your first relationship, it’s going to effect you greatly so be patient with yourself and your feelings. The long and short of it is you’re undervaluing yourself and that’s why you feel conflicted in my opinion, this woman was extremely toxic to you and maybe it wasn’t one sided but even if you weren’t always perfect it doesn’t excuse being horrible to you. Reflect on what you could have done better, reflect on what she could have done better (so you learn what you don’t need to tolerate in a healthy relationship) and seek the company of your friends are my biggest pieces of advice.

    Hope this all helps 🙂

  31. Sound advice.

    I don’t really care about what he has to say tbh. I’m definitely cutting him off my life, but I guess it would be entertaining to see what he has to say for himself when he gets my message when I confront him.

    I plan to be impartial and non-emotional about everything, in which I truly am. I know I’ll be more at peace without him.

  32. I read your post. You said you trust him, but if this is “making you uncomfortable” then obviously you don't trust him.

    What exactly are you expecting from posting this? Do you want Redditors to tell you you have to stop him from going?

  33. Yeah I saw that too. I had a hysterectomy basically between two of my husbands deployments. I don't think we had any wiggle room in my recovery before he was suppose to leave. I was told it would be six to eight weeks before intercourse to give my body time to heal. So you know what that man did. NOTHING, that man did not pressure me for sex, didn't ask me for a BJ, didn't try to play with my boobs or butt. That man, my husband waited until I was ready to have sex and even then I think it took the doctor telling him I was healed.

    So a man who had been gone for like more than half a year, home only a year, to then be told they'll be gone again, this time in a extremely dangerous place and you'll be back at some point. Was not thinking about how he was going to get his dick wet before he left. Like find you a person like him. Not him, he's mine.

  34. You're not supposed to involve people in your relationships , unless it involves abuse. That's just dumb, cose u will forgive but ur loved ones won't. Be very careful of how u vent to ur loved ones . Not everything has to be said out loud.

  35. He's not going through your phone because of trust issues. He's going through your phone because he's a controlling asshole. He CHOKED you!!

    Men who choke their partners are VERY likely to murder them. You are in danger. There is nothing you can do to make him trust you, or to treat you better. He's messed up. Please get help. And for the love of God, please don't get pregnant!

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