Here's the thing you need to go no contact and i bet you the only reason she came back because the ex-didn't work what happens if the ex comes back, she'll leave again brother you deserve better than being plan B you need to stop hanging out with her and meet some new people you only want her because she's familiar but its time to move also it seems she only brought the worst in you is that someone you really want or are you just scared to go into the unknown
The ex I compared to, she ended things and just went and married someone 6 months later and that devastated me.
It wasn't until I met the woman who cheated on me I actually thought I could open my heart to love again. Just how everything went, was so natural and wonderful until she did that. She seemed like she genuinely wanted what we had going on. That's why it hurt so much.
She was the one who wanted to go to Paris and do the full romantic thing. She came up with something and I was her longest relationship and she was the closest I had to my ex.
It just sucked.
I've had to learn who I give my time and my heart to. I tried to be too helpful and kind to people. These past 3 months ok really got distracted cause I got too embedded in a weird situation with a woman at work who's married, but she would really give off that vibe she wanted to cheat and shes even come running at me to talk, and said she hears my voice when I wasn't there.
But I know it's wrong, and it can be bad. But if people don't think twice about cheating, why shouldn't I just get something. But then the other thing is I know it's wrong and I need to stay away from her.
Now that I have, the pain from the cheater has come back
Your boyfriend is taking advantage of your trauma to openly cheat on you.
You need to breakup with him if you don't want to further your trauma. He is very toxic for anyone let alone for a person with a history of such severe trauma.
Do not let him gaslight you and lie to you. Ignore his demands and pleas. He is out to hurt and destroy you.
Five minutes is only time enough if OP needs to think about all the time she lost. End of relationship is end of relationship. Move on. Peter looks nice. And if someone has anything to say about how you conduct your life, give them some of your bills to pay. If they’re not your father and/or don’t pay your bills, so they have nothing to say about your life.
Well, I mean you’ve been together over a year… I think if it were me, I would try to talk to him and be honest about what I learned about myself. Tell him that you didn’t realize how important physical touch and going to certain places were to you, and that you’re being honest with him to see if that’s something he’s willing to work on or if he thinks it’s best too that you go your separate ways.
I mean i guess youre right, i just geniunely dont see how im being controlling in this situation. We have a very free relationship and 90% of her friends are male and that doesnt bother me, my only rule is once they cross the line theyre out, no more friend. I dont feel that thats being controlling
You need to start documenting the abuse even if it’s verbal. You need to collect evidence of him mistreating your or your children and then discuss this with a lawyer. If you can prove that he is treating you and your children badly, you can leave him and likely keep full custody of your children. If you’re in the United States there are programs that can help you find a safe place to get away from him. If you need help finding resources in whatever state you’re in send me a DM , I’d love to help you find the appropriate resources
He believes women don’t fart or shit because his parents told him?? So does he still believe in Santa and the tooth fairy? Fart directly into this man-baby’s stupid face and never regret it. What a complete tool.
What makes her think just because it’s a woman that it is okay but if it were a man it wouldn’t be okay? That delegitimizes every non-heterosexual relationship out there.
The fact you were able to connect with another person, even for a short time, is a sign that there are more possibilities for you, and there will be others you connect with!
I mention it because I’m getting turned down for being average. I’m average in my height, looks, and income. Every girl I meet their standards are “must be at least 6 foot and makes at least 100k a year”
Only you can decide that, we don't know full context. It shouldn't be me telling which guy you should be with, you are in the best and only place to know, and if you, who is intimate with them, are not sure, how we here should know?
I'd rather know if a guy has a fragile ego so I can avoid him. I have no desire to be in a relationship with someone who can't handle honesty. If you are an adult sexually active person, it's pretty juvenile to think that your partner would have never had great sex with other people in the past. In my opinion, not being able to handle that shows a serious lack of maturity and self-esteem issues.
Being kind is important in long term relationships. But so is honesty. If someone can't handle honestly about their partner's past sexual experiences, they probably can't handle difficult conversations about sex with their partner either.
I'm willing to deal with it. It's how she shot it down at first then it flared into another conflict based on an old one. I am and have been working on everything she says, doing this was one of the ways I thought would help my course. Yet it did the opposite. I'm constantly compared to an old version of me that no matter what I do there's always something
Yeah, if he felt there were genuine problems to be worked through appropriately in their marriage he would have brought up counseling BEFORE his behaviour led to her leaving him because she FEARED FOR HER SAFETY.
He's panicking and doing/saying whatever it might take to get her back in proximity/under control/in a place of 'negotiation'.
There's nothing to negotiate, he has no real interest in compromise or fixing his toxicity.
Your entire post doesn't contain a single nice statement about someone you're planning to spend your life with. That's concerning.
Also, just for clarification, I think you meant “polyamory” and not “polygamy”.
If you're going to stay with her and try to work through things, I encourage you to research ethical non monogamy further. NOT because I think you should be forced to do it, but because I think being more informed would be important for your ability to communicate your feelings about it with her. Right now you sound very uneducated on the subject. Again, not an encouragement of you to be nonmonogamous, just an encouragement to be more educated on the subject.
Man I hope he wakes up and leaves you to many good men on here get with women who don’t give a shit about them they only care about mentally and emotionally destroying him
Is your friend affectionate with you, like hugs and touching your arm etc? Your wife is maybe worried she’s going to try and crack on to you since she’s a cheater.
Yeah idk I have a best friend of ten years, and I too wouldn’t want to cut them off if they cheated on their SO/fucked up. Forgiveness and reconciliation are hallmarks of good relationships, and I hate it when people suggest one mistake is enough to strip a person of all value. I wouldn’t cut my best friend off if they cheated, I would make it clear I believe cheating is wrong and I wouldn’t tolerate discussion/debate about it.
Well said, if she considers it cheating it’s all over. It is irrelevant how he views it. She will never trust him again, regardless of if they reconcile, so relationship over fast , or over slowly and mutually miserably for both is the question.
Birth control is a symptom of the problem, not the actual problem, which is that you do not feel safe and secure in your relationship.
Unfortunately, the root of that is usually some variant of feeling unloveable as a child, “they will love me if” – I don't cause problems, I don't stand up to not wanting him to ejaculate inside me without a condom, I don’t show my hisband how badly I do not want to have kids with him, etc.
Actions of unhealthy self-preservation like that are also manipulation and control. Omitting the fact that you are on birth control manipulates him into using a condom without argument. He has agreed to have sex with his wife wearing a condom on the false information that his wife is not on birth control. That's fraudulent inducement, which could easily go to the whole marriage if he believes creating a child with you is on the table in the future.
“Your body, your rights” does not justify fraudulently inducing someone to do something with their body.
Uhmm… yes? You should absolutely communicate that to your partner. Communication is one of the most important factors in a relationship. Sit down and talk to the poor man.
My Dad was a PI and had tons of cases like this. Trust me, do not let your husband know anything, and let a PI handle it. They will get evidence which you can use in court if needed for divorce proceedings, if it goes that way. Best case scenario, he's not doing anything wrong and he'll never know. Then you can just confront him about the money.
Again, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. But your best bet here is likely a PI.
Well you ask if it’s worth fighting for when you guys had already made an arrangement that you would be equal partners raising the children. So I feel like you answered your own question but now you’re doubting yourself. No Reddit people should be telling you what decisions to make. However, that would hurt my feelings, especially given the fact he said that I had equal position he took it away the first time he disagreed with me.
No, no, no just no to the – as you put it – “just a bitch” girl – getting to come to any events. Especially when she is only there to cause drama and hurt your soon to be wife?
Understand that the husband will not be in your wedding most likely because he has to side with his wife or face her wrath – but that is ok because you are not marrying him.
If it is more important for him to be there with you on your wedding day than the actually comfort and happiness of your wife not being bullied by a guest – then you should marry him and not your fiancé. It really isn't that hot to understand.
People tend to grow out of these types of behaviors and when they don't that is a huge red flag to stay the fuck away from them because they are emotionally stunted immature people who are only excited or stimulated by interpersonal drama and stir up shit to entertain themselves because they are bored.
There are 2 types of people – those who talk about people and those who talk about things. The people who talk about people have nothing (politics, philosophy, art, movies, music, history, science and so on) that they are interested in and are uninteresting people to know. This coupled with being a bulling shit stirrer – why associate with her at all?
And honestly shouldn't you be defending and setting the record straight amongst your friend groups, especially if they are and were your friends first. Grow a spine.
If you’re not ready to have sex yet, there is nothing wrong with that. Do not let anyone pressure you until you’re ready. He’s a jerk and in time, you will find a man who respects you for being you. Sending lots of love and healing vibes your way. ?
Sometimes one really is to slow. They so much baffle us that we just can't react. Next step for me would be to either get him out or move my things out.
I wouldn't want to on-line with a man I can't trust.
I get what they're saying. Men vs women. You know for a fact how many children you have as a woman. Men can spread the seed far and wide with little consequence. But I think the intended argument is he doesn't seem to be taking proper precautions to stop procreating all nilly willy.
He knows he’s hurting you, he even made you cry? And he’s still doing it.
Does he kick puppies too? Because this is straighr up cruelty.
I hate this so much for you.
Dump him. He’s not partner material. What happens when you have kids? Or get sick? Our bodies change and age, if we are lucky enough to grow old. Find someone who cherishes you every day, at any size.
Tell him to fuck all the way off and move on. You are wonderful just the way you are.
He's not a good Dad at all & she's defending him because he had a baby room? Truly a low bar & I doubt it was his idea to set it up. Bragging about 2 houses is extremely sketchy, but I'm also wondering if one of the baby mama's lives in one & he still pressures her for sex. That's an assumption, but in my experience, probably not far from the truth. The age difference is also a red flag, especially with all the hints he gives about what a controlling asshole he is.
Unless he’s willing to go no contact, I would break up. You will be arguing your entire life if you have kids because he will want to take them to his parents and you know they won’t be safe there. Would he take them over behind your back?
I used to work in healthcare and was bound by HiPAA. Conversations on my phone were legally bound to be private. I have conversations with friends and loved ones that contain sensitive, private details about their lives, and those are not for others to read.
I would not have anything to do (not even friendship) with someone who felt they were entitled to access my phone. It's a hot boundary, especially since anyone who pushes at it are typically folks who are going to latch on to anything they can to start a fight. I don't need that in my life.
I suppose it could be true, and I wouldn't blame her for subconsciously wanting to date up socioeconomically, but she doesn't come off that way personality wise. She has never asked me for anything. Even giving her a gift when I went to see her was difficult. And yeah 2 kids by 24. They get to them early over there. Most women have their first kid between 18-20 in her country.
Oh yes, we were married into her teens. A healthy marriage, just some incompatibilities but her dad is a good man.
So he spent a lot of time with her? That answer is more about your relationship with him.
He was her first example of a relationship and male role model.
Maybe he needs to talk to her?
You probably should not be giving money but encouraging her return home instead.
Here's the thing you need to go no contact and i bet you the only reason she came back because the ex-didn't work what happens if the ex comes back, she'll leave again brother you deserve better than being plan B you need to stop hanging out with her and meet some new people you only want her because she's familiar but its time to move also it seems she only brought the worst in you is that someone you really want or are you just scared to go into the unknown
No, no. I'm glad you shared. It's very helpful.
The ex I compared to, she ended things and just went and married someone 6 months later and that devastated me.
It wasn't until I met the woman who cheated on me I actually thought I could open my heart to love again. Just how everything went, was so natural and wonderful until she did that. She seemed like she genuinely wanted what we had going on. That's why it hurt so much.
She was the one who wanted to go to Paris and do the full romantic thing. She came up with something and I was her longest relationship and she was the closest I had to my ex.
It just sucked.
I've had to learn who I give my time and my heart to. I tried to be too helpful and kind to people. These past 3 months ok really got distracted cause I got too embedded in a weird situation with a woman at work who's married, but she would really give off that vibe she wanted to cheat and shes even come running at me to talk, and said she hears my voice when I wasn't there.
But I know it's wrong, and it can be bad. But if people don't think twice about cheating, why shouldn't I just get something. But then the other thing is I know it's wrong and I need to stay away from her.
Now that I have, the pain from the cheater has come back
Your boyfriend is taking advantage of your trauma to openly cheat on you.
You need to breakup with him if you don't want to further your trauma. He is very toxic for anyone let alone for a person with a history of such severe trauma.
Do not let him gaslight you and lie to you. Ignore his demands and pleas. He is out to hurt and destroy you.
Five minutes is only time enough if OP needs to think about all the time she lost. End of relationship is end of relationship. Move on. Peter looks nice. And if someone has anything to say about how you conduct your life, give them some of your bills to pay. If they’re not your father and/or don’t pay your bills, so they have nothing to say about your life.
Well, I mean you’ve been together over a year… I think if it were me, I would try to talk to him and be honest about what I learned about myself. Tell him that you didn’t realize how important physical touch and going to certain places were to you, and that you’re being honest with him to see if that’s something he’s willing to work on or if he thinks it’s best too that you go your separate ways.
I mean i guess youre right, i just geniunely dont see how im being controlling in this situation. We have a very free relationship and 90% of her friends are male and that doesnt bother me, my only rule is once they cross the line theyre out, no more friend. I dont feel that thats being controlling
You need to start documenting the abuse even if it’s verbal. You need to collect evidence of him mistreating your or your children and then discuss this with a lawyer. If you can prove that he is treating you and your children badly, you can leave him and likely keep full custody of your children. If you’re in the United States there are programs that can help you find a safe place to get away from him. If you need help finding resources in whatever state you’re in send me a DM , I’d love to help you find the appropriate resources
He believes women don’t fart or shit because his parents told him?? So does he still believe in Santa and the tooth fairy? Fart directly into this man-baby’s stupid face and never regret it. What a complete tool.
What makes her think just because it’s a woman that it is okay but if it were a man it wouldn’t be okay? That delegitimizes every non-heterosexual relationship out there.
The fact you were able to connect with another person, even for a short time, is a sign that there are more possibilities for you, and there will be others you connect with!
I mention it because I’m getting turned down for being average. I’m average in my height, looks, and income. Every girl I meet their standards are “must be at least 6 foot and makes at least 100k a year”
I feel he treats me this way because of my weight gain he believes nobody else will want me.
That's the problem. Did you read her post? She doesn't talk to anyone else. Just him.
Its insane to me that you are willing to give this up just because you have no paper saying you love each other.
Its also insane to me that he says “I dont know”
I'm a nightowl and I stay in my damn nest just like she wants to.
I suppose I should have clarified it better, I wouldn’t treat a partner like a pornstar. I have no interest in rough sex as it is.
The problem I’m running into is women not wanting to basically have to “teach me” sex because at my age I should already know.
Okay first things first.
It's not gonna show symptoms two days after contraction.
If you're 100% being honest you haven't slept with someone else, than hate to say it but she's lying and she did, and that's how she got it.
“You never thought he would cheat” but you trapped him in a sexless marriage with a child ??
Why do people send nudes? Assume exactly this will happen.
That’s going to be the main struggle in most of life’s downs and regrets. Hindsight is 20/20.
Theres a reason your therapist made you feel low and that’s saying alot. Also no point in deleting your post. Once its on the internet its forever
Only you can decide that, we don't know full context. It shouldn't be me telling which guy you should be with, you are in the best and only place to know, and if you, who is intimate with them, are not sure, how we here should know?
Makes sense?
I'd rather know if a guy has a fragile ego so I can avoid him. I have no desire to be in a relationship with someone who can't handle honesty. If you are an adult sexually active person, it's pretty juvenile to think that your partner would have never had great sex with other people in the past. In my opinion, not being able to handle that shows a serious lack of maturity and self-esteem issues.
Being kind is important in long term relationships. But so is honesty. If someone can't handle honestly about their partner's past sexual experiences, they probably can't handle difficult conversations about sex with their partner either.
I'm willing to deal with it. It's how she shot it down at first then it flared into another conflict based on an old one. I am and have been working on everything she says, doing this was one of the ways I thought would help my course. Yet it did the opposite. I'm constantly compared to an old version of me that no matter what I do there's always something
Yeah, if he felt there were genuine problems to be worked through appropriately in their marriage he would have brought up counseling BEFORE his behaviour led to her leaving him because she FEARED FOR HER SAFETY.
He's panicking and doing/saying whatever it might take to get her back in proximity/under control/in a place of 'negotiation'.
There's nothing to negotiate, he has no real interest in compromise or fixing his toxicity.
Your entire post doesn't contain a single nice statement about someone you're planning to spend your life with. That's concerning.
Also, just for clarification, I think you meant “polyamory” and not “polygamy”.
If you're going to stay with her and try to work through things, I encourage you to research ethical non monogamy further. NOT because I think you should be forced to do it, but because I think being more informed would be important for your ability to communicate your feelings about it with her. Right now you sound very uneducated on the subject. Again, not an encouragement of you to be nonmonogamous, just an encouragement to be more educated on the subject.
Best of luck.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not though. I do think I'm not as sexual as I thought I was.
Man I hope he wakes up and leaves you to many good men on here get with women who don’t give a shit about them they only care about mentally and emotionally destroying him
Please stop. For everybody’s sake. Although a girl should know what she is losing. Let guys have their moment
You need to let your husband know before your BIL can come up with his version, say you were trying to seduce him with some brownies or whatnot.
Is your friend affectionate with you, like hugs and touching your arm etc? Your wife is maybe worried she’s going to try and crack on to you since she’s a cheater.
Yeah idk I have a best friend of ten years, and I too wouldn’t want to cut them off if they cheated on their SO/fucked up. Forgiveness and reconciliation are hallmarks of good relationships, and I hate it when people suggest one mistake is enough to strip a person of all value. I wouldn’t cut my best friend off if they cheated, I would make it clear I believe cheating is wrong and I wouldn’t tolerate discussion/debate about it.
Well said, if she considers it cheating it’s all over. It is irrelevant how he views it. She will never trust him again, regardless of if they reconcile, so relationship over fast , or over slowly and mutually miserably for both is the question.
Birth control is a symptom of the problem, not the actual problem, which is that you do not feel safe and secure in your relationship.
Unfortunately, the root of that is usually some variant of feeling unloveable as a child, “they will love me if” – I don't cause problems, I don't stand up to not wanting him to ejaculate inside me without a condom, I don’t show my hisband how badly I do not want to have kids with him, etc.
Actions of unhealthy self-preservation like that are also manipulation and control. Omitting the fact that you are on birth control manipulates him into using a condom without argument. He has agreed to have sex with his wife wearing a condom on the false information that his wife is not on birth control. That's fraudulent inducement, which could easily go to the whole marriage if he believes creating a child with you is on the table in the future.
“Your body, your rights” does not justify fraudulently inducing someone to do something with their body.
Uhmm… yes? You should absolutely communicate that to your partner. Communication is one of the most important factors in a relationship. Sit down and talk to the poor man.
You have been sexually assaulted by someone in power…
My Dad was a PI and had tons of cases like this. Trust me, do not let your husband know anything, and let a PI handle it. They will get evidence which you can use in court if needed for divorce proceedings, if it goes that way. Best case scenario, he's not doing anything wrong and he'll never know. Then you can just confront him about the money.
Again, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. But your best bet here is likely a PI.
have you given her any reason not to trust you in 2.5 years?
Yeah she don’t sound like your gf buddy. You sound like the meal ticket tbh
this is the cutest romance prose I ever read ?
Well you ask if it’s worth fighting for when you guys had already made an arrangement that you would be equal partners raising the children. So I feel like you answered your own question but now you’re doubting yourself. No Reddit people should be telling you what decisions to make. However, that would hurt my feelings, especially given the fact he said that I had equal position he took it away the first time he disagreed with me.
Op doesn’t remember anything of the night? That is not voluntarily cheating he most likely got sexually assaulted
Uovoting for top comment
He’s still emotionally cheating by talking to this female friend that much.
You are a 31 year old grown ass man. Act like it.
This is middle schooler behaviors.
No, no, no just no to the – as you put it – “just a bitch” girl – getting to come to any events. Especially when she is only there to cause drama and hurt your soon to be wife?
Understand that the husband will not be in your wedding most likely because he has to side with his wife or face her wrath – but that is ok because you are not marrying him.
If it is more important for him to be there with you on your wedding day than the actually comfort and happiness of your wife not being bullied by a guest – then you should marry him and not your fiancé. It really isn't that hot to understand.
People tend to grow out of these types of behaviors and when they don't that is a huge red flag to stay the fuck away from them because they are emotionally stunted immature people who are only excited or stimulated by interpersonal drama and stir up shit to entertain themselves because they are bored.
There are 2 types of people – those who talk about people and those who talk about things. The people who talk about people have nothing (politics, philosophy, art, movies, music, history, science and so on) that they are interested in and are uninteresting people to know. This coupled with being a bulling shit stirrer – why associate with her at all?
And honestly shouldn't you be defending and setting the record straight amongst your friend groups, especially if they are and were your friends first. Grow a spine.
You are setting yourself up for failure.
I am actively praying that this is a made up story.
Go to either the police or a lawyer and find out your options for being cyber stalked
You need a restraining order against him before it escalates any further
If you’re not ready to have sex yet, there is nothing wrong with that. Do not let anyone pressure you until you’re ready. He’s a jerk and in time, you will find a man who respects you for being you. Sending lots of love and healing vibes your way. ?
Tell him.
Sometimes one really is to slow. They so much baffle us that we just can't react. Next step for me would be to either get him out or move my things out.
I wouldn't want to on-line with a man I can't trust.
I get what they're saying. Men vs women. You know for a fact how many children you have as a woman. Men can spread the seed far and wide with little consequence. But I think the intended argument is he doesn't seem to be taking proper precautions to stop procreating all nilly willy.
Then stop dating one. Are you really that naïve that you have to come on here to ask people what to do now that your BF has become a drug dealer???
He knows he’s hurting you, he even made you cry? And he’s still doing it.
Does he kick puppies too? Because this is straighr up cruelty.
I hate this so much for you.
Dump him. He’s not partner material. What happens when you have kids? Or get sick? Our bodies change and age, if we are lucky enough to grow old. Find someone who cherishes you every day, at any size.
Tell him to fuck all the way off and move on. You are wonderful just the way you are.
You don't stay with someone who's SA'd you, you leave.
Don't fall for empty promises and pretty lies.
He's not a good Dad at all & she's defending him because he had a baby room? Truly a low bar & I doubt it was his idea to set it up. Bragging about 2 houses is extremely sketchy, but I'm also wondering if one of the baby mama's lives in one & he still pressures her for sex. That's an assumption, but in my experience, probably not far from the truth. The age difference is also a red flag, especially with all the hints he gives about what a controlling asshole he is.
Unless he’s willing to go no contact, I would break up. You will be arguing your entire life if you have kids because he will want to take them to his parents and you know they won’t be safe there. Would he take them over behind your back?
Is this how you want to on-line your life?
I used to work in healthcare and was bound by HiPAA. Conversations on my phone were legally bound to be private. I have conversations with friends and loved ones that contain sensitive, private details about their lives, and those are not for others to read.
I would not have anything to do (not even friendship) with someone who felt they were entitled to access my phone. It's a hot boundary, especially since anyone who pushes at it are typically folks who are going to latch on to anything they can to start a fight. I don't need that in my life.
I suppose it could be true, and I wouldn't blame her for subconsciously wanting to date up socioeconomically, but she doesn't come off that way personality wise. She has never asked me for anything. Even giving her a gift when I went to see her was difficult. And yeah 2 kids by 24. They get to them early over there. Most women have their first kid between 18-20 in her country.