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Susan-Susan on-line webcams for YOU!


hello guys welcome

Date: December 28, 2022

3 thoughts on “Susan-Susan on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. She’s for sure dealing with PPD. I don’t think she’s bipolar but I would assume PPD can look similar.

  2. Practically I would suggest that you consider the following.

    (1) if you do not have the means to look after your dog, do the kindest thing for the dog and surrender it to a shelter.

    (2) if your ex is willing, go and retrieve your stuff

    (3) how long can you realistically stay at your mother's boyfriend's place if you bite your tongue and play nice?

    (4) do you have any friends to stay with?

    I would suggest that you get your stuff and then block your ex and try to move on. Do not contact him. Focus on getting yourself a new place to live. Are you working at the moment? Focus on maximising your income.

    Your ex boyfriend is abusive. Your past conversations and relationships are none of his business (unless you are excessively in contact with exes right now). He should not go through you phone or through you social media accounts, that not normal.

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