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Date: December 14, 2022
Thank you 🙂
You can’t compromise on children. That is a fundamental incompatibility
Why do you keep reposting this
“Accidently” No you're human garbage, go get fucking help or get yourself chemically castrated if you can't control your fucking urges if you want a change that bad.
Nobody in the comments is going to give you the sympathy you are clearly desiring with these reposts, you are the biggest attention seeker I have ever seen on reddit.
As you can tell, young men can't handle any reference to a sexual past. Evidently, the fact you've had partners in the past is an existential threat to them.
I find this hilarious at 45 because honestly as you get older, everyone has a history. My dad loves gossip about who's together and who's breaking up as much as my mom. (Now in their 70s, it's more about broken hips and grandkids.) It takes a bit more life experience to realize that people in the past don't always mean an existential threat to your current relationship.
I think your bf told you the truth though, he wasn't your friend, so he was never going to be the one who lasts.
87 days ago you came to reddit saying that you were looking for someone to sext with. Stop with the “I’m not the cheating type” because you have cheated physically before and are still looking for others outside of your relationship.
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Thank you for these words
Just tell her its like throwing a nude dog down a hallway, nude dog wont ever be big enough.
She left it open to an invite. Ask her what day she has off and where she'd like to go
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So I have a different perspective for you OP.
When I met my husband, I had just gotten out of a long term relationship, and I was dating a few people. I was having a good time, and had no intention of getting back in a serious relationship. I was also going to school about an hour away. I dated my husband as well as a guy I was going to school with for a bit, all out in open. But after a really awesome weekend with hubs, I realized he was it, ended it with my school FWB and I absolutely went all in. That was almost twenty four years ago now.
So long story short- She chose you, OP. She had options and she decided you were it for her. That’s also a pretty cool love story.
Op doesn't want advice. Op is having his wife see through the feelings she had so that he has control over this pain he is feeling and can then justify it by having said she followed through. OP might also want to get even after citing how he works long hours and never went for HIS coworkers. OP needs individual counselling and to stop blowing his own life up!
I live! in one, and because of that can confirm that it's misogynistic. Just like Christianity, or most religions. Just as a singular example, it takes two women to provide witness to financial situations, the equivalent testimony of one man. That's not equality.
Dated a Muslim man for half a decade. Have spent significant time in a Muslim country. Can confirm, still treats women as second class citizens
That's insane. Maybe it hit him sooner than you how insane that is.
Looks much better! I’m about to read
The hive mind says “break up” about literally everything. Please seriously consider if this is worth a breakup – I don’t really think it is, at least not right now.
Find out what her specific, underlying reason is. If it’s something really weird, sure, dump her. It’s probably just that she wanted your anniversary together to be “perfect,” and to her I guess that includes being able to take pictures.
Imagine dumping her for wanting to postpone your date night because she values your anniversary together “too much.” Really think about whether or not you think that’s worth a breakup!
She’s not a guy though
This is better than my response. Really ask yourself that OP because someone who judges attraction based on income has an extremely low maturity level.
Yea it does, that is all the context you should have had in your first post. I honestly don’t think your relationship could get any messier. Jesus Christ dude you both need therapy. Separately too
Sigh. Look, I too wanted to get married to my partner of 7 years. We discussed it occasionally. It was v obvious that while it was important to me, he absolutely didn’t care. But guess what I kept on the table & said how important it was to me. 5 years in he says to me, I consider us partners for life. I said me too. At 6 years after a conversation a few months before where I said once again, life partner is a given now, but I’d also like to get married- he proposed after a good day of me supporting his hobby( he comes & supports my stuff too). Now we’re getting married this summer.
The big difference is my partner is honest, truly loves me & though marriage isn’t important to him, it’s a step he’s more than will to take to continue making me happy. This isn’t your partner. He’s not v truthful- that’s a big lie, the not being divorced. You have to push him to commit & do things. You’re the bigger person with him & with others. Despite the sunk cost fallacy ( look it up in terms relationships & not it’s original use in finance), are you actually happy? Because it doesn’t sound like it. It’s better to be alone or even better, with someone who respects you & cares than this, in my opinion.
Your boyfriend, that you chose to stay with despite having cheated on you, doesn't need a festival to cheat again (if / when he does).
Why are people dating people they don't trust? Is the rest of your relationship going to be set up so that he can't do anything without you because he cheated and / or you don't trust him? That's not a healthy relationship.
Smacking a child over food is not okay. Your SIL is more right on this than yall are. Your setting your kid up to have issues with food as she gets older when you punish her over things like that. She's not even flipping 2 years old.
Was that the end of the conversation? You should talk it out with her to find the cause.
It could be something totally unrelated to you. She could have some outside stress that’s affecting her sex drive. If that’s the case, you can find some way to be supportive.
She could not be attracted to you anymore. If that’s the case, you might be able to work on it, or you can just move on.
So even when he became sober, he still doubled down and did not apologize for his actions or his friends actions.
Send the text that you're dumping him right before he gets on the plane . Let him stew in that for a few hours while he can't do anything about chatting back to you. His friends can help him.
To me, that’s a non issue. In my house, we both do our best. We both empty the pockets before throwing something to the basket and whoever ends up doing laundry still checks them anyway.
The bottom line is, I don’t want to break the washing machine, destroy the clothes in the load or scrape the tissue remains from it.
This is a nude one for me (44F) but I’ll give it a shot.
I work in a male dominated field, routinely travel with male colleagues, and am friends outside of work with several of them.
I know I’m not going trip and fall on a dick at a meeting or dinner and my partner trusts me so it’s never been an issue for us.
That said, I have absolutely met men during my travels—usually at the airport bar on a layover—that I am attracted to even though I love my partner. I’d never act in it but I’m not blind or deaf—other men interest me at times. And it’s nice to have some of that attention at times too—kind of a reminder that I’ve still got it. An ego boost I suppose.
But seriously, some of my work friends are people I’ve known for 10+ years longer than I’ve known my partner and I have similar discussions with them as I have with my girlfriends. Because we are friends.
All of that to say that I don’t fundamentally have an issue with the idea of your fiancé having a lady friend BUT my partner and I both have secure attachment styles, aren’t in a vulnerable place like you 6 mos pregnant, and have years of history together.
You on the other hand are in a relationship that probably wouldn’t exist if you weren’t pregnant and don’t have much history together in a healthy, secure relationship! You’ve known the guy 9mos! Most people aren’t even exclusive til 4-6 mos in and wouldn’t cohab before a year or two and wouldn’t be having a fucking baby before they had lived together and been married for a bit. So I totally get why this is so upsetting to you!
I don’t think you really have a future with this guy as a couple. Coparent? Sure. But as a couple? Not so much. He doesn’t respect your boundaries and is running around like he’s single and then TELLS you he is attracted to his colleague/friend. To me it seems like he’s about to ask for an open relationship because he’s only with you because you’re pregnant.
I dunno. I think couples counseling is in order. I think most hetero people can have opposite sex friendships no problem but this isn’t that. This is more.
While doing so I took some pictures of them that they had requested earlier
Did any of these pictures involve your dick poked in any of their holes? I'm just asking because you're wife is either an insane and abusive or you're leaving out some rather important details.
It's a v late April's fools day joke.
As a 36 year old, I couldn't imagine dating a 26 year old. He had a distinct pattern going on here.
I do have to say that if after college you need to do a year long distance? break up!
Or how often. She said he only does it when she asks. Is that every time, once a week month or year?