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Room for live! sex video chat sweet_rasmalai
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Birth Date: 1996-03-06
Body Type: bodyTypeAverage
Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBlack
Date: October 31, 2022
sweetie, you will never trust him again and build trust isnt that easy like people make it looks
its YOUR decision, but you should choose yourself. the things in ur text scream to me he will try do it again.
PLUS, from someone who got cheated once and forgave, let me warn you: my ex did it again. and again. and once more. and then when I give up, the answer for the cheating episodes were “you let me do it, you always forgive me lol”
That’s a lot of red flags. Bold strategy on his part.
Compare yourself to yourself yesterday Ask her her thoughts on how she does what you want to. Intelligence is multi angular, spacial intelligence, grammar, and time management are my weakness. Memorization, MindBody connection and analysis are my strongest. I know me.
Learning myself gave me a ton of self appreciation.
Tons of other stuff too, I could go on for days. It's not that bad once you listen to some Jordan Peterson ?
ahh, damn time zones
You're being insecure and unreasonable. She's been honest and upfront with you about everything, and has given you no reason to think anything nefarious is going on.
You’re right. It’s hot for me to feel connected to people so when I do I don’t want to let it go but it’s better now. The flags are red. I guess I just wanted a second opinion.
Who cares? Doesn’t mean he can’t get accused of it.
As an attorney myself, I would not engage with her at all.
If the events went as he said, I would block her tbh.
lots of “straight” men cheat on their wives via grindr. i’m so sorry ?
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Thats a jealous man right there and he’s jealous of the compliments he doesn’t get.
Op clearly states that bf shouts and verbally abused her cat. Are we seriously just glossing over verbally abusing an animal? Tossing a geriatric cat is unacceptable when you could literally just pick it up and set it in the ground. His behavior is uncalled for and they should absolutely break up. Someone hit my dog in my house and I absolutely tossed them out on their ass.
Would he be supportive if you became pregnant and sought an abortion?
And frankly, does he think gay people have rights? Does he think black people experience discrimination?
If he doesn’t see systemic problems, then he’s both an idiot and unworthy of you.
You're literally a kid, my dude. She is not going to give up her relationship for you. I suggest that you date girls your age and quit trying to rush into adulthood. You're not ready for it. Trust me. Just enjoy your youth!
What I got is how when you reread your post he is so self fish. Yeah lady – your the self fish one. Poor guy needs some loving as he isn’t getting it from you.
thats what i meant
He is not a good person, you definitely don't want kids with him. Kick him to the curb with all his shitty family and friends.
He is a loser and women his age know better than to date him. If you have. Fun, have fun but, do not cement yourself to this guy. Don't let him baby trap you. If someone else strikes your fancy, let him go.
Girl I hope u update us
Ask your dad
No, I get you, sometimes we can be quick to link one thing to another due to assumption. That's why I am very willing to be proven wrong, but I will be damned if I say I'm wrong when I'm right, lol. Not even for the ego, but cus I think the world would be better if we well-informed (cus I clearly will only be dealing with them as long as this convo lasts, then it's up to the people around them to deal with or believe the lies/false “facts”). But like I said, I appreciate you trying to inform me otherwise! It is nice to have a civil debate between someone who is actually trying to relay facts. That, I can always appreciate.
Most women looking for any sort of commitment will bail on a 35 year old man who still can't figure out what he wants.
sings It's me. Hiiiiiii. I'm the problem it's me.
I wouldn't say he's overbearing but I definitely have more space requirements than he does – ie he would happily spend every night together but I definitely need to sleep alone at my own place sometimes, especially if I've spent a few nights in a row at his
Another fake post, this sub has gone to shit
I’ll say what everyone’s thinking, you are paying the dumbass tax. Every-time he does stupid shit you downplay it and try to make light of it when it’s not, he fucked up your car. He’s ALREADY ON HIS WAY TO LOSE HIS LICENSE and you STILL LET HIM DRIVE???? dump him. Sue him. He’s a walking chaos storm. He’s going to dry up your finances if you keep picking up after his fuck ups.
And just to add emotional abuse is as bad as physical abuse. Please please read the comments above and take this advise seriously, we only live! one life and we deserve to be around people who value us and treat us well
Latin culture is a lot like the culture of my birth country. Catholic and women “know their place,” but that's just so man can save face in public. Behind closed doors, women run the house, the man, and the finances.
She “invested” in you. Now she wants to be paid back. She sees this as no different than when she helped you get those certificates. While you were thinking you two were working together to have a better future for you two and family you'll be building. She was thinking since forever that her birth family is part of that.
Catholic guilt is a bitch and people are so good at weaponizing it in personal interactions. Her mom and sister are using it on her, and now she's using it on you. The only way out for her is to set firm boundaries and just refuse to entertain any conversation about money from them. Take a call or call them, but as soon as they start with “your sister is struggling,” say “gotta go” and hang up. Sister calls and says, “Your nephew needs.” Just say bye-bye. There's no negotiating with them, just like you can not negotiate with her. It's just going to get worse.
Sugar baby? You need someone who sees you as an equal
OP, you need to run a fuckboy exorcism on your bf, judging from both your first and second posts re: this man.
That was my first thought, too. I remember many years ago getting a ring-box sized gift from my boyfriend of 4 years at Christmas. I had seen it under the tree and suspected it was an engagement ring, as we had had multiple discussions about marriage. Imagine my disappointment to open a box of diamond stud earrings. I bawled my eyes out. But, like OP’s girlfriend, I just couldn’t explain to him why I was so upset.
That was my first thought, too. I remember many years ago getting a ring-box sized gift from my boyfriend of 4 years at Christmas. I had seen it under the tree and suspected it was an engagement ring, as we had had multiple discussions about marriage. Imagine my disappointment to open a box of diamond stud earrings. I bawled my eyes out. But, like OP’s girlfriend, I just couldn’t explain to him why I was so upset.
oh, I WISH I had an award to give to you for this comment!!
oh, I WISH I had an award to give to you for this comment!!
I tend to take these with a grain of salt. We only ever hear one side of the story. Just imo
I haven’t drank in 2 months and he never responded so idk.
You both are too young to be having these problems (at least for him). Have you considered joining a gym? Or even start long walks then on to a run? You can toss the toddler in a stroller that has bike type wheels. Or bike riding? They make all the necessary accessories to accommodate your child. It has been proven that exercise improves your love life. And shower together washing each other. And when you get to having intimacy and he erupts too soon just say OK can’t wait for round two. Don’t be subtle or shy about want you want and work on getting there. Use every technique known with his input to achieve desired results. Changing up your dietary scheme can be beneficial. Exhaust all possibilities
It sounds like you both want different things out of the relationship. Firstly, there's nothing wrong with that. Your desires for marriage and family are valid, but so are his desires to not do those things. It's 2023, millions of people have decades long relationships without getting married; likewise millions of people cohabit without having children. Neither of those are wrong; they're just not what you want out of the relationship any more.
Ultimately, that does make things rather difficult for the two of you. You can't force him to have a family with you, or to marry you, and it would be incredibly unfair for you to try and force either of those issues. It may simply be the relationship has run its course, and the best thing you can do, for both of you, is to go your separate ways as amicably as possible.
You should only have a child if you both are 100% certain you want to have a child. Anything less than that is unfair on the kid. Don't have a child just to keep the relationship going.
If you force him to have a child under duress, he is going to resent that child, and probably you as well. Children are not stupid; they will pick up very quickly that they aren't really wanted by their farther, no matter how hot you/he try and hide it.
It's going to be nude, but it sounds like you have reached the point in your relationship where you're fundamentally incompatible. Sit down together and try and have a respectful discussion about what you want from the relationship and whether that is the same as what he wants from the relationship.
His sexual interest is likely only going to keep declining. He's lying to you to shut you up when you ask, and likely so you won't leave him. Honestly I think he just doesn't want to be alone, and b/c he doesn't want to be alone he will say whatever is needed so you stay and wait. After 9 years of excuses, I'd assume he won't change b/c he doesn't want to. If you leave him and all of a sudden his interest peaks again, know that it is only temporary and it's just to chase you. Once he has you locked in, it would go back to the exact same habits. Wouldn't you rather have a partner who works out with you, and can't keep his hands off you? I have a very high sex drive myself and wouldn't last 9 years in a dead bedroom relationship. Consider yourself lucky you don't have children with this man and won't be tied to him after a break up. He should be with someone who doesn't want sex like he doesn't. You deserve to be with someone who fulfills you in every way including sexually.
Also make sure you're pulling your weight at home.
For me, nothing kills my sex drive faster than a partner that doesn't do their share of the housework. Makes me feel like I'm their mom when I have to assign chores, ask for obvious cleaning tasks to be done, nag, or do it all myself on top of working. I've heard from several of my friends that they're the same.
He’s 26 and a young professional. If he dates someone who is 21 they’re probably a college senior. Meaning they’re going to be a young professional in like a year.
I am going to therapy and am kinda falling out with my best friend for 15 years. For multiple reasons, and she basically said the same thing.
Not all friendships last nor are designed to. Some people we draw to us because at the time in our development we needed them. And it's okay to grow out of relationships with people.
OP has outgrown this 'friendship'.
You can be salty because your team lost, as well ?
Two book recommendations for you not that you asked lol:
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Toxic In-Laws
The first one really helped put into perspective that I could do everything right and my mom could still find fault or a pull “but you didn’t…” and I’m not responsible for her. She chooses to be unhappy? That’s on her. It covers the different types on emotional immaturity and the range of it. Highly recommend!!
The second one says in-laws I the title but I found it also helpful for dealing with my family lol. Your partner might enjoy it? Again it covers different types and the range.
The fact that you’re working to extract yourself from the cycle, seeking help, and putting your family first are good signs. It’s going to be an ongoing process as long as your mom is alive, probably. I don’t mean it won’t get easier but you probably won’t get to a finish line where your mom grows up and turns into the person/mom you want her to be. But at least you’re modeling healthy relationships for your kids! And hopefully enjoying your family!
Not necessarily. They can give the other person a chance to understand that you're not messing around, this is serious AF.
Sounds like your wife blamed the girl's parents for being conservative rather than focus on the fact that what he did was not appropriate, out of line and not acceptable. So he learns that it is not his fault, just that the parents are outrageous.
Before you visit her (…) Dye the grey out of your hair, lighten your teeth.
This really isn't necessary. She will have aged too, and he has been through hell in prison and his looks will reflect that.
Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a man you have to remind to put on deodorant and brush his teeth like he's 5 years old….?
If the bag is worth more than trust and partnership, dont get married
Why do you need dating apps because you are gay? 41 and 19 is basically the same age gap as many parents and child. How old are your parents?
Save yourself the next 3 – 5 years of increasingly poor behavior, disappointment, and regret, just go ahead and separate now. The sooner you do it, the less of your life you'll have wasted being stuck with this dude. Trust me. My only real regret in life is the extra years I spent hoping things would get better and the half hearted piecemeal attempts at normalcy I accepted.
I didnt mean with him I meant with some guy at some point.
Let’s see if I have this straight:
-You’re a recovering alcoholic that falls off the wagon and is cruel to her
-Cheated on her multiple times, then continued to flirt with other women
-You have degenerate friends
-You took money from her
-Drove her into depression and then was mean to her about it and threatened to leave her
-Fat shamed her while cheating with other women and getting their nudes
-Told HER that SHE is hot to love, while being astonishingly unlovable yourself
Tell me, honestly, why anyone would date you. What do you bring to the table? You’re a recovering alcoholic (which isn’t a problem in and of itself) that is mean to her when you drink. You fuck other women and seek out nudes when you’re in a relationship. You have bum ass friends and you take your girlfriend’s money. You tell your girlfriend that she’s fat and nude to love and when she inevitably gets depressed then you threaten to leave her.
Again I ask you to tell me why anyone in their right mind would date you. You are a scumbag. You’re sitting here asking us how to save this relationship, and I am telling you right now that you do not deserve to be in this relationship. You are cruel and sound like a person that I wouldn’t ever want to even meet, much less have a relationship with.
Leave this woman alone, seek therapy, seek MORE therapy on top of that, and don’t date anyone for a long time until you’re mature enough to have an adult relationship.
Stop acting like being bothered = getting to control who she lives with.
I'm starting to change my opinion of you as I read your comments.
Yeah if she was sober she assaulted/raped him straight up. And then tried to trap him into a marriage. If I were his ex idk if I’d take him back but I think it would help me a TON to know this info.
The majority of people here aren't in your relationship. Only you can decide what's best for you. If that means moving on, then move on.
Whomever that someone was, it was someone she didn't want you to see. And you should be mad about being hung up on. That's rude, inconsiderate behavior, and you shouldn't just take it.
Please tell me more about my preferences
I really wanna know what the hell the trauma was that kept her being there for you on such big day but was resolved or healed/made better two days later in SF.
You're either a troll, or painfully stupid.
First of all… you are 30 and are dating teenagers? Really?
Second, you really thought having unprotected sex your gf’s teen best friend was a good idea?
Thirdly… she forgives you but not the best friend? Hell no. She SHOULD break up with you.
Fourth, this is how it should go down:
Tell your gf. Break up. Take responsibility for the child if the girl wants to keep it because it takes two to tango. You are a GROWN ASS MAN. ACT LIKE IT. Take responsibility for your actions and don’t expect others to forgive you for your screw ups. Grow up.
You would need to ask him why, but the biggest issue is that he kept trying after you told him to stop. I'm also a little bothered by the age difference and his apparent inability to listen. You've only been seeing each other for a month. Just cut him off and move on.
Is it apex legends, by chance?
Sounds like you two are simply not compatible.
She should and likely will lose her license if you report her. She knows what she’s doing is wrong and how much legal jeopardy she is putting herself in.
You can never date or be in any sort of relationship with an ex-client, let alone a current client.
Report her. His opinion on this is irrelevant and erroneous.
I think the best thing you could do is recognize he plays a huge part in why she is that way, and that he would have treated any children you had that same, or just treated them better to make her feel even worse.
You can not love a person just for what they are to you. You must love them for who they are in whole, and who he is in whole has a lot of awful in it to have a child who he financially traps and emotionally abuses.
He treats her like shit likely because of her association with her mother, if nothing else makes sense.
You'd be doing her a service if you just put her up somewhere he is not, if you really are well off. She's been stunted 6+ years of growth, and the longer she's near him, the worse it will get. If you have to make it seem like you are doing it so you both can get more privacy, I'd say that. Whatever works.
Tell him you love her, but you want her out of the nest. Then tell her that you love her, but you see how her dad makes her feel and treats her, and you want her to be able to flourish as an adult and that getting her out of an environment that stunts her growth is a step forward with that.
Maybe have this conversation on a girls' night or a shopping trip.
Tell her she has your full support in anything she needs, but you just want the best for her and that you are proud of her accomplishments.
You probably would turn her life around just by voicing that.
I’m the coach.
The time to get a good lawyer is yesterday. No Reddit chucklefuck sill help you as much as a good attorney.
I wouldn’t ask anything regarding marriage, but when talking about his upbringing or religion, ask him if he is still practicing, goes to church, etc… that will help open the door to discuss. Depending on his the conversation goes, you might be able to ask if he has no issues dating someone who is not a Christian or what would his family think?
Try toys or hands to physically stretch beforehand. It can be just as important as stretching before any other physical activity. If it's gotten worse than it was or you suspect anything may be up, it may be worth a doctors visit because there's conditions where the vagina can't take much without extreme pain