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Taraslow live sex cams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “Taraslow live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Depending on how you move forward, one of the definite changes would be going NC with that friend. Good luck OP. Please get tested.

  2. u/puppet_master0, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. For the edit: You can just say you are not interested and you felt you didn’t click. If he asks for more, you can give vague answers like “I just don’t feel it” etc, which I think is technically true. This way you can let him go kindly and avoid a possible argument.

  4. It’s been a few months of her bitching and neglecting the puppy. What the hell? Rehome the poor thing. This is totally messed up.

  5. A relationship cannot function without trust and if you need to go through each other’s phones, trust ain’t there.

    I personally think a relationship is healthy when nobody looks through each other’s phones or cares to.

    I will say that if you’re looking for evidence someone is unfaithful, you’ll always find it, no matter how spurious said evidence is.

    You two have some serious trust issues that seem to have been going on for a while, and this is going to take more than one conversation to fix, but I honestly don’t even know how you might begin to untangle this. Going through his phone with him is likely to bring up more issues, so I’d cut your losses and split. You’re both young, you’ll both be fine in the long run, but the stress of this relationship will just wear you down further.

  6. When you’re actively having sex with someone, you (general) need to be on top of things like that. He should’ve told you something felt off and stopped having sex until he figured it out.

  7. ETA: I just read about possible blackmail and….. I’m wrong. The thought of her going nuts to pay some blackmail and trying to keep that a secret during you marriage, you should tell her you know. Do it in the kindest, nonjudgmental, loving way you can so she doesn’t feel ashamed or think you are judging.

  8. You should’ve broken up with her 2 to 3 months into the relationship when she was texting him that she missed him. That was the time you should’ve broken up with the next best time is today.

  9. I would like to add that they have no children and I have been cleaning up her messes since she left. two of our spare bedrooms are full floor, almost to ceiling of her stuff. You literally can’t walk in there and we can’t utilize our outdoor building because it’s full of her stuff in the same condition. They have been divorced for about five months now, and we have asked her repeatedly to come get her belongings, she always has excuses as to why she can’t. She doesn’t have the time or the money but then we see on Facebook she’s getting new tattoos and brand new gaming laptops and going and doing all of these things so she clearly has the money and the time she got caught in her own lies. When he finally put his foot down firmly, but kindly and said look, we need to utilize our house. We need you to come get your things. She called me Petty and said that 14 years together must not have meant anything to him, trying to emotionally manipulate him and then talked quite a bit of crap about me. she shows up and is only here for about an hour and a half which the agreement we had come to us that she would come on Saturday and be here all day and take all of her things and that if there was a little bit of trash leftover. We would dispose of it for her. We had already cleaned everything up to make it a bit easier and less overwhelming for her and I had even gone as far as to pack some of her things to make it easier as well. She picks like five items in that hour and a half, while grumbling and talking crap about me, and making snide remarks and then has the audacity to tell us I don’t care about any of it just throw it all away and then “accidentally” called my fiancé love. After she left, we went to look in the room and she had left a store-bought painting that said an incredibly Petty message about how marriage only works if you’re with the right person and we had to haul off six truckloads of junk and trash. And we haven’t even reached the building yet. she’s playing the victim And trying to make me out to be the villain in the story but in reality, me and my fiancé have gone above and beyond to try to make her feel comfortable, and make things easier for her, we have shown her such kindness in all of this. she’s shown countless times that she doesn’t respect me and she doesn’t respect us let alone our relationship. It’s very clear that she wants to be with him and he does not want to be with her and I just don’t know how to handle this I don’t wanna be that woman that doesn’t allow her man to be friends with other females, but when it comes to his ex-wife, who clearly isn’t over him and doesn’t respect boundaries, that have been set, what am I supposed to do about that? What are we supposed to do about that. due to some not yet finished financial situations where they are still tied up, she could cause some real problems for us. We just don't understand why. How should we handle this?

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