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Tasha-Myller on-line webcams for YOU!


3 thoughts on “Tasha-Myller on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. She should, and you shouldn’t guilt her in any way to stay. It will be sad for everyone, but ultimately life is short and she deserves to be happy. As a side note, maybe leave your kids out of this discussion. If the oldest likes her, I am wondering if there will be some guilt if you two split up over this, since they were vocal about not wanting a baby too.

  2. You can put up walls around you. Letting her have a win so you get to see your dad is not the same as letting her back in your life. Don’t engage with her. Just basic stuff and be conciliatory. Pretend she’s any rando you just met and you want to be nice to. Keep it small talk and compliments. Good luck.

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