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Date: September 30, 2022
I did that with my boyfriend on Facebook cause he never posts me, so I feel no need to post him. It still says we’re in a relationship I didn’t get rid of that I just feel no need to have pictures up if I’m never posted. Maybe she feels the same way if you don’t post her.
Respect yourself. Reject this demand.
I definitively did not read your other comments, just the one which sits at the top which says “you can only get [chlamydia] through sexual contact. One of you has strayed or contracted it before the relationship”. This is likely, but not definite. I didn’t want the OP to believe he SOmis a liar at best or a cheater. I never brought up syphilis or toilet seats. If you corrected yourself in another response my apologies, I did not read any others than the top one.
Your husband raped your sister, and you're mad at your sister?
Just be honest with him. It's gross. I'm turned off and he's not even my man lol