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Thayracockk live! webcams for YOU!


#suck #fuck #cum #bigcocks #couple

Date: December 19, 2022

42 thoughts on “Thayracockk live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I don’t have any advice I can give, but I just wanted to say that I’m sorry you have to go through this. Everything you feel is valid. I know the decisions you have to make are extremely difficult. Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. Losing your baby must have been very hot for you both, and the drinking certainly isn’t going to help. While I do think your wife is in the wrong for cheating, she is probably dealing with the guilt of everything. Both of you are hurting, and nobody knows what will happen in the future, but for now, take some rest. Again, my sincere apologies for the chaos happening around you, and I hope that whichever path you choose, it will bring you joy. Good luck, OP.

  2. There has been another sexual problem with him, it was when I was 6 and he was 10: he showed me porn and told me to never tell our parents. They did ended up finding out when he did the same to our neighbor's daughter when she was about 5 years old. From what I know he used to have twisted vision of sex because he started watching porn from a very young age, he went to therapy because of that and supposedly overcame it, but with this flashing thing I'm not sure if he's actually over that twisted vision…

  3. You literally asked her though, and she gave an honest and correct answer.

    Ever considered that maybe your son's behaviour is why they don't get on?

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  5. It’s concerning he would talk ABOUT anyone that way. It feels a lot like “well, when I thought I had a chance with ex you were a subhuman f*ck bag, but when she rejected me, I changed”

  6. Just trying to make sure I understood your position. Youre also acting like the boyfriend is doing something crazy when it sounds like all he did was tell op that he didnt appreciate his overstepping. I also never said his emotional reaction to the situation was irrational, I think his reaction is totally understandable which I said from the beginning. Insecure isnt synonymous with irrational.

  7. Did you discuss this via text or on paper? You might want to consider small claims court. Look into your state laws and affordable lawyers in your area. You need to survive and have a roof under your head. He's done so much for you but you are barely making ends meet? I'm glad you have your own place he seems like a vindictive young man.

  8. She asked him to dinner once after their team stayed late at the office. It wasnt repeatedly asking him out to dinner dates.

  9. You can not care about the relationship enough for both of you to make it work. You can't make him want something he doesn't seem to want.

    When my ex started doing the same thing (canceling our time together, making excuses to not come over, etc.) I started backing away.

    At first I thought he'd start to miss me and then initiate time together. But I realized that I was so much happier without stressing over why he would reject me so much, and just being me and doing my own thing, that I realized this was all for the best for me.

    He did end up asking for time together a few times but I pettily did to him what he did to me. I always had an excuse. And then I finally told him we were never going to be what we used to, and I had long since moved on, he was upset. But I pointed out that every time he pushed me away, he was teaching me to online without him. And now I am thriving. So. His huge loss.

    I wish you inisght and strength. Decide what is best for you, because what he's doing really sucks. And you do deserve better.

  10. I mean didn't you say he hasn't met your partner? You aren't close enough to call nor text? Yeah that doesn't really put you in the priority to having a plus one imo. Trust me weddings are expensive so not everyone get's a plus one.

  11. There is no way I could remember a bunch of moves in a chess game and plug them in to a computer. That's a level of scrutiny that sounds pretty obsessive.

  12. Super toxic relationship.


    He’s cheated on his girlfriend many times.


    [My son]’s never lied before, and she has.

    You do the math here.

  13. I didn't have the courage in all honesty to end it. I also thought we could work through it and he's been very respectful since. I also don't have much experience in relationships so didn't know what to do. It was easier to stay

  14. pakistani girl here married a white convert to islam, been together 10 years.

    being called a colonizer and a terrorist are vastly different. i have been called many racist slurs including terrorist and i can only imagine your gf has too. have you faced any racial discrimination in your life like at school, in the streets, etc? probably not, right? i don’t think someone who hasnt experienced racism that fully understand how racism and exposure to racism can make you very defensive and uncomfortable. either you talk to her and say you’re not comfortable when she calls you a colonizer which is not a racist slur and have a conversation with her why race is upsetting to her and what you are doing to stoke that.

    all I know if that if you refuse to acknowledge history and the past, you can’t change the future. so i would try talking through this and not pointing fingers.

  15. Yeah that's what I was getting at, sorry? I just meant if he doesn't want to have full on sex because condoms don't work for him you could talk to him about what else you both could be doing that does work for him, like one of these other ways you could express intimacy with each other you've listed. If he's flat out refusing all of it he's just being a baby, tell him to stop being a baby. My bad, I didn't get my point across correctly I guess

  16. I don't know. I wouldn't want a stranger sleeping on me, my spouse, or kids. So I would have wiken them up and said something. To me, it's more about someone coming into my perdition space. I don't really see it as something to get jealous over. People fall asleep.

  17. There’s nothing wrong with serial monogamy at all. It’s just not for everyone and it can waste a lot of time. Before I was married/divorced and dating, I was a serial monogamist—even if sex wasn’t on the table yet. But after my divorce when I was ready to date again, I went on about 25 first dates, 10 second, and 1 third over 2 mos. 3rd date guy is my partner of 5 years. I didn’t want to be exclusive right away but he did…we compromised and waited til 6 mos. I never slept with any of the other people I dated and he didn’t date anyone else at all in that time.

    No right or wrong way but you have to communicate. When I was dating, there were some guys who wanted monogamy from day one so we just never went out because I was really up front that unless/until we agreed to be exclusive, I wasn’t. (Some guys had some not so nice words for me about that actually)

    Bottom line though, you two ARE exclusive so end one thing before starting another and stay on the right side of integrity.

  18. Then your opinion is ill-informed, especially when mental illness or another disability is concerned (OP didn’t state they consider it a disability for them, but chronic major depression is potentially disabling).

    I really think OP hit the nail on the head when they said in another comment that surely husband doesn’t give 100% of himself the entire time he’s at work, so it’s unfair that OP is expected to be fully on top of literally everything all the time at their job, which happens to be household tasks.

  19. Then stay in your relationship with no sex and no intimacy. I work with the public and encounter more than a few funky couples, I guess at some point they got used to each others stench, maybe the same will happen for you. You’re not going to be able to convince a grown man that he needs to wash his nasty stank ass without embarrassing him.

  20. The math related to this starting with him dating a high schooler, or the math about his siblings' ages that I didn't read?

  21. It was completely wrong of her to manipulate and lie to you like that. There is nothing wrong with having sexual preferences about genitalia. It's totally normal.

    Did you say some stuff you shouldn't have? Maybe. But first of all, you just discovered in the most shocking way possible you'd been lied to in a very significant way. Secondly, you had consented to sexual contact under a very reasonable and obvious assumption. That she manipulated you into sexual contact you did NOT give *informed” consent to makes it sexual assault in my eyes. Just because it doesn't fit the stereotypical notion of 'man forces sexual contact on woman using threats/force/coercion or when she is drunk' doesn't make it not sexual assault.

    You have every right to feel deeply angry, betrayed, and disgusted. That you feel disgust is not inherently transphobic. It seems to me like you feel disgust not at her being trans. But at her lying to you about this in order to coerce you into a sexual relationship with someone whose genitalia doesn't align with your preferences. Not wanting to be with someone who is trans doesn't make someone transphobic.

    I am sorry that you aren't getting support. On such a hot button issue, people blindly leap to the side that seems vaguely like the right one, but don't think further on it. I condemn transphobia too. But I will not assume that the moment there's a conflict and a trans person is on one side, that the other person is a bigot. Trans people are people. Which means they, just like cis people, can be assholes. They can be good, they can be evil. Like some bad cis people can use their identity as a weapon or way to justify evil, so can trans people. Sometimes the minority person is the bad one in a story. That's just a part of acknowledging personhood for us all

  22. Be aware that you may end up being her next target. I prefer not to have negative people in my life. I appreciate people who have a positive attitude and prefer to surround myself with people who are generally happy. Everyone has problems from time to time but it shouldn't be constant.

  23. Yes it’s disgusting. I’m not here to defend the guy.

    But I don’t agree with your loose definition of harassment. Did the husband send unsolicited dick pick, was vulgar/ sexually explicit? Yes it’s harassment.

    Did he just say “Hey you know I like you, are you interested in something physical?”. That is not harassment.

    He is a disgusting cheater for sure. And I wouldn’t touch him with a ten ft pole. But I’m tired of people defining any interaction harassment. We are not in a professional setting. He was not her boss. There was no power imbalance. No age gap.

  24. This happened to a friend of mine. She tried to work through things with him but ultimately he left her. Said he was addicted to the voyeurism of it and too ashamed to get help. He could eventually only get off when looking at instagram pictures of women they knew. That was an extreme case but man, what a creepy breach of privacy for those women and a betrayal to you.

  25. There is no reason that your ex should think he is infertile.

    And you allegedly already went through the miscarriage. You know that you would only be telling him to talk to him. This has nothing to do with you trying to look out for him. Any reason you have to tell him would be purely selfish.

  26. right. we technically are on speaking terms. but maybe its just something i continue to deal with on my own.


  27. You need a lawyer. That trust should be in both your names. Does he have a will? What are the inheritance laws like in your state? Find these things out.

  28. I want to leave this as a last resort. I don't want to give up on him entirely when so many others have too. He doesn't deserve it.

  29. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen…

    I feel this will make it near impossible for you two to move on from each-other.

    Yes, you may not be in a relationship… but you're likely to do a lot of things that is inside a relationship. Keeping yourselves invested.

    Also… if either of you start to pursue other people down the road.. most are going to look at your situation and see it has a red-flag. No one will want to get involved with a person who has actively been sleeping with their ex.

    I think you two should be giving it your all, or none at all…

  30. I'm truly sorry for what you are going through. I've been there. I chose to leave. Whatever you choose for yourself, I hope you choose with a clear mind and heart. Do what is right for you.

  31. Maybe it does, but do you really wanna be with someone who wishes they were sleeping alone every night? That would kill me.

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