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Tina-mess live sex cams for YOU!


Get hard [GOAL MET]

Date: October 9, 2022

45 thoughts on “Tina-mess live sex cams for YOU!

  1. i know my relationship with my ex was going downhill once i stopped inviting him to things because he would be more of a bother to me than me actually enjoying the event with friends, as horrible as that sounds. we ended things a year or so later after 6 years of dating. it sucked, and i sucked, but i wish i ripped the bandaid off sooner.

  2. Not about me being scared to hurt her. But we tried to talk about what she wants and she’s basically asking me to do what I want. ?

  3. Lol. She's not hurting anyone. Let her be. I understand asking her to keep her phone on silent in the hospital as that is normal but asking anything beyond that is ridiculous.

  4. Since you are less imporpant to her then singer she has never even met I would reconsider (not) being in relationship with your gf.

  5. I'm so sorry mate, I would suggest reaching out to all the family members either over the phone or in person (not text) and tell them that despite your father being an arsehat you still consider them family and would like to still maintain the same relationship if possible.

    For your step mum, have the same conversation but stress to her how much you appreciate her and that her moving on and finding hapiness after your dad decided to divorce, doesn't change how you feel about her and that she deserves to be happy. He made his decision and you have made yours.

    Also if you have a positive conversation with your step sister, that you still consider her family and would love to be there to celebrate her marriage if possible.

    good luck mate, you are allowed to be emotional in this, and you are allowed to reach out to those from his previous marriages if you have/want a relationship.

  6. I do need to apologize to everyone there for the scene I made.

    No you don't. They treated you like shit. They saw you get distraught and laughed at you. That's abuse and cruel. You never talk to those people again.

    Get therapy to address whatever is broken in you that thinks you owe anyone an apology and that these are people that should be in your life

  7. a colleague who she actively gave out several ways to contact her out of work. allows inappropriate comments in these chats, and has actively covered it up for a year

  8. Hello /u/Ok_Pen_1438,

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  9. I feel bad for you because that money could be going towards lavishing his real life girlfriend instead of his virtual ones.

    I personally would never let this slide as it turns into emotional affairs territory. I would be crushed, to me it would be cheating and I would pack up and leave.

    This is a very hot addiction to break so at this point for you is either self respect and setting hard boundaries or accepting this as part of your relationship. Ask him also if you are allowed to do the same with men.

  10. You just saved me the hour of googling “cats eating popcorn” after leaving this thread.

    Thank you

  11. Food for thought, thank you. I don't want to make it seem like he doesn't ever take me into consideration, we are generally very open in our relationship (well, obviously bar this current issue) but yeah, I have complained multiple times that I wish he would at least close the door while pooping lol. I think he might think I'm only semi-serious cause I'm generally pretty laidback.

    I know therapy is probably the best solution. I just need to suck it up and admit to him that I think we need it.

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

  12. Do you understand that exposure to covid makes you more vulnerable to both flu and RSV? Are you actually splitting hairs over this? The hospitals are full, whatever happens to your child will be an issue, including an accident because there are no beds.

  13. It’s very hot as it can potentially be both. Leaving someone in this way can simply just be a super shitty exit, or there can be deeper issues he’s going through. The saying “hurt people hurt people” comes to mind. It sounds like this behaviour is out of character and is definitely irrational by most peoples standards. OP sounds like a person you could communicate with rather than having to opportunistically slink off. I do get why OP is also worried about him, especially since friends can also not reach him. It’s a really sad post to read either way and I feel awful for OP.

  14. Of all of the hills to die on, is putting on a shirt or a pair of pants really the one you’re making your last stand on?

    You’re 30 my man, not a toddler

    Furthermore, have you actually tried to look from your SO’s perspective? Like how would you feel if you had a young daughter and her new step dad or any male stranger walked around her all day in their underwear?

  15. This feels like the best answer. Sometimes being too very hot on people who are learning, being too 'critical', discourages them, but praising them can bolster their confidence. Beating a kid – who's only 10 – over and over and over is going to break his spirit. You don't have to always be right, you – and your wife – don't always have to win. Maybe she's making up for you being too harsh by being too 'lenient', and she knows you're going to kick up a fuss, which seems like what you're doing here anyway.

  16. Tell him that you want to sell the house or he pays you for half of it. Get a real estate attorney if you have to

  17. She deceived you first then manipulated you when revealing it. This is the part that is making you queasy. You didn't have all the relevant information before consenting to this relationship. That makes her an untrustworthy person in my eyes. I would end this for this reason and not because she is a transgender.

  18. If it actually looked bad, you would’ve said “oh God, that looks awful” and removed it yourself before he ever got to see it. It doesn’t actually look bad, he’s just telling you it does because he wants to manipulate you into doing what he wants. And that’s a sign to run.

  19. Op, I’m not sure there is a way to magically change someone’s hormones during pregnancy. Especially without hurting the baby.

    A doctor could address physical ailments like discomfort, nausea, high blood pressure, etc that could be putting your wife into a stress response. But why would you stay with someone who’s stress response is verbal and emotional abuse?

    I would recommend couples therapy for a few sessions. Having a third party present may help you get across to her that your experience has practically traumatized you. She can’t understand that you don’t want more children until she understands exactly what you went through.

  20. Thank you especially for this part “stuck with someone who doesn’t want them” I feel resented when I talk to him , it feels good that someone also saw it and confirmed what I felt ,.. but I doubt it that he doesn’t want me because he keeps coming back after every fight , and I told him it’s over like a week ago but he kept saying I am having an attitude and I give up quickly on relationships .. then kept liking my posts etc now we talk again .. i don’t know what he wants from me ,, he confuses me

  21. lol are you serious?

    “I'm spending so much time on a hobby that I'm neglecting my girlfriend and couldn't even remember her birthday” doesn't get excused just because walking is healthy.

  22. Stop trying to explain it to him. Break up with him and block him. He’s literally an idiot and he’s hurting you

  23. You reduced him to his height. Aren’t you both basically in the wrong here? This is a silly argument.

  24. You need to decide if you can go forward and how you would deal with the possibility of you being jealous every time your wife interacts with another man or has unexpected unaccounted time or if you are willing to accept that and possibly be played for a fool.

    I would not want to live my life constantly jealous or worrying that I was a fool.

  25. Hi, I think you may benefit from researching support groups for women that may suit you live or in your local area. It sounds like you are dealing with some very complex life hurdles and they may be help you navigate both the short term and long term things you are dealing with. If you see a doctor they may be able to point you in the right direction.

  26. Your concerns regarding your baby are totally valid, however you could be more sympathetic here. Your partner tried to kill himself, and you're complaining about him being unsupportive? Clearly, he's dealing with some serious issues, and to be brutally honest, his life does take priority over supporting you emotionally here. He needs help, but that's not your burden to bear.

    Distancing yourself is the best course of action to keep yourself and your baby safe, for sure. If you can, speak with your family or close friends, people you trust, about the situation – Hopefully they can offer you some emotional support.

    Good luck OP, to both you and your little one!

  27. I’d like to point out, for those of us who “chose wisely” X years ago, people change.

    You can have facts that back up your belief your SO isn’t cheating for a very long time. But, one day…

  28. Tell your bf how you feel. Tell him, you want to remain his best friend he confines in.

    Tell that you are fine with reconciling, but are afraid it will be at expense of your connection.

  29. Aside from the sheer idiocy of “I lied to cool” which requires a whole another post, it makes me wonder if he really is invested in your relationship and sees you as anything else than a toy to play while he is bored. Why do I think that? He lied in something really easily verifiable. The first time he introduced you to his friends, the lie would crumble. Heck, this is the social media era, just an Instagram picture would discover his lie (as it seems it did), so I think he never intended for you to meet his friends and probably not having you around for long enough for that to be necessary and keep you as yet another “cool bro story, duh!”… That, or he is just stupid, which I wouldn't just discard…

    The fact that in your update you say he has been showing your sisters photos tells me you are just another conquest to brag about

  30. I'm calling bs. You guys began the relationship as non monogamous. It's hardly out of character of her or the relationship to float the idea of different forms of ENM.

    This sounds like the shit people do when they were just looking for an out.

  31. “When I was married….” Don’t think you’re maybe the best expert on “how to play the game,” hahaha!

  32. Your gf is an adult, this is weird controlling inappropriate behavior from her parents. You can either let them know your relationship is none of their business, or ignore them, tell your gf about the text and then support her in any way to get her distance from her parents. This is not healthy and any way she can become more independent is good.

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