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TrixyTaylor live! sex cams for YOU!


TrixyTaylor Public Chat Channel

Date: December 9, 2022

2 thoughts on “TrixyTaylor live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. … it’s still baggage. It is in the real world as well. Baggage is a responsibility or experience that keeps interfering with the new attempt at a relationship. Not sure what you’re upset over.

  2. Holy. Bleeping. Crackers. Your partner is unhinged and physically abusive. She could have killed her own daughter. And she's refusing to take responsibility. I'm sorry but this would be a deal-breaker for me. It's one thing to have some insecurities that occasionally bubble up in a relationship, but it's another to interrogate your partner multiple times per month for years.

    Unfortunately you can't “get” her to admit that she is abusive. You can only draw boundaries for yourself. If you aren't prepared to leave her (and for the record I think you should – plus hire a lawyer ASAP), then at least start refusing to participate in her weekly infidelity interrogations. If she won't go to therapy, then you should – to figure out why you are putting up with her behavior.

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