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Vane-collinsss online sex chats for YOU!


take of dress [Multi Goal]

Date: October 30, 2022

38 thoughts on “Vane-collinsss online sex chats for YOU!

  1. If she doesn't want to have sex then fine here don't have to romance a relationship don't don't take her on dates or get flowers or chocolates for her treated as a roommate.

  2. there have been several instances with plans I’ve made with my girlfriend that involve her getting favors from her friends, and in these situations things have gone wrong

    What does this mean?

  3. As someone who grew up with a single mother, I'd say that you're taking this wayyy too lightly. You don't know this person, you don't know what kind of life your son will lead. This plan is disgustingly short sighted at best, and you're right that I wouldn't understand why you want to have a kid without knowing them or playing an active role in their life, or even knowing what kind of person their mother really is.

    All I know is that there's a high potential I'd hate to have a father like you. My dad was pretty bad, but your mindset actually sickens me. It's messed up in a creative way. I can't believe a person this selfish actually exists. Please, pleeaaassse don't bring a person into this world based on this shallow impulse of yours. It's not fair to that kid. Every time the topic of fathers comes up, what are they supposed to say? My dad wanted to have a kid but didn't want to be a dad? If a close friend told you something like that, wouldn't you feel some kind of sympathy for them? Or do you imagine his mother would lie and let an integral part of his life story be based in falsehood? And you're only worried about whether or not you'd be on the hook financially? Are you a sociopath?

  4. He’s a diagnosed sociopath acting like a sociopath. If you are not able to keep your self and kids completely away from him, strongly consider adoption. Sorry. Such a nightmare.

  5. Lol i wish OP had sharpened up their writing before they went with the 70s stuff (which is pretty hilarious imo) – no one that age is referring to themselves as a ‘girl’ tho lmao.

  6. Why would you ever send such a thing? I mean do you like failing? Do you want her to think you’re a douche? Best way to accomplish that is to tell her “I’m a douche”.

    Dude relax. Instead of treating her like some prize that has to be won, treat her like a human being and a friend. Just back TF off. 27 hours is barely 1 day. After 3 dates. She’s not expecting more from you or she would have been blowing up your chat/social media/phone/whatever.

  7. I thought blonde hair was recessive. If you and your husband both have blonde hair, then your children should always come out blonde. Get the genetic testing and pls give us an update.

  8. Do you want it? You don't need a reason one way or the other just.. do you?

    Sounds like you already have this one settled and its a yes.

    The next is, looking back do you regret not giving more? Do you have the capacity or willingness to give more now? If yes then proceed if not then…

    If you really gave it your all and look back with no regrets then the last part is. Are they willing to put in more effort/change? If not then… no dont do it.

  9. So you had to talk him into fucking someone else and now you’re upset he fell in love with her? Come on. You can’t be serious. Divorce. He deserves better

  10. Also I’ll just be honest, I don’t want to see much relationship advice on r/Tinder like at all. If you all had the secrets you act like you had half of y’all wouldn’t be here, unless it’s for the funny stuff which admittedly is a lot of you. But I also see a ton of single people on here so I’m still gonna say it.

  11. I went NC with my immediate family years ago and flying monkeys were firmly told to drop it or they'd be next

  12. i actually wanted to but the only one offering was 2 far away. I was willing trust me. I would have taken an 2hour route if it meant helping her but 2 towns over and 5 hours to get there without any train connection :/

    yes i know. I meant helping me by reassuring me her Love and that we will get through this but she needs my help. Helping by looking for jobs for me aswell or anything like that. Not pinning it on her just saying when i was at the low point there wasn't even her light and apperantly it took me too long to get back up. Still think she should have broken up with me or something like serious talk about how things can't stay this way. Instead she cheated and is leaving me in ruins right after i just barely picked myself back up :/

  13. To be fair OP could live! pretty much anywhere. That having been said, I've known people who have been down this road and they had family friends make sure the dude was removed from the place.

    Not saying it's legal but could be depending on where you on-line. Anyways often times just the presence of a family member could almost be enough just to shame them into getting out.

    The dude is a leech so I don't doubt he knows the law in OPs area. Sounds like this is his schtick. So if I were her I'd definitely read up on what's legal and proceed from there.

  14. not underage but definitely younger. lol i asked him the same thing. but the last girl initiated the relationship and with us we didn’t know our age difference until later

  15. I guess I meant in a relationship lol. Should I block him after? Because even though I said I didn't want to be contacted he has still texted me constantly

  16. I think he might be exaggerating with the “deathly”. They are pretty bad however, in that he had difficulty breathing. He has an inhaler and it helps a lot.

    I think you are being intentionally difficult. They are pretty awful to live! with I am sure.

  17. If you are sexually incompatible, the relationship is unsustainable and will need to end.

    Will that would suggest I need to get over my fear of intimacy and sex, or I'm never going to have a future longterm relationship.

  18. She told you her boundaries. You disrespected them. It was her boundary that you lied to her about following. You didn't have the same boundary.

    You aren't sorry. You aren't planning to respect her boundaries in the future and are actively seeking to discredit her boundary that You Agreeed to Follow.

  19. 1) do you mind if I ask what drug it is?

    2) I think your concerns are valid. However you may not want to be with someone who dies drugs in general. For example, I smoke and I smoke with my friends. I don't tell my gf everytime I smoke with them bc smoking is normal for me and doesn't change any fundamental aspect of me, it's just something fun to do with friends. However – if he is purposefully hiding it from you bc you know you wouldn't like it – that is very different and that doesn't sound like he is respecting your boundaries

  20. Change your number. This way he can’t reach you anymore and can’t find you.

    Blocking doesn’t work cause he’ll find ways to still try to get you to unblock him.

    If you want to truly be done with him, change your damn phone number so he’s truly gone.

  21. Lol so you forced an open relationship and have been banging other people while he has been banging no one

    He finally tries once and gets scammed and NOW you want to divorce him

    U are something else lady

  22. just the tip of the iceberg fr, calls me sensitive or dramatic for being upset because of the way he treats me. maybe im just not cut for relationships

  23. He told he gives no crap about your stuff. Believe him. F not causing an argument, don't let this go.

  24. There's no way of knowing (unless he tells you) why the sudden obsession has started.. And it really isn't ok for him to continue to add pressure to you and isn't ok imo. That's no way of showing respect to you and your boundaries and strikes to question of how much further could he push in the future with these types of things. That would be a bit of a orange/red flag to me

  25. This relationship isn’t going to last and it shouldn’t last. Open relationships only work if both (or all, I guess) people are happy and not jealous. You’ve not even met this person in real life, they’re seeing other people.

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