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Vanessa live! webcams for YOU!


Tell me the last erotic thought you had 🙂

Date: December 7, 2022

30 thoughts on “Vanessa live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Gonna have to say for most people it is a red flag when their partner keeps their friends from them.

    It really just sounds like your friends suck. Which doesn’t say anything good about you.

  2. Update: I did confront her and we ended things. Now I just sit here trying to put back pieces of my heart.

  3. Abort mission all round Him and the baby It's a terrible situation to be in but he doesn't want it Concentrate on the kids you have already got.

  4. You should get checked for HPV. They can't test men for it, but with those odds, he's likely to have run into it at some point. HPV can cause cancer later on down the road, so it's important to get it checked as soon as possible.

    That's enough for the personal health stuff.

    So maybe he's slept with 100 girls. Chances are not many of them led to a deeper connection than a one night stand. Even more of a chance that the sex wasn't mind-blowing, not without a deeper connection. He may have experience, but it's also possible he's been trained to be mediocre at sex by sleeping with women he never contacts again, and can get no feedback from.

  5. Day by day I am losing hope in relationships. There is nothing like loyal person anymore. All I see a one cheating girl/boy every reddit post Twitter or YouTube. Why you all cheating when you can be loyal. Attraction is different thing than love. Realtionship are the foundation of humanity and people can't be loyal and breaking the whole structure

  6. You kinda just stuck it sounds like. I agree with his parent’s reasoning and obviously your thinking is short sighted BUT at a certain point you value personal space and growth more than saving money.

    Their argument makes total sense on paper but living in a van is cheaper than my rent im not going to do that either.

    Ultimately its his call obviously and if he doesn’t mind living at home where food and rent are free and life is easy while banking a bunch of money i cant really blame him.

    If its a line in the sand then draw it and give an ultimatum but his parents are not going to like you from that point on if you stay together bc its not his choice its yours.

  7. Hello /u/Aggressive-Orchid517,

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  8. I am aware of that but I see she is trying to get under my skin by coming by the places I hang with my friends, and she is acting very strange when I am in her presence even in front of her current boyfriend which she is just using for get material things from I hear, but I know it sounds f****** up because both of us have someone we are seeing, and I feel guilty for that because my current girlfriend is a very ok person and still my ex is on my mind in the past month, I just feel like s*** because I am starting to have these feelings.

  9. Please don’t hate yourself. You did nothing wrong. In fact you were smart to recognize this online scammer in just a few weeks and ended it. He went overboard with all his excuses and that’s why you were suspicious. Even if half of what he said was true, that is still too much baggage. I’m sorry people here were cruel, but you are smart, not stupid, so don’t beat yourself up.

  10. You have to have had a pretty sheltered life if you think this is an instance of somebody who “literally couldn’t give less of a fuck” about their partner.

  11. You seem selfish.

    If she wants marriage, and you don't, let her go while she is young and can find someone more suitable to her needs.

  12. Thanks a lot for writing your story, it looks just like mine, very helpful, I hope you continue with your happy life forever.

  13. She may well have not even noticed. She's used to someone touching her (you) and if it was a normal comfortable natural resting of the hand she probably didnt even process that it wasnt you or that it was out of place.

  14. Hah yes I put myself in a pickle. I can say when I met him he wasn’t this of a mess. He had his own car, he had a home(it caught fire), then he didn’t start hanging with other women till this fall. When we met we were suppose to open up a shop(but he wanted me to do all the work while i was working full time so it fell apart). Honestly I wished things would’ve worked with opening a shop. That we could’ve built a house on the property he has in Arkansas. But he moved up here(Illinois) to be with me and everything fell apart the moment he moved up here. So I think I’m holding onto a false dream. But now I have a child with him….

  15. You both could just be burned out due to being around eachother all the time. You need to communicate about the space you both need. Its not wrong by any means. You both love each other so you guys’ll make it work.

  16. Lol it's fine. I have pregnancy brain rn so i gta type everything 3 times with all the shit i write wrong lol ?

  17. Yep, I'd be pissed if I was paying 100% of the bills while my partner is taking a gap year (not even studying as an excuse for not working!) And I come home to dishes piled up and hair on the bathroom floor. The question then is – what are they even doing all day? I think that's what's eating the husband up, that they are breaking their back full time at work to support both of them, and OP just sits around the house all day and sometimes cleans, for a year.

  18. OP says in another comment that when she was invited a month ago she expressed excitement at the prospect of having a shared experienced together because she has been feeling neglected. It sounds like the purpose of this separation is for OP and her husband to rekindle their relationship by going back to the dating phase and I think it was cruel of him to exclude her from this activity knowing what it meant to her.

    I don't think the ultimatum or the separation are actually productive though. OP, it sounds like your husband has checked out and refuses to take responsibility for his own mental health. There is only so much you can do and I don't think hanging onto this relationship is healthy for you.

  19. What do you do? Ummm maybe try actually listening to her and stop trying to figre out how to get her to be your girlfriend and start treating her like just a friend, which is clearly what she's been telling you is the only thing she's capable of right now.

  20. We are sexual, just not having actual penetrative sex, and we know we’re definitely compatible. The chemistry is very strong. Like I said, our relationship is perfect, no major issues. It’s just the porn, and my concern over it.

    We’re definitely not rushing into anything. Getting married young isn’t always an indicator of that. He had gfs in the past he had sexual relationships with; none of them he knew he wanted to marry. We have the same goals, same values, and we respect each other. It makes us a great team, and our families support us and our endeavors to raise a family.

    We recently took our couples course for marriage over this past weekend, and he’s very open to me about his guilt in regards to watching porn because he knows I’d never set out to shame him. I understand people’s perspective/opinion which says that it’s totally fine and natural, but we know it can easily damage relationships. He’s even been honest with me about the ways his past porn addiction tainted his view of sex and affected his dopamine reception and expectations for relationships at a younger age.

  21. This is all 100% bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Involuntary 51-50s DO NOT HAPPEN if someone is NOT a danger to themselves or others. Fuck all the way off. If this is somehow true, you couldn't have just used your fucking words to communicate with her? Ask her “hey what's going on?”

  22. I totally get that. There are plenty discussions here in Reddit about HL, ML and LL. Even a full subreddit dedicated to r/deadbedrooms. I think you and him have to face this head on because you’re dissatisfied, but not think that the problem/solution is only about his porn consumption.

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