4 thoughts on “Vanessa-rose online sex chats for YOU!”
Hello /u/eldestdaughterinafam. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.
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u could just ask “whats up with you?” and if he tries to avoid answering (sounds like he will) present him w everything you've noticed. if he tries gaslighting you abt any of it kick his ass to the curb
Yes of course, that's why in relationships you learn how each other communicates and know how to talk to someone without Invalidating them. The by product of being emotionally intimate.
Hello /u/eldestdaughterinafam. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.
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u could just ask “whats up with you?” and if he tries to avoid answering (sounds like he will) present him w everything you've noticed. if he tries gaslighting you abt any of it kick his ass to the curb
Yes of course, that's why in relationships you learn how each other communicates and know how to talk to someone without Invalidating them. The by product of being emotionally intimate.
Don’t give yourself too much credit here
It’s highly unlikely your comment, which was cold and rude, caused such a drastic downfall
Regardless of this man, being a dick to someone isn’t an appropriate “test” to gauge any relationship
Being autistic isn’t an excuse for being a dick, either
You could’ve very easily stated what was on your mind without being rude
“I’m surprised you live! the same way I do because you seem like such an extrovert compared to me”