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Vanessita on-line webcams for YOU!


welcome guys hope you enjoy my show, ♥♥ cum♥♥ [Multi Goal]

Date: November 1, 2022

54 thoughts on “Vanessita on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. You did him a favor. Your replies and your need to gossip about your ex's dating life make you sound juvenile. I would not have used the term 'I'm not your friend, I'm your boyfriend', but if I wanted to listen to some girl talk about her ex's love life, especially after being together for 11 months, I'd go back to high school. Mindless gossip does nothing but illicit an emotional reaction or judgment.

  2. You don’t have to keep this pregnancy. You are not ready for the serious life altering responsibility of being a parent. You are in charge of your body and life. Choose yourself. Do not choose the struggle and misery that this situation will bring you.

  3. If he is cool and casual with giving you pinworms. A living parasite. Who’s to say he wouldnt be casual about giving you an std? After all. This entire post is about his pleasure and disregarding your comfort.

    This is a grown man we are talking about. He cannot take care of his hygiene or be mindful if your wellbeing? It’s time to reevaluate the relationship.

  4. I find it hilarious that people aren't questioning the age difference like they always do when it's an older guy and younger girl.

  5. Hello /u/purplebajablast,

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  6. Yes… that’s where I’m at… he’s an adult and is making a choice to be with this person. He loves her, doesn’t want to abandon her and is hopeful for change… it’s just a nude cycle to observe / hear about from afar. I’ve never attended a wedding where I didn’t feel immense joy and celebration.

  7. Thank you. I think the key is acceptance as well. Nude to accomplish. I need to speak it out to her clearly once more to express myself so my thruth is clear i guess. Been cropping up a lot lately

  8. This is hysterical. I am trying to imagine what people would say if this was a man wanting sex from a woman, sending porn hub videos to her, jacking off twice a day before having sex with her, laying in bed waiting for sex from her. LOL. if this is real I don't even know what to say except back off a little. If this is one of you writing to show the Reddit Brigades blame men mentality, excellent example! Wait, let me get in some of the common replies given when women don't want to have sex… he doesn't owe you sex, try intimacy without sex, coddle him, cuddle him but don't even mention sex, take him to dinner, buy him flowers, do the housework, weigh his mental load it's probably too heavy, stop acting like a woman child, sex fiend, denigrate and give this man some free time away from the doldrums of married life. I can't remember more but if you look around these subs you'll easily find men who can't get sex to save their lives and thousands of comments why he has no right to be horny. I get it, he jerks off or maybe he says he does to appear manly as he can't keep up with your sex drive. also jerking off doesn't include getting you off~ being that you masturbate twice a day before sex he probably isn't worried about you getting off.

  9. Honestly it could be anything from maybe she's actually grossed out by it or she's not confident in her skills, a little bit of performance anxiety idk

    Unfortunately with things like this it kind of puts things in a weird spot because you can bring it up but if she's genuinely just not into it. Then you definitely don't want to put any unintentional pressure on her into feeling like she has to, but obviously this is something you feel is lacking. Something's going to have to give though. I mean if she doesn't come around you'll either have to accept that you're just not going to get it or get it very rarely or youre going to have to break up with her. Thats really just what it is.

  10. Everyone is saying chill out and I’d totally agree. Your mid-late 20s are the best years for dating and for being alone! Do some travel, have fun – and MOST importantly – do NOT rush to settle down with the next chick that comes along just because you’re sick of dating/don’t want to be alone/worried you’re too old to meet someone. Only settle when you’ve met someone you’re crazy about.

  11. Breakups hurt.

    Most people survive them.

    She'll be hurt, it'll take time but she's not going to be broken.

    Just sit her down and tell her why you can no longer be in a relationship and go your seperate ways.

  12. Sorry to say, but as much as it hurts you, I don't think you really can ask her to set a boundary with other people she loves. Sounds like she already lost your dad, probably had some loneliness from it, and asking her to potentially damage her still existing important relationships is too big of an ask. She's defending you when they malign you, and that will have to be enough.

    I'm glad you have found a position that works for you, and hopefully it'll get you the resources to seek the medical testing/treatment recommended. Good luck.

  13. Player = single, so I don't know how “single for a year, so he's not giving off player vibes” works out . Player means he's sleeping around, not coupled up.

    But let's break down some perspective here.

    If a bunch of people all say the same thing about one person, they're either all mostly right, or…..? They're all jealous? Making it up? They all want him to stay single? Unhappy? What's the reason you think they're all lying?

    From the other side: If this guy is lying and hooking up with his bm, why oh why could you imagine him not telling you about it? Yes I'm being sarcastic.

    Liars lie. Cheaters cheat. Either everyone else is lying about this one person, or this one person is lying. Figure it out, you're not stupid.

  14. Ah, I guess that comment was the only mention of BPD, all his other comments and the post only mentions bipolar and add. Thanks!

  15. Totally up to you, but that man WILL leave. That’s the first thing to know, regardless of your decision. If you work minimum wage, it will be tough but you can do it. It’s 100% your choice, and what life you want to live. I’ve had an abortion and tbh it was TOUGH deciding, and mentally I was a wreck for about a year, but now I am so glad I made the decision. I was a financially stable family someday, not the struggles of single parenthood.

  16. Yes, same — naturally stick straight, flat, non-porous Asian hair. I tried no-poo for a while — months — and it was just limp, greasy, and disgusting with buildup. After that, I tried various fancy sulfate-free shampoos but my scalp would itch and my hair would start getting oily in less than a day.

    I’ve since realized my hair is really just happiest with your standard drug store shampoo and conditioner full of sulfates and cones.

  17. Tell her that she needs to learn to do better before she gets into another relationship, and that the fact that she has unbelievable audacity to hint you need to apologize when her behavior your entire relationship has been selfish, disrespectful and so bizarrely self-centered that you think she should go get evaluated for a personality disorder because healthy people don't treat other people in their life the way she treats you. Then block her and move on.

  18. I don’t do head. I don’t like giving it or receiving it. I won’t date a guy that makes it a requirement bc I’m not budging, I don’t want a dick in my mouth.

  19. I know it isn't easy when in the situation to realize how much is wrong even though from the outside its clear. But still these I love my unicorn that treats me great and grants wishes and farts rainbows, except my unicorn doesn't have a horn, treats me like a jackass and is an ass stories are just numbingly common. And so often even when clearly pointed out that they love the idea of the person they have in their head not the actual person, they still deflect and hope for the jackass to suddenly be the unicorn they had built in their mind during the honeymoon period.

  20. You agreed to the dog, and now it’s part of their family. It’s not fair to the kids or to the dog to get rid of it just because it wasn’t trained well. It’s not it’s fault, it’s an animal and it doesn’t know any better. And it’s not the kid’s faults for not training it, they’re teenagers for gods sake. Your boyfriend should’ve trained the dog better and not let it run a rampage on your lives.

    You’re the one with the problem, you propose some solutions. It’s not on your boyfriend to fix everything for you. Make some suggestions, and see how he responds.

    Sending it off for training is a shitty solution, you need to be involved in its obedience and training if you want it to work well.

    And yea, they’re not your kids you have no right to yell at them. If I was him, seeing you yell at my kids like that, that would’ve been the end of the relationship for me.

  21. This comment should be higher. OP, this is not the girl you want to marry if 18 days ago you were still hung up on your ex.

    There will be other people who will be “the love of your life”.

  22. I also don't love brown eyes, nothing wrong with that, but I don't understand why your boyfriend would tell you that if you have brown eyes. It's also dumb to try and pass his opinion as fact by saying that because they're common they're not desirable, I am sure a lot of people love brown eyes.

  23. All the comments have been right on about calling the police and/or landlord. If you want to try a more direct method, go in and tell her “him or me, if he’s not gone by tomorrow, I’m going to contact the landlord and either have him evicted or to take my name off the lease and I move out. Which is it?”

  24. If you already met her parents i would assume that you have a good, deep bond with her. If at this moment you cannot still talk to her about what you just witnessed, then I might think it was a little bit early for a visit to her parents home.

    Can you talk to her about what you just saw at their house?

  25. ok so then it’s time to move tf on and get over him? you decided to date a fuckboy and he did what fuckboys do, to answer your question yes that’s just who he is, he’s a prick

  26. Just on top of everything else and how shitty this is especially for your SO not to be backing up their partner, possibly try secretly audio recording next time you and John are alone. No one can say “I didn’t say this” and your partner will get the jist of what’s going on. But I do want to reiterate that this is not how a partner is supposed to react in a situation like this, and you are right to feel hurt by it.

  27. I haven't really talked to him about my parents, just that we're estranged. I have told him that I don't want to rush anything about our relationship and he understands that. But this whole thing makes me think he's re-evaluating even being in one.

  28. Very true. When someone in an established relationship says they want to open it up, they almost always have someone specific in mind, and often as not, they're already sleeping together.

  29. r/dementia

    Join that subreddit and post. They can help you with resources and advice. You absolutely need to call Adult Protective Services. She needs more help than your family can provide at this point.

  30. Is everyone who still thinks about their ex after a year obsessed in your book? I beg to differ. Once you replace that bond with someone better is when you move on; as long as that‘s not the case, you will never fully be over them even if you tell yourself that. Or you didn‘t actually love that person. I never loved anyone until I met him, even though I thought I did. My feelings for him were an entirely different ballgame.

  31. Thats crap man. She bait and switched you. Id say you need to identify why the sex is so infrequent or the marriage is over. Be kind, be direct. Your needs are as valid as her boundaries. You want to spend the next 40 years feeling like this? Hell no you dont.

  32. So many people when engaged can't face the fact they are having serious doubts. They all think it could get better later. It never does. Yes it was dumb to have proceeded with the relationship that has such a big issue, but if you want out, now is the time, before making the situation worse by having children. You two are together all this time because there is a decent amount of compatibility. OR, you two think this is the best you can do and don't want to start over in the dating world. Both never a good reason to stay together. To all men, sex is extremely important. I don't know how anyone can just put it to the side just to stay in a marriage. Its beyond important to men and anyone that doesn't believe that is most likely not male. Do you want to lay on your death bed knowing you lived such a celibate life, against your will? While a woman should not be coerced into sex, a man also should not be forced into celibacy. Neither approaches are going to work. Most men would have cheated already but you make no mention of doing that so I assume you haven't. Best to split up before resorting to cheating. My husband worked with a guy that never consummated his marriage. NEVER! She had a medical issue where her vagina remained pre pubescent (don't know if I explained that right), so they never had sex. Eventually he found someone else and his ex was furious with him for leaving the relationship for a lack of any sex. A woman would also leave her husband for never touching her. This is not just a male thing. OP has wasted enough time. Either get a sex issues specific couples therapy or leave the marriage before you start a family. This is going downhill. People with no sex drives don't suddenly have a healthy sex drive one day to the next. I also noticed your statement of disliking her clinginess by referring it as “unbearable.” Major sign you may not be in love. Unless you meant it makes you unbearably horny when she is clingy. I don't think you did. People in love want to touch each other… period.

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