Your husband treats you like a live in maid. Who the fuck gets their spouse fucking KITCHEN APPLIANCES for Christmas.
Who the fuck allows their husband to not get them a ring for their actual WEDDING?
And btw, Stirling silver does not oxidise (turn green). Cheap metals like copper or nickel that, so he’s lying about the ring big time.
Sounds like he doesn’t care enough about you to even get you a decent ring. Sounds like he doesn’t care enough about you to be bothered if he’s caught out in a lie.
He snoops, cheats, and is controlling. Not seeing much upside.
Thanks everyone in advance
Your husband treats you like a live in maid. Who the fuck gets their spouse fucking KITCHEN APPLIANCES for Christmas.
Who the fuck allows their husband to not get them a ring for their actual WEDDING?
And btw, Stirling silver does not oxidise (turn green). Cheap metals like copper or nickel that, so he’s lying about the ring big time.
Sounds like he doesn’t care enough about you to even get you a decent ring. Sounds like he doesn’t care enough about you to be bothered if he’s caught out in a lie.