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Victoria the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Victoria, 21 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Victoria

Victoria live! sex chat

Date: September 29, 2022

65 thoughts on “Victoria the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I have an excellent way for you to kose enough weight to be Wednesday Addams for Halloween! Dump him. Then you'll lose over 100 lbs of useless weight and you'll be perfect. 😉

  2. he said this exactly “I m not sure about the market i will let u know”

    see thats how i think about it too ur right. guess hes not that interested

  3. Is it possible you don't love your boyfriend? Or are you like this with everyone in your life? I'm asking not to be rude but because I struggle with understanding if I love my partners, or I am just tolerating them through some missguided idea that I will come to love them, or that they are the one and I will get used to the affection stuff. I'm autistic too, so I'm quite unsure about relationships in general. Anyway just wondering how you interpret your experience with your boyfriend.

  4. OP fell in love with another dude she isn't even attracted to. Imagine if the guy was good looking. Someone will be. Please let your boyfriend find someone who sucks less.

  5. Men can absolutely quit looking at porn, 100%. But it takes an EXTREME amount of work and effort EVERY SINGLE DAY to overcome that addiction, especially since the “drug” is available 24/7 and is free and is So easily accessible. Takes two seconds to get it and it's in your possession 24/7.

    Her partner has been “addicted his whole life” and after two months and a therapy session, says he's clean? Not happening. Has she seen any withdrawal symptoms? Can he prove it to her? Is he completely transparent? No? He's not clean and I'd put money on that

  6. You leave. Besides being controlling, lack of trust destroys relationships ( which he has clearly demonstrated). Best of luck

  7. I definitely don’t want to be with someone like that. But I also don’t want to rush or pressure this person in any way just because I’m insecure and need a response. I will give it a few more days like you said until a week passed and will make my decision based off of that. Thank you so much 🙂

  8. What brought on your comment? What did the friend say/do? How well do you know said friend?

    Regardless, making jokes about a person’s appearance is rude and childish. Your (ex) bf was right to end things and defending his friend. If it was the other way around, I’m sure you’d appreciate him having your back

  9. I know exactly what you mean, and I hate it. If my mom wants me to go somewhere with her, she never just asks me to go. It's a life interrogation first.

    Did you get enough sleep last night?

    How are you feeling?

    Have you had a bowel movement yet?

    Is mercury in retrograde?

    Now that I have all the pertinent information, would you mind going to the post office with me?

    If I'm too tired to go, that's something for me to decide not for you to vaguely gauge. Just ask!

    It's annoying, but that is how some people are. I just let her do it sometimes, and when it's really annoying, i tell her to cut to the chase. Even when it's really annoying, I try not to let that affect the decision I make.

    So i get where you are coming from, but I think framing it as being dishonest is going overboard. We should make reasonable allowances for different communication styles.

  10. Yes, she most definitely is a predator. She is being manipulative. Please leave this marriage. You are young and deserve to be with someone who wants a partner, not a play thing they can control.

    Find a lawyer to determine your options for divorce and contact your parents for support.

  11. Doesn't matter at all about the situation with your brother. She racked up credit card debt, she should online with the consequence of her action. Your husband has absolutely no obligation to help her out with credit card debt.

    If you had said deposit on a flat or something necessary I'd be more inclined to see your side but your sister is irresponsible with money and the home situation has nothing to do with it.

  12. Yeah, absolutely delusional. Like of course I try not to think about the fact that he has found other women attractive, but I know he has and does. I see guys who I think are objectively attractive, but it doesn’t mean I care about them or want to leap into their arms.

    She is almost 40, she needs to understand that the relationship you have built together is worth a lot more than that.. If she thinks you would see someone attractive on the street and just run away with them, then she is not grown enough to be married.

    I understand she has been hurt, but so have most people in the sense that trust has been broken, and they still move on and they find people who treat them well. It sounds like despite your best efforts, you have treated her well, and somehow she still doesn’t trust that you won’t hurt her like whoever else has.. even though you are married..

  13. Take a step back and think about what you're saying here. You're worried about ending things because it might make you spiral. Now, I get what you're saying and I'm certainly not discounting that. But put things into perspective; should you continue to be miserable forever in this relationship as the alternative?

    As for family and friends, what are you worried about? It's your relationship, not theirs'. Don't put any focus on him. It might sound harsh, but it's simply not your problem. You don't stay in a relationship you're unhappy in because you're worried he'll be upset. You'd again be dismissing your feelings by staying.

    Breakups are naked, and I promise you you're going to have strong feelings about it and second guess yourself. But again, focus on the reality of the situation. If you go back to him, you're going back to the same relationship you left. Good luck.

  14. Suggested it long ago but she finds it weird to talk to a stranger, yet another major difference we have in our outlook on problem solving ?

  15. Just stop talking to him. Stop seeing him.

    Yeah, I think it’s pretty entitled behavior on your part to be resource guarding HIS money. But whatever.

    Just stop.

  16. Just stop talking to him. Stop seeing him.

    Yeah, I think it’s pretty entitled behavior on your part to be resource guarding HIS money. But whatever.

    Just stop.

  17. It feels like he’s having a just complete and total mental health breakdown, and this is WAY beyond reddit. He needs to get treatment for his issues, and even if he comes tomorrow apologizing, refuse to take him back unless he gets help. You need to tell his mom to get him help, because no matter what happens hes going to crash and burn.

  18. My gf is English. Im Afrikaans. We speak English. Yes i pronounce some English words differently. She has never said anything.

    She tries to speak Afrikaans and her english accent is naked.

    Your bf is a dick for correcting you. Or is he just stupid?

  19. How do you get into arguments with your girlfriend's friends? That is an absurd thing to just happen.

  20. OP you're in a bad situation. I don't say that to scare you, but you're reliant on a man who disrespects you and will likely escalate that as you continue to age (like everyone does!). Please have a back up plan. If you can't get a job because of childcare, you should squirrel away money where you can. You should maintain healthy friendships and/or family connections. If you're not ready or able to leave him over this, please create a safety net for yourself and your kids if you need to eventually. I suspect he'll become nastier as you both age. I'm guessing he has a lot of anxiety around his own body and aging and he's projecting a lot onto you. He may become dangerous if he ever loses the ability to maintain the body and fitness level he has now.

  21. Although, it would be nice for your fiancé to tell her to back off if she’s saying anything explicit.

  22. At opposite ends of the spectrum – Terzo ($$$) has some of the best northern Italian cuisine I've ever eaten. Try their tasting menu and share. Try Matts ($) for one of the original Jucy Lucys but know they are cash only and don't burn your mouth on the cheese inside the burger. The Union – Rooftop ($$) has good food and a great roof if it's warm. Finally, I'd take a chance on the Wood and Paddle. I've had great dinners under its former name and nothing has changed inside. I suspect the food is still great. Bon Appétit!

  23. Wtf is wrong with him!? AND your friends!? Have they been in so many toxic and codependent relationships that they don’t even realize this way is abusive and wrong!? The way u handle all the situations was wonderful. Your communication style is stellar IMHO! These “tests” r very childish and shows an enormous red flag of immaturity. U should maybe plan an exit strategy in the near future. There is someone out there that will truly appreciate what u bring to a relationship, he is not it.

  24. Yup, it feels like she’s making it so that OP is the one who takes the fall, and I can understand that! It sucks to have a medical condition prevent intimacy, but it takes love and effort on both ends.

    Being disabled myself, I have to do the medical treatments that make me sick and therapies that exhaust me, but then I have a partner to accommodate me and be willing to slow down. But it’s a BIG decision to commit to being with someone who needs that kind of help, so both partners need to know what they can cope with, and you’re not a bad person for saying that the medical issue is something you’re not able to handle properly.

    He seems to respect her desire to stop PFT, but it would be kinda unfair to expect him to just lose all desire for the sex that he wants. It seems he’s willing to go without PIV, but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t like it if it was a possibility.

    She obviously doesn’t need to continue the PFT, but most medical issues have very unfun solutions. It’s something she needs to weigh out for herself

  25. OMG ITS OVER 2 PEOPLE? DEAR GOD. Not that I thought you were talking about having a train run on your or anything but jesus.

    Ahhh that answers a lot of my questions. I recently ended a relationship, but during that relationship my BFF and I went to Seattle for a week, Thailand for three weeks, and I feel like there might have been one more in there I forgot about. I didn't cheat, I didn't plant to cheat, I never even thought about cheating…Times have changed, a lot of our mothers we're raised to ONLY be mothers, they put their entire life into it, so yeah she probably didn't do that. You aren't a mother and you don't want to be his mother either…

    The fact that you told him it upsets you and he keeps bringing it up? Means that you set a boundary and he has no respect for it.

  26. Perfectly put! If OP can’t understand this example, and can’t comprehend how wrong her behaviour is then she deserves to have no contact with her son.

  27. You should definitely go, career over relationship at this point in your life, otherwise you may lose some prospects that would greatly increase your earning potential!

  28. find a good nanny to help you snd get him out of the house. He is adding so much stress on your postpartum period that you can’t heal. You need him gone. He needs to get help for his ADHD and PTSD and the sad part is he needs to get the help – you have a helpless child snd yourself to care for. It sounds like he needs extensive therapy and has to be willing to get it. You need to protect yourself snd the child from him and his outbursts

  29. Tell him in the morning to report this new change in his sleep pattern to his doctor. Could be a sign things are getting worse or he needs different medications. Has he switched medication recently?

    Sleep in a guest bedroom where you can lock the door, if you have one. Or if you only have one bedroom, he sleeps on the couch while you lock the bedroom door.

    Hopefully you can resolve this and sleep in the same bed again, but he needs to see a doctor to fix it.

  30. I’ve just booked through Ryan Air and Easy Jet, and never have spent more than $80 USD one way. ?‍♀️

  31. She’s trying to make you jealous and then gets jealous…oh man this girl needs therapy not a boyfriend

    This sounds toxic because it is…and so is she

  32. I kind of think his clothes are the real problem here. You say he works out. A lot of workout clothes hang on to smells because of the wicking fibers used. It could also have to do with his washer–some models will collect mildew in the doors if you don't clean them in a really specific way.

  33. Did you really say “I’m only 25”. Most. Most countries would consider you being a legal adult for 7 years. You’re a grown ass woman. Use your words if people are disrespectful of you’re relationship. You’re not 12

  34. We’ve been dating for five months.

    Oh good! Not long at all. Break up with your misogynistic boyfriend.

  35. No, I would hate it. But then again he’s always liking & following sexual photos of other girls online so maybe it’s not too far off. Thanks for your insight. I agree.

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