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VictoriiaSaenz live! sex chats for YOU!


Show tits #pvt #pussy play [100 tokens remaining]

Date: November 6, 2022

48 thoughts on “VictoriiaSaenz live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. But man women are allowed to be sexist on Reddit without repercussion, I think they call it reparations or something.

  2. No young man. Please don't cap your potential. I thought the same at your age. Turns out she is past her prime, you got years to go. Don't do it. Men peak sexually at 50. Women like money and experience. Men like youth beauty and trust. Trust me, have fun for now and more on to greener fields. if you paid, she's a prostitute. Never turn a prostitute into a housewife.

  3. No you're not even genuinely sorry. You need to actually be sorry then maybe he should forgive you. Take some accountability please. Maybe when you're sorry you'll actually try to repair the relationship and set his mind at ease, then he can stop being alert

  4. This is a casual relationship to him, it's not serious, never will be and it'll never end in a permanent relationship. If you eventually want marriage and/or kids, or a life partner he's not the guy.

  5. It's like guys who take a woman's virginity and then tell them they can't marry them because…they aren't…a virgin…!?!?

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  8. Cause he wants you to feel bad so that later you can “make it up to him” by sending him nudes or coming to his house or whatever he wants.

  9. I think it would be okay to tell her it can't become a pattern, although I suspect she is already very embarrassed.

    A better approach is you could ask what her jobhunting strategy looks like. If you on-line in the US, there are loads of jobs begging for applicants. Sometimes a job hunter is too picky and that's a problem, because the longer you are unemployed, the more unemployable you become.

  10. Real love is funny. That way you can have somebody that looks really good on paper. Just doesn’t do it for you. Take your time you’re dating your young. But just because he’s good on paper doesn’t mean it’s the perfect boyfriend or husband for you in the future.

  11. Look, it might not look like it right now, but I think you dodged a bullet. Get tested for STDs and don’t look back.

  12. Statistically speaking if my daughter was a lesbian she would be less likely be killed by her partner. Less likely to be abused too.

    I don’t think that’s his reasoning though. Those comments are red flags and you should run.

  13. Well, there IS a bright side, tho you're definitely paying a high price for it.

    Catholic or not, managing conflict with respect, consideration, compromise, and diplomacy is a very good test of your prospects for a lasting marriage! With respect I advise you not to let your frustrations prevent you from developing this very useful skillset with Fiancé. Looks like you'll get to practice these skills frequently in the short term.

    Abstinence is also a good test, at least in your case. Since children are an unavoidable consequence of a traditional Catholic marriage, you can expect more intervals of abstinence, whether it's because you're expecting, or still sensitive after giving birth, or trying to avoid having more children per Catholic doctrine.

  14. You almost certainly have a problem. He is having his head turned and don’t even think he is not. For even a minute.

    Need to assess where he is on this deal and how much time they spend together. Etc

    Do NOT take this lightly

  15. I agree. My parents are very wealthy now but became “rich” in their 30s. Sadly their etiquette is still quite poor. Even with our coaching of social norms.

    Not sure they would mix a bowl of random things together like your partner… but my mother once took a weight watchers meal to an expensive restaurant to eat. The company initially refused to let her eat it. At her insistence they gave up and just plated it for her on a fancy plate. So completely embarrassing. I seriously had no words. I would have just left at that point.

  16. Yeah, I see the gift as OP being a good father and showing his daughter what good communication and good adult relationships look like. Good parents put aside their issues to coparent their kids right?

    The girlfriend seems like a trouble maker.

  17. It’s a break up. Sounds like he plans to dump the lease on you.

    The fact you don’t know or understand means you really aren’t connected anymore.

  18. “I'm sure he regrets his words immensely lol.”

    I bet he does not regret a thing, but if I were OP I would teach him a little regret. Of all things to say to a new mother. What a prince.

  19. I said no to the trip with H and the other 4 girls. I didn’t understand the extent of his point but I understand now.

    Good. He probably felt like a literal sack of garbage for giving you that ultimatum. But he knew that if you continued with that trip it would be detrimental to you. He'd rather have you think badly of him than see you hurt.

    Best of luck, to the both of you

  20. do you want others to assume you always want sex? no? then same thing applies here. don't assume your boyfriend will always want to have sex. this is why we need better sex ed classes

  21. This, and, his unwillingness to include her in his social media presence is… sketchy to me. Like, I get not being into social media, but I don’t get deliberately not including my partner in mine.

    OP are you part of his real-life social circle? Like, do you know his friends and they know you?

  22. You need help and not be in a relationship if you don’t know how to walk away or trust people. You will end up cheating on every partner you get just because your “gut feeling” insecurity will tell you that he is cheating. If you stick around you will push someone away and they will end up cheating because you will push them to that limit. You need to work on yourself and grow up more, also i would get an std test, just to be safe.

  23. I'm so happy for you!!! You're so brave!!! I hope you'll find someone to love you, and only you. Best wishes from the bottom of my heart!!!!

  24. I will discuss this more to her, but she knows extensively how I feel regarding him.

    She herself can't really stand him but she just wants to go mainly because of the other friends there.

  25. Op stated above that she's not sexually attracted to him and if she was, her “conditions” might be different.

    Op is a piece.

  26. The dishes are in the sink maybe once a month. I vacuum the bathroom floor every other day. I have very long hair that sheds.

  27. Time to drop this 'friend' if as your very existence upsets her. If you don't talk you can't 'trigger'.

  28. It wasn't just about getting her a new boyfriend and I never said it was, I said that plays a giant role when accusing him of being a cheater. It was about opening up the relationship. That includes him getting another girlfriend. That means both of them dating. That means him potentially using dating apps, as that's how it's done today.

  29. Big assumptions there. Op has already commented that her bf cut contact entirely after being told about this.

    The boyfriend slept with this girl 2 weeks after op and him broke up. I see no reason to think this was an ongoing issue rather than a one time thing.

  30. I mean I know some girls that wear very pretty lingerie under their clothes when they go out. I don’t know if that’s normal though. I’ve never done that. Nice underwear yes, but not proper lingerie.

  31. Well she has to want to pursue these options. Sounds like she doesn’t think there is anything wrong. Have you explored the notion that she is just not in to you anymore. If you are looking for reasons you have to include this as a possibility of your being honest with yourself. You need to press her on this. If this is the case why would you want to stay.

  32. Dude leave her immediately, there’s no salvaging the relationship and you’ll never be able to forget her getting her back blown out on video.

  33. 1.b Don't have protected sex unless you are willing to deal with the consequences. Condoms are 99.9% effective, that's still 1 in 1000.

  34. Might wanna do some couples and individual counseling… there are mixed opinions! Some say you can never trust him again, some say you shouldn't throw the love away for one mistake.

    If you do stay you'd need complete access to everything… but do you wanna live all paranoid like that?

    I think therapy/counseling will help you figure it out

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