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Viennie and Karly the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Viennie and Karly, 19 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Viennie and Karly

Viennie and Karly on-line sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

8 thoughts on “Viennie and Karly the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This isn’t a him problem, it’s a you problem – if you don’t trust him to be alone with a woman that he happens to work with or to enforce his own boundaries when faced with uninvited advances on social media, then you shouldn’t be with him (or anyone else). If he’s done nothing to warrant your distrust, focus on becoming more secure & learning how to build trust without the need to control their actions.

  2. It’s not your fault in the slightest. The issue is BIL‘d crappy character, not your friend. He would have cheated with someone else if your friend wasn’t there, I guarantee you.

  3. First, I couldn't agree more with u/wwcat89. It is very very rare in relationships to know how someone will behave in a given situation. Your Bf is showing you EXACTLY how he will behave. It's now on you to determine is this is acceptable to you or not.

    Second, part of being an adult is understanding others in processing news. Pregnancy/parenting is the big leagues of grown-up issues. You are absolutely entitled to a number of emotions. You are absolutely NOT entitled to take those emotions out on your partner.

    From early in our relationship, my wife and I both wanted children. But my wife was still scared when she broke the news to me, worrying about how I'd react, even though she knew I wanted children. When I told her how happy I was, she broke down crying not from being happy in starting our family, but because she had been stressing all day how I would react EVEN THOUGH WE AGREED ON HAVING CHILDREN.

    If children are in your future plans, it seems this guy has no interest in being both the partner you need, and the father your child will need. I recommend you think long and hot about that.

  4. Are you South Asian? Because the Mommy interference, her insistence on kids, her dragging an unwilling wife to the doctor to check if something is wrong and above all, the apportioning of blame unfairly, all lead me to think that this is an overbearing Indian Mom.and her laadla.

    When will you guys stand up for your wives and tell your family members, notably your Moms, to stick their noses out of your business??

    As long as you continue to excuse your Mom's unacceptable behaviour, you will never gain respect from your wife. Kudos to her for being strong and standing up for herself cos sure as hell, her husband isn't. How exactly are you having your wife's back if you are letting your Mom run roughshod over her until now?? And bad mouthing her to relatives as well! Have you set the record straight with the relatives? If your answer is a feeble, 'but I am….' to all this, please know that your pandering to your Mom's, delicate or otherwise, feefees have directly brought you to this day.

    You need to be firm with your Mom and brook no interference in your life. Stand by your wife and have her back, openly. Tick off your Mom for oversharing sensitive and extremely personal info like your wife's abortion etc. And more than anything, some tlc, time and effort with your wife to let her know that you're sincere in your intentions.

  5. I dont think you should have pushed yourself to have sex but I do think you should have pushed yourself to get help or work on it.

    Worried about getting pregnant is easily resolved with birth control. The other issues could have been improved with therapy or treatment. I don't think any straight guy who likes sex would stay with a woman who found sex revolting forever. Sure, couples can have slumps in sex drive die to various reasons but it's important to work on it to have a healthy relationship. Heck, I'm a straight woman and I wouldn't stay with a guy who didn't want to have sex.

  6. You should also consider what kind of person keeps another person around as back up. That's just really fucked up and cruel. Even if you wouldnt consider this cheating, it does say something about her character that she is willing to use people like that.

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