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Welcome to the Coffee Lounge the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Welcome to the Coffee Lounge live! sex chat

Date: October 18, 2022

34 thoughts on “Welcome to the Coffee Lounge the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You should bring it up to him early on, only he can tell you what he expects from you in the relationship. He may not want you to even meet the kid until you’re more serious. He may feel the same way about you not playing a role beyond “daddy’s friend” until you’re married. The main reason child-free people don’t date people with kids is because they don’t like kids or want to come first in their partner’s life. Doesn’t sound like you have either of those problems. It’s a unique situation that his babymom isn’t in the picture! That’s another thing people don’t like to deal with, the babymama drama. But that may mean he’s looking for a replacement mom. You need to bring it up to him if he hasn’t brought it up to you.

  2. u/ExternalDrummer7147, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Your 'friends' happen to be other women that might also find him attractive?

    Like why is it such a big issue that you differ in political views, especially since you said you aren't that much of a political person.

  4. Yeah, I agree. But to say something in the first place that, in OPs own words, was hungry and in a bad mood, that provokes them is also an arsehole move. Neither of these people should be in a relationship, whether that's with each other or generally. They're not emotionally mature enough.

    We can insinuate all day, we don't know what was actually said. But I think they're both awful.

  5. I'm sure your sister loves you and likes you, but 20 is still a funny age and being male and Female your into different things. As you get older and your both more on the same page in terms of life, like family, kids etc you will become closer. Have you and your sister both had therapy for everything you have been through? Sounds like you both have a lot of stuff you have been through and your sister made hold some resentment.

  6. He is matching clothes with her, constantly going out with her, sharing all his problems with her and even took her to the picnic because he didn't want to get bored or left out since he's not very close friends with the other phd students. She is constantly there in his life which is frightening that some other woman has so much influence in his life.

  7. +Post addition: My cousin doesnt want to come back his home. He wants to online foreign country. But his wife doesn't want to online foreign country.

    She likes my character as a man

  8. First she called me self involved for seeming overly confident

    What a weird thing to get upset over.

    Then she also said I sometimes got too close to her physically and she doesn't feel okay with that. I never noticed any of this so I was completely caught off guard by it

    I think this is the main reason she's upset.

    But, anyway, why are you paying for her trip? She's an adult, no matter if you're well off or not, she should be paying for her own trip. That way everything is equal in your friendship.

  9. Agree with you completely, just want to add for OP in case she sees this:

    You're probably feeling dumb right now, like you should've recognized earlier. Some people will probably even agree with you.

    Don't worry about that. You can only take actions once you realize something. You can't realize something before you realize it. It can't be done!

    A lot of perverts and toxic people are very good at hiding their true selves. Frankly, you might still not know if he hadn't left his Instagram logged in. He's likely been covering his tracks a lot. Do not beat yourself up. You have done nothing wrong.

  10. She says they talked about it before but the conclusion was they are better as friends.

    She says they have not slept together before.

  11. The funny part is, when you dump him, he's going to be so surprised. He has no idea how manipulative his behavior is. You've definitely got your “stuff” together. Find a guy who appreciates that in you.

  12. Yeah- you discussed it vaguely and then had second thoughts.

    It’s normal and healthy to be aware of your responses and it’s ok to change your mind.

    In a marriage all important decisions need to be a series of conversations and a negotiation of needs and boundaries. This goes for more run of the mill stuff like buying another house or changing jobs etc.

    Why is opening up your relationship not worthy of a series of conversations and renegotiating needs and boundaries.

    You’re allowed to backpedal. And what you two did is silly. You don’t make a major decision without understanding what it means emotionally and logistically and learning from others’ experiences who have really walked the path.

    Don’t engage in any more emotional manipulation. Pull back and really reconsider.

  13. I've always been most successful in loosing weight by eating often but little. Trying to only eat 2 meals a day makes it harder to eat small portions since you will be really hungry and wanting to over indulge. And you are more inclined to snack between meals.

    Here's a short version of things that I've made work. Eating every 2-3 hours, planned healthy and moderate amounts. Not starting too naked but easing into a calorie deficit over weeks. Going fast can cause your body to try to conserve fat, meaning it won't work well for weight loss, and it's much harder to make a harsh change and keep it in the long run. I either start with added exercise or going into the calorie deficit never at the same time. I keep at least two weeks separate since again it's easier then trying to move more when eating less or eating less when you are a lot hungrier than before.

    Aiming for a long run here since you want to loose a lot and keep it off, not do radical changes that you can only keep for a few weeks or months. Plan it out in a structured fashion. For example first week you plan when you eat, every 2-3 hours, cut something like sodas and remember to drink a lot of water. Next week you focus on what you eat when you eat. Start switching to healthy choices in the meals, then portion control and make sure you hit a small calorie deficit. Then increase activity the next week. Low heart rate cardio exercise for +45 min is the best for burning fat. Muscle training increases muscles which increase how many calories you burn in regular life. High heart rate type training interval training that sort of thing burns a decent amount and in the long run makes the other exercises bit easier since it improves your oxygen system. Sorry English isn't my first language. Anyway I recommend doing what ever sport or exercise you like the most or hate the least since that's something you can do in the long run. But if you have it in you then first focus on interval training then add some strength training and low rate cardio.

    But again important to not go overboard from the start. Slow and steady changes that can be sustained. The schedule I had on the eating part might be too fast for some, that's just what I've done lately since after surgeries (I've had a few) I always gain weight a lot since I can't do anything and at those times I really don't care what I eat. So I've done it a few times. Sometimes the changes are hot but if done right I've been able to sustain them until accidents that put my mobility out and depression that increased ice cream and junk intake.

    Best of luck to you and if you stay strong you can do it and be the best version of yourself. And remember it's okay to enjoy the favorite foods and drinks, but in moderation. For me it was a favourite snack after every month of being good or something like that.

  14. Probably left their burka at home.

    Women get looked at constantly. We usually don’t care if you glance but if you’re staring at us it is uncomfortable. You aren’t going to see women flip out at a man for just quickly looking or you would see it all the time. All. The. Time.

    We like to look good. There’s nothing wrong with that. Having a great butt feeds into that. Just don’t be a fucking creep

  15. Yelling and cursing at your partner is abuse. There shouldn’t be a “normal” amount. He’s abusing you.

  16. No pets means no visitors either. It’s his housing situation you’re putting in jeopardy. Act a little more mature about it

  17. If you’re not sexually attracted to women, you’re not bisexual, you’re gay. You can love her deeply and desire closeness with her but you’re never going to be actually ~in love~ with her. Do the loving thing and let her know this so she can find a more compatible partner.

  18. Going to a guys house for a nice meal, watching a movie, and the whatever, sounds sorta like a date to me.

  19. This is why marriage counseling was invented. Go do that so you can both learn to communicate more effectively.

  20. Yes this is called dependency. He has made you feel that you need him. What you actually need is to be far far away from him. Like many women who are in this situation, you probably feel like you can't do anything that you're helpless that you need him. The fact that your family life has been bad in the past is no reason to settle for something. That's this awful. You're just creating another bad family aren't you?

    Counselling will probably be of some help to you, but what's the most helped you is getting away.

    Read your post and then tell us again that he's there for you and helps you because you can see that that is just not true. He is a problem, not a solution.

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