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Xdaymorning online sex chats for YOU!


Show my big boobies [Multi Goal]

Date: January 3, 2023

4 thoughts on “Xdaymorning online sex chats for YOU!

  1. This sub and this thread constantly reminds me men can’t say no. Jfc I hate using flip the genders but if you did people would be pushing for the gf to leave op. OP if you see this don’t apologize.

  2. This is a stage most recovering addicts go through. It’s part of their process, I liken it to born again Christians.

    It is exhausting and who knows if this is permanent or just a phase. You might check out the Alanon subreddit for support from others who have been there.

    I don’t know how receptive he will be to a conversation but I hope you are able to talk to him

  3. Did she give context for this? Was this a situation where she was in an unhealthy relationship and regretted that she'd done this? I know multiple women who'd rather just pretend certain relationships never happened, because it's easier for their mental health.

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