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Xime-baby live sex chats for YOU!


xime-baby chat

Date: November 2, 2022

5 thoughts on “Xime-baby live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Fully agree. It doesn’t even need to be because of that exact tattoo or the exact are of tattoo

    Hell a girl could have a BIG shitty flower or girly tattoo or anything “normal” on her chest that looks shitty. Still a good reasoning to end the relationship.

  2. I've heard this story from the other side. My cousin had a boyfriend for years, bought a house together and everything. They were talking about their future together and marriage and kids were a part of it, but she always felt it wasn't the right time. Then she broke up with him, got a new man and in a few years time they were married, with kids and a house and everything. She said she only realized after the breakup that she wouldn't ever want that kind of commitment with her ex, because they wouldn't be a good parental unit, and she highly doubted they would be good spouses to each other as well.

    Of course, OP's girlfriend doesn't know if this is how her ex feels, but I can understand the hurt if you find out your ex does something they didn't want or didn't feel comfortable with when they were with you. I agree with everyone who says OP needs to talk to his gf instead of silently accusing her of something that's probably not even true.

  3. thank you. i will do this, i think it needs to stop. i’ve been in a really very hot place and i think i was just looking for some kind of distraction.

  4. Well it sounds like 1 of 2 things has happened- either he really isn’t ready for anything, or, the more likely- that you were just a notch in his belt, and now that he’s got that notch, he’s on to someone else. It’s possible that since you just moved back, maybe he’s unsure about his own future & doesn’t wanna start a relationship then have one of the two of you move away, but if he’s always had feelings for you, then what could possibly be stopping him from pursuing that? Generally when a person has had feelings for someone for a period of time, then they get the chance to act on those feelings, they do, unless there’s a pretty huge reason for them not to.

    I don’t really have any good advice for you, but if it were me, I reckon I’d let it go, if he calls to hang out, cool, otherwise go about your life and keep your options open. Don’t beat yourself up, you’re young, it may sting for a while but it’s unlikely that you did anything weird or wrong & if you don’t hear from him again, he’s likely just a player.

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