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Xxxeniyalive sex stripping with hd cam


82 thoughts on “Xxxeniyalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You need to nope outta there right now. Even if y'all agreed to be serious, the fact he wants you to have his keys to do his chores is such a red flag, especially considering the age difference. Abort mission now.

  2. She won’t take it well because you betrayed her trust. Do you think she would want to be with you after that? She won’t , no one would. Cheating is something you can do emotionally and non emotionally, saying women can’t cheat without being emotional is false. I know many women like that. Karma will come around. If sex is that meaningless to you, she can do it as well. Also get tested because you’re putting her health at risk. If she catches anything from you that’s a court case right there.

  3. This is probably going to sound controversial but I feel like definitely she is a good kid but is going through the normal puberty and hormonal changes honestly I can probably say everything she's doing on-line I did at some point at her age and so was most of the other kids my age I can definitely understand checking her phone n stuff I feel the only true way to talk to her is to be open and honest with her and give her the tools and advice of condoms, keeping yourself and anything you might send safe and private I know that I definitely hid things honestly I feel like the porn isn't super bad definitely inappropriate and not something you wanna be seeing your little sister doing I would try to explain how to keep herself safe and definitely talk about how talking to older guys isn't safe whatsoever but I definitely understand the situation at hand

  4. Because men are human, and humans are not calculating. Humans fall in love. Humans have noble and chivalric ideals. Humans fall on their asses.

    Humans might choose to adopt someone else’s offspring and raise it. The reasons we do this are complex, but usually boil down to love: you love their parents, you love your spouse, you love the children themselves, you love the idea of parenthood.

    Men do these things because they are human, and this is what humans do.

  5. I'm not looking down my nose at her. She's calling people who get abortions “baby killers” FFS. It's entirely fair.

  6. Everybody adds a different vibe. And, from my personal experience, having your partner around 24/7 puts pressure on you. I was married once and my wife would constantly start fights before we went to do anything with my friends or family. We'd get there, and she would expect me to be with her constantly. If I talked to my uncle, who lives far away and I rarely see, for “too long” I had to hear about it later. She'd claim I was ignoring her and I didn't respect her and on and on.

    Humans are social creatures. We crave variety, as well. We seek new experiences and adventures and meeting new people (not necessarily romantic partners). It makes us robust and life interesting. We explore, we try new things, but that doesn't mean we never return home. Again, you're both very young. You're at the dawn of adulthood. Whole lives ahead of, et al. You're not stagnant. You will grow and evolve and adapt, because that's how life works.

    If you feel that you're drifting from your boyfriend, perhaps you can plan to go out with friends together some time? Also, I feel it would be healthy for you to plan a day with friends that doesn't include your boyfriend – then put away your phone so you're living in the moment with your friends.

  7. u/FloatingHedgie, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. So you’re the kind of man who blames the person who got cheated on.

    A grownup non-scumbag talks to their partner about their needs and getting them met. They don’t lie and cheat.

  9. You mentioned in a comment that some of the weight is alcohol-related. Is she drinking to excess? Is that part of concern here?

  10. Hello /u/NearbyEnd232,

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  11. This wasn’t an accident. He deliberately chose to drink with his female coworker. He chose to emotionally cheat by telling her private and intimate information. He chose to go home with her. He chose to have sex with her.

    At a minimum he is a lying cheater. What makes you think this won’t keep happening?

  12. Hello /u/Royal_Photo_5187,

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  13. No you are not wrong. Your husband does not have any right to prevent you from doing this and has acted very badly.

    He does have the right to tell you that he does not approve of this and this goes beyond his boundaries. You then have the right to either agree with him or not agree with him and do the job despite his opinion.

    But he has done things very inappropriately by getting mad, taking your phone and calling the woman. This should have been done in a conversation between the two of you.

  14. How about having an adult conversation using the “I-statement” approach.

    “I realized after our conversation the other day that I really do not like being unable to have a civil conversation with my boyfriend. I want a relationship where I can bring up difficult subjects like and have an honest and respectful discussion about it, then move on. What do you think?”

  15. Hormonal birth control options can be SO disruptive to a woman’s ENTIRE LIFE. But some men will complain that a condom doesn’t feeeeel good.

    You aren’t wrong whatsoever. You want to stick your dick in here, you wrap it up. Period. I’m so sick of these instances of the burden of birth control being fully on the woman’s shoulders and men just acting clueless so they get their way. Sorry but nope. I really hope you make him wear a condom. You both don’t want kids. You don’t want the shitty side effects. It’s a no brainer.

  16. You would never be able to trust her even with the revenge. You will always feel bad and awful with her. Living with that for a long period of time will make you feel worse.

    Good luck.

  17. There are other options to revenge porn than to fucks the perpetrator.

    She went the wrong way and has to suffer the consequences. You leave and realized what a bullet you just dodged.

  18. I can understand the hurt about them lying just so they can exclude you. That completely sucks especially after you suggested getting there early to hang out together. I think it’s pretty immature of them given that they’re the older siblings too.

    I’m one of 3 siblings and once upon a time I was closer to my middle sibling and we both weren’t very close to our oldest. But now they are closer and I’m the one kind of left out of stuff unless it’s a family occasion. Yea it sucks, but at the same time I can’t govern their relationship and it seems like they want me to put in an extra mile of effort to get closer to them which I don’t feel like doing either so I’ve just accepted it and I have my own life outside of them. At some point, you have to mentally stop fighting this cause it is what it is, they clearly have more similar personalities than you do to either of them.

  19. Say you need it and ask for it.

    I can mentally separate as needed by reading a book or my phone in the same room together w/ quiet.

    That part might be an understandable adjustment, but saying you need that is a requirement to feel human so doing it is a requirement.

    Otherwise you’re gonna learn to dislike their presence after enough time of no recharging batteries.

  20. My stance was no just based on the business. I have no interest in it. Then he brought up co-signing and it was a nude no. Now he's trying to talk me into it.

  21. She is not a chump in general but this asshat she is dating sure thinks she is, and she is playing that part for him. Not being compatible is an under-statement that puts it more politely than this man deserves. Outside of women who are only interested in casual hookups, not sure which kind of woman a man would be compatible with who makes little to no effort in a relationship both in and outside the bedroom, does little or nothing for specials the woman has, and continues to try to push her to agree on an open relationship on V day of all timing, after many other times of No. This guy isn’t just not compatible, he sucks as a boyfriend.

  22. I would suggest being single. There's a whole community of married single mothers who sound just like you. The ones who got divorced say that they felt less of a burden with him gone because he was barely doing anything in the home or with the family in the first place.

    He doesn't respect you or your relationship and doesn't care about your feelings. Imagine the peace you could have. You wouldn't have to ask him to take care of his own kids or feel jealous and annoyed that he's not “helping” clean because you would come to expect to just do it yourself like you probably have been. Really sit with yourself and figure out how much he's adding to your life vs. how much he's taking from you. If it's just a paycheck, is that really worth the stress and lack of respect and care? It's been 4 years, do you really think he's going to change now?

  23. The issue that I foresee coming up in the future is what will happen when one of you eventually find yourself having romantic and sexual feelings for someone else. I can almost guarantee that when that happens, your “arrangement” will no longer be satisfactory to that person.

  24. We are family oriented and most of our friends are also parents. We don't spend a ton of time away from each other. She has a community of friends that has been built around being a stay at home mom. I'm not sure if I trust her, given that the trust has been broken.

    Part of the reason I'm posting here is that I'm not sure if I am ready to contact a lawyer and go that far.

  25. I mean that gives you an in to have some open conversations about queer politics. People can still be in support of things while holding on to internalized homophobia. There's also the likely fact that she and her friend's attraction predates the passing of their spouses, and she could feel guilty about that too.

  26. Lol well that didn’t really help much, um what does your boyfriend find annoying typically? It’s could have been loads of things adding up that night then seeing you sloppy drunk was the tipping point, since it was your first time ever like that then I can see why you are upset but I also don’t know either of y’all personally so it nude to say what he was thinking

  27. I Wonder if finding herself is not really about some other guy but she wants to keep you as backup just in case.

    If after 5 years someone told me she needs find herself instead of building some future togheter I would let her go and don't even look back.

    You were caught by suprise, you have no clue what is really going on. Maybe she is telling the truth, maybe she is not.

    Tough situation to be in. If girls wants to go, let her go and don't wait for her in hopes she changes her mind. On-line your own life and open up to new woman.

    In case she comes back and wants to reunite make sure you knew what she was doing while she was away and what was the real reason for the breakup.

    If other guys were involved, never take her back. She is gone anyway.

  28. I don't feel like my reaction is that overblown. I said that i feel a bit dissapointed, but it's not like I made a scene or cried about it.

    You don't need to be dating to recieve/give a flower on women's day here, so my guess is just that he does not celebrate it. I will ask him how he thinks about other holidays, but I guess I just didn't expect it and was caught a bit off guard.

    A thing that may have also contributed to my reaction was my roommates response when I said I did not get a flower (she asked if he gave me one). She basically called him an asshole, and I feel like a lot of girls would make an even bigger deal out of it.

  29. There's an idea I came across in spiritual writing that having sex with someone yields a powerful emotional bond that lasts forever, it's one of the reasons behind purity in christian religion. Personally I've noticed that I can't really erase my love for the people I've been with for a long time, I don't know whether to believe what they say but it's there just the same.

    It's not really her fault in my eyes but it's pretty brutal if she doesn't care about your feelings afterwards.

  30. Exactly! There doesn't need to be any feelings about him in particular in order for that to be an emotional subject for her!

  31. It sounds like it’s already over and he is just sticking it out for the sex, probably until you move back to the states. I would just rip off the bandaid and end it. Long distance relationships suck, and you’re still really young. No reason to waste any more time with this guy.

  32. The only person comparing you to other guys is yourself. If you are going to be salty about someone’s body count don’t ask. Plus one of the sub rules talks about body counts advice.

    Usually the people who don’t say they need therapy are the ones that need it the most.

  33. Some people are mentally and emotionally built very differently. It sounds like your bf is so sensitive to the process of watching someone dying that it gives him a lot of anxiety. I know for some it is less nude than others to witness it, but I also know some people get so anxious that they get panic attacks from watching the same thing. So I think it is fair for you to upset, but I also think it is also fair for him to feel scared and anxious and not want to go. It just means a difference in you two mentally and emotionally and it is not right or wrong. It is just a difference that you can find as an incompatibility or accept it without being bothered by it. I also agree that I would want someone like a partner to come, but I also know not everyone is capable of handling it so I can't force it and make them get mentally and emotionally distressed. This has more to do with him as a person than a bf.

  34. What do you want?

    Do you want a relationship with him? Would you have liked him to have wanted to pursue long-distance with you?

    Define what you want and state it explicitly.

  35. This isn't something you are qualified to help her with. She needs professional help and to learn coping strategies with a professional. You could give an ultimatum that if she doesn't get help you are done, but mean it if you do it.

  36. I talk to two of my exes all the time. One is still very much in my immediate friend group and I raid with him. The other I dated for 5 years and was friends with for five more years before we started dating. I have a third ex who once a year we randomly contact each other and give updates. But then immediately forget about each other again.

    My SO knows. My SO raids with the one ex too and plays D&D with him. I gain friendship?

  37. That doesn't mean anything untoward is happening though? I don't get the whole clutching of pearls over it. Lots of people are friends with people they had a fling with because they usually started out as friends in the first place

  38. I think she needs to cancel her trip. Absolutely. Call in sick, whatever it takes. She needs to likely quit the job anyway if she's serious about working things out. Make it her choice. Trip or marriage…. Definitely take a look at survivinginfidelity. Her crying is a start but she needs to show you actions. She needs to (among other things) 1. Give you a full timeline – how it started what she and he did when, what her thinking was at the time 2. Get into therapy for herself. Marriage Counseling is for fixing the marriage. She needs to fix herself first then you can see about the marriage 3. Quit her job – and go full no contact with the CoWorker. No contact means just that – no contact in or out of work (which is why she needs to quit her job) 4. Understand that for you to work things out she needs to be fully committed – and words are helpful but essentially meaningless, given how much she has already lied. – Only her actions will count – she need to show you through consistent changes in her behavior that she wants to reconcile. 5. Remember that reconciliation is a gift from you. It's not required or inevitable. There is a lot more in the Healing Library. Good luck; it's a long road, but it sounds like you're in a place where healing can begin.

  39. i’m 27F and i’m currently talking to a 23M rn. i’ve already felt the age gap and felt like mommy and it’s not a feeling i enjoyed. so they’re strictly someone i’m hooking up with, and i’m not going to give it room for anything more….

    that being said, she did know what she was signing up for (dating someone younger) so it’s unfortunate/unfair that she’s going back on it now. do you feel like she feels you are worth waiting for?

  40. Ultimately what works for you is what works for you. I do think this sort of arrangement is becoming more commonplace. What stands out here though is that you basically make a lot of assumptions; first, you feel like tossing and turning will disturb her. That might logically be the case, but have you discussed it? Have you experienced it?

    You want to listen to something or put something on YouTube. What about headphones?

  41. Omg OP this man is abusive (threatening to shoot your cat, wtf?) and is trying to coerce you into sex you don’t want to have. If you marry him, he will get worse. If you get pregnant, he will get worse. And you’ll be in so deep that you’ll keep making these excuses instead of doing what you should be doing right now, which is fucking run

  42. How long have you been with that idiot? Don't put up with that crap. It's a horrible thing for him to say to you. You should have replied “i've met her husband and she is definitely the lucky one”.

  43. This has to be a joke

    You said you are a mother

    I wonder how children would feel if they find out in the future that their mother is a sugar baby

    your relationship is sickening and damaging to your child and the wife of that man

    You should break it off

    This is an unhealthy relationship

    Anyway good luck

  44. Yeah, you need a boyfriend who is emotionally mature. It sounds as if he has deep rooted trauma which he has hidden away and covered by stuffed animals. I’m thinking schizophrenia.

  45. I agreed with his boundaries and I took sex off the table because it wouldn’t be fair to me. I’m not trying to force him into anything, I just don’t think it was right of him to threaten my job offer because of it.

  46. And they shouldn't, it's a pretty serious problem if that's something you're comfortable with, (viewing the silent period after a fight as a vacation).

  47. You both need to go NC with this woman. He is caught feelings for her so he needs to message her and tell her that he wants nothing else to do with her and block her. Delete her number and agree to an open phone/electronics policy.

    If he wishes to continue contact with her, then he needs to move out and you will start divorce proceedings as he is being unfaithful to you and disrespecting you and your marriage.

  48. Just organise the trip you want to go one, tell him to give you half the $ and take leave for those dates. Why does he have to organise trips away? Just plan what you want to do and make it happen. If he refuses to come along, then you have a problem.

  49. It's okay to not want to be with someone who smokes, vapes, uses drugs, or drinks.

    I think it's weird to make it an ultimatum. Just end it or don't. Don't try to control the other person, but you don't have to be with a user or addict.

  50. Threesomes are not for people in relationships. You have to be prepared that your spouse might not see you in the same light. I did one with my FWB. I closed my eyes as her friend rode. I opened my eyes when her friend was cumming. I looked to my friend and she was crying. That ended the relationship. I liked the idea of a threesome, but it's not something I would do again. I have never been the type of man who would ask for one.

  51. Learn from this, grow from this, be single for a while and learn to love and respect yourself, and think nude about what you want and need from a relationship before getting into the next one. Do NOT get back with her, she has moved on.

  52. Then it's the wrong size. It's right that you feel less with a condom but almost nothing? Nah measure your wiener and get the right size for you

  53. All the Americans I've known (admittedly not a lot) have been wrote about dating/relationships as well.

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