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Date: December 8, 2022
I just read this comment yesterday on the Iranian expulsion of women from universities and it’s impact on society.
“A society needs more than just women doctors and nurses. People don’t realise it on the individual level but the consequences of having any field completely dominated by one sex — or race, background etc etc — are staggering in so far as outcomes are concerned, especially for the disenfranchised group. Human beings, by virtue of being imperfect creatures, have a natural bias to seeing certain issues that affect them or the group they belong to, often to the extent of disregarding or not fully comprehending the issues that affect groups they don’t belong to; this therefore manifests in negative outcomes for the “other” group(s).
Let us disregard the fact that women would require female health care providers from a theological pov just to illustrate that it is still necessary to allow and encourage women to pursue education.
There was a study conducted in, I believe, Canada between 2007 and 2019 which demonstrated that female patients had a 15% chance of suffering a negative outcome and were 32% more likely to die when operated on by a male surgeon compared to a female surgeon, whilst there was no difference in outcomes for men regardless of the sex of the surgeon. The sample size involved ~1.3million patients and ~3000 doctors over the course of more than 10 years.
This illustrates that even amongst highly educated people, the pattern of centuries of a field being dominated by one sex has adverse outcomes even when that over representation begins to subside. It is not that male surgeons are inherently sexist in a conscious way or seek to do harm, it is that so much of the information that exists in medicine was developed with men first in mind — a specific type of man at that, but that’s a tangential discussion — so it makes sense that this bias would perpetuate itself, even when there are no bad faith agents; this is how systemic injustices function fundamentally, even after the advent of legally enforced justice.
If even in one of the most, if not the most, intellectual rigorous field biases like this exist, then it is safe to say that human beings by their very nature can not escape bias and will always be influenced by the environment they exist in and their perspective of the world. This is why diversity in all fields of knowledge is necessary, not for the sake of diversity in and of itself per se but because it is an excellent proxy for outcomes of the groups represented.
Additionally, It could be argued that men and women may have different “natural” inclination when it comes to different fields but we don’t actually know how that natural balance looks like or would look like because there is and always has been a superficial constraint on what is an acceptable field to pursue, whether it be legal or societal. We can not skew the “natural” split by saying, for example, men should be (this is not done simply by explicitly saying, it is taught implicitly from a very young age on a societal level) mathematicians, doctors, lawyers etc etc and women teachers, nurses and legal aides, and then claim this is the natural order of things – it is not.
Beyond outcomes for the “otherized” group, you are doing yourself a disservice by preventing half of your population from contributing to the intellectual development of a specific field, but I doubt those people care much about that. A society that attempts to function like this is doomed from the very start.
These people rely on far removed, decontextualised parts of the Deen to posit an argument based entirely on nothing more than conjecture, erroneous presumptions and assumptions to create a society where the primary and sole benefactor is the group they belong to and no one else. Human beings have done this for all of time, and the fact that they try to use religion to justify enacting their will is nothing new either, I just hope that most of us are not so misguided and are grounded enough in our knowledge and faith to see through these superficial non-arguments.” -embarrassed_fox97
No. If he can stick his dick in it, he can touch it etc. otherwise, if it’s not clean enough for foreplay, it’s definitely not clean enough for his dick.
You were raped. Report her.