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your_boo_live sex stripping with hd cam


54 thoughts on “your_boo_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Don't let yourself be treated like rubbish! If he is not sharing the interest with you 50-50 and not putting effort in 50-50 to date you then he is not the one for you.

    This man sounds like a professional player! Trying to get all girls in his ballpark. He doesn't sound like relationship material, nothing that would last at least.

    Get some self respect and find someone who really shows passion for you ?

  2. Yes talk to Sara first, and once that goes decent enough see if Lauren can have her son take a DNA test. It’s that simple especially since Sara already knows about your past to begin with ☺️

  3. I love how you had to come back at the end of your edit to call women bitter, just in case the first time wasn’t enough. Your entire edit shows what a cunt you are.

  4. It's not that it's important that he's there, it's a decent sized house and would take me around a full day to clean it properly, so you would except it to take him the same amount of time, but he's slow so it takes him alot longer. If we had both taken another job we would rarely have seen one another, as he works a days and then nights pattern on his 4 on. With the strain that's already on our relationship I don't want us to not see one another.

  5. Without knowing anything more, it sounds like he is just wishing you the best.

    Don't over think this. However if it makes you feel uncomfortable, then simply don't respond.

    This should keep everything even.

  6. So, I don't think BF is wrong that this was an odd gift, and maybe his brother is making a move. However, he needs to lead that conversation, and talk to his brother himself. You can't be a buffer between him and family drama. That's his business that he needs to handle.

    In short, don't return the shoes. Give them to your BF, and have HIM return them, if that's what's going to happen. His problem should be with his brother, and vice versa, not you.

  7. It is not completely uncommon. Some people are dramatic and like to make a spectacle of themselves. Your mother worries about you and wants you to be careful.

    You need to ignore her words and respond to her concern. Do not give the histrionics any attention. Just say: I've got my pepper spray. See you tomorrow! Then end the conversation and move on quickly.

    Bringing it up will actually reinforce the behavior. Ignore it and find ways to give her attention when she is being reasonable.

  8. It would have been his, but either way shes not pregnant. Personally I just wanted to be certain as he already has one child from along term past relationship

  9. “Good personality” she probably gives off masculine vibes. Just my take from reading her comments an post.

  10. Sorry but what the actual fucking fuck? He's raping you in your sleep, and trying to force you to have a baby when you don't want one. RUN. Do not stay. He is showing you who he is. Believe him

  11. Hello /u/CedeLovesKat,

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  12. Resist temptation. This is natural, unfortunately. You have to do anything you can to move on and get her out of your head. It's not real. It's just a little crush, which is something you probably haven't felt in a long time.

  13. Doesn't matter in EE. Even family you don't know are family and yours to take care of in case of need. And godfamily is usually considered family even though they aren't by blood.

  14. He has probably known this co worker longer than you and would have dated her if he was interested. She can flirt all she likes. The problem would be if he enjoyed her flirting and reciprocated in any way. If he is completely ignoring her then you got nothing to worry about. You say yourself that men hit on you when you are out in public. How would you feel if your boyfriend told you that he is uncomfortable with you going out in public. You can’t control the actions of other people. Only your own.

  15. I'm not sure how your mother was able to keep you from your father while you were younger, but he surely could have done more to fight for you. As it stands, you were left with a highly abusive mother who did quite a number on you and left you with a hell of a lot of baggage. Getting rid of that doesn't come quickly.

    Consider having a long, open, honest conversation with him about what exactly he missed out on. Be prepared for a lot of crying on your end (and hopefully from him, if he's at all remorseful for the role his neglect paid in all of this). The only real way to be able to move on is to get it out in the open.

    Again, there was a time when you all lived together, and even if he legitimately couldn't have done anything for you beforehand, what did he do to protect you once you shared a roof? I don't think he gets a free pass on this. That doesn't mean you should shut him out, but if you do want to have a good relationship with him, then that needs to be addressed so he can understand how he messed up and how he needs to do better by you.

  16. I got to the word “scared” and didn't bother reading any further. If he's frightening you, you need to leave the relationship.

    Or tell him to calm down, but I don't think that'll really help. This guy is married to his sport, and you'll only ever come first during off-season. And he has this frightening behaviour, limited to when his team is losing now, but it could always spill over into other situations since it is part of what he is.

  17. You teach people how to treat you. You’ve bent to her will more than what is healthy or acceptable. There’s a great old-timey saying that goes something like “if it bothers you a little bit now, it’ll bother you 100x more a year from now.” Get out while your relationship is relatively new. When all that NRE (new relationship energy, mommies) wears off, the lack of space is gonna drown you – and if you constantly handle her with kid gloves like her fragile personality demands, you’ll be 10 years down the line with a mortgage and babies and be UNABLE to get away (without some serious emotional blowback not just from her, but from your hypothetical kids). Just speaking from experience/what I’ve seen my parents go through.

  18. Ok I get him thinking that the makeup artist & photo shoot are childish and over the top, but he should be bending over backwards to make the birthday special. He should want to help you plan a fun party. He's being a jerk.

  19. You're on Reddit which is predominantly American, so you'll get an American perspective. Which is 'prenups are good, no prenup is stupid'.

    Where I'm from prenuptial agreements don't even hold up in court. First check the local law wherever you online.

    Secondly have a big heartfelt conversation with your partner. I even suggest you find a couple counsellor to help you through this conversation. Be committed to understanding each other.

    Third, my friend (who lives elsewhere) got slapped with a prenup by her wealthy partner. It was shocking and offensive. However she gathered her wits about her and advocated for herself. if her fiance wasn't afraid to protect himself, then she wasn't going to be either.

    She put out non negotiables such as: She gets the house She gets a certain amount of alimony every month, increasing amount for length of marriage. Child support, increasing amount over time. Larger property if she has kids. Joint custody. If he cheats she gets half of everything.

    There's more but I don't recall. If he's serious about protecting himself then I suggest you be equally serious back. Your fiance has no right to be shocked at you suggesting the above terms.

  20. Would it be correct to say your issues come down to:

    lack of intimacy in your relationship your wife discussing your marriage to another man. Is it that it was a man – would you be so bothered if it was a girlfriend? her dismissing your feelings when you said what she did bothered you?

    Are all of those things what bother you or only some?

    I don't think you can call a 'one and done judgment' on how she talks to others. Some people are not very socially clued in on etiquette and she could have just been running her mouth in the moment.

    Maybe you can pursue another conversation with her? The first conversation may have been her communicating in defensive mode because she may have felt 'found out'. But it's possible over time, that you can swing the conversation around to how it impacted you.

    I'm not one for scorched earth approaches to these conversations – as in, 'either we sort this shit out now or we're done!' I don't think that's very productive as people very often communicate based on defensiveness based on their own pain as opposed to open mindedness that takes into account everyone's pain.

  21. She does not value you and definitely does not deserve a custom made momento. Your ex is not worth your time because you are entirely correct – the next time she feels confused she's just going to do it all over again. Best to just move on and find a real SO.

  22. Buddy, you’re acting like I’m putting words in your mouth when all I’m doing is paraphrasing what you’ve said in the comments/in the post. We call that “gaslighting.” Sorry your “picture of abuse” is so limited and stereotypical, but the truth of the matter is: consistently yelling at your partner when your angry is a form abuse. You don’t need to break a glass or yell at a certain volume for it to be considered abusive.

  23. I have only experienced this once but it was a quick result

    “I can see you are becoming more than friendly with x, is it time for us to split up, so you can pursue them as it appears you want to”

    20 mins later after discussing it and not being happy with the evasive answers, we broke up

  24. You may be right. I made a big commitment to this relationship previously and I might just be afraid to cut my losses at this point.

  25. I don’t think it’s “common knowledge” that being too tired for sex and completely shutting your partner out for months over an issue you haven’t even brought up are remotely equivalent.

  26. Something is fishy, and I don't think it's your girlfriend. Someone is trying to break you up. You might consider talking with your girlfriend about doing a fake breakup for a few days to see who comes out of the woodwork.

  27. It sucks when a breakup feels like of coming out of nowhere! The only thing to make of it is that she’s moving on and you should, too.

    It’s super frustrating, and in time you might learn more details from acquaintances and social media, but you may never learn more.

    Ultimately it doesn’t matter if she moved on because she met someone else or just realized this relationship is no longer working for her. It only matters that is over, and she’s been kind enough to tell you that, so mourn the loss and take time to heal and move on as well.

  28. No breakup is easy. Much like a band aid, you're just going to have to rip it off and get it over and done with. No one likes breaking up with someone and no one likes being broken up with. It is what it is.

  29. It wouldn't matter if you paid off all of her debt for her, she'll still hate you for divorcing her. This is a lose-lose situation. Stop the hemorrhaging and get yourself fixed up.

  30. He would never hurt anyone, he does have anger issues but he overall has gotten better. He never punches anything anymore. He tries to not get as angry. There's been progress.

    Also neither of us wants kids so I don't know why you would mention kids like I would bring kids into this anyways.

  31. Eh, I can't orgasm from oral/clit stimulation either, no matter how good. At some point I just get close, and then get overstimulated. I have a naked time getting there from vaginal sex alone, too, so the best I ever had was a guy who liked oral and was kinda selfish when it came to PIV – oral until I squirmed too much for him, then hard and fast doggy style (or cowgirl, though he'd still manage to set a fast rythm). He was done with that in two minutes, tops, but I was right there with him every step of the way.

    OP, do you know ways to get you off reliably and relatively quick? If not, try different stuff or toys alone, and when you do, tell him that way is the only way he get's to have sex with you. That should get his attention.

  32. Agreed. I don't fully trust her mental state. And somewhere in her mind she might imagine that she can still keep OP married to her even if she's caught cheating.

    Eliminate the possibility in her mind.

  33. People like that are emotionally manipulative at best. She’s probably not having as good a time as it looks like. We just don’t typically advertise those parts of our relationship. I know I didn’t when I was with that particular partner. When we split I had friends who were legitimately flabbergasted.

    Edit to add: also glad you aren’t dealing with that anymore.

  34. If at 24 you’re in a relationship that began when you were 20, and it’s not feeling wonderful, this is a great reason to end it and explore yourself, single life, and dating.

    You haven’t wasted four years with him. You’ve learned and grown and changed. You’re still young! Don’t settle.

  35. Better to address it now than have years of faking interest and it slowly pushing you away.

    The same respect you want to show her, she needs to show you. You can’t over value her feelings at the expense of your own. That doesn’t work.

  36. That is pretty frequent. Set a comfortable boundary with him. Honestly he can probably chill a bit with how much he is expecting. Be prepared for this to be a dealbreaker though

    Only have sex when you are confirmable and want to. Boundaries are necessary

  37. I never said that. I said I am insecure, I make stupid little stories in my brain that I KNOW are not real, and I tell myself that. I don’t elaborate on it further because I know it’s my stupid brain.

    I’m not wrong in having a temptation I’ve never acted on. It’s a natural thing. Maybe this is how he feels. ??‍♀️ I was going to talk to him about it anyways but now I’m going to without taking the consideration of those on r/relationship_advice

  38. Oh honey. No dick I worth all that. At this point I'm pretty sure he's just a bunch of regular flags sewn together pretending to be a person.

    Try giving the energy and attention you give men like this, to yourself. Find your self love and self worth. You attract a different kind of man when you do.

    I just married a really good one. At almost 40

  39. have mentioned it once before and had to adjust my expectations after that talk! but there’s a certain point i’d like to draw a line.

  40. Bro you are expecting a 19 yr old to contribute to your grocery/doordash finances at 26? Thats really fucken dumb. Youre not right here so drop that argument.

    The whole age gap is way too fucken large dude. When he was 10, you were 16. Doesnt the weird you out? He doesnt even have a fully formed brain yet.

    You probably like how “woke” he is and thats fine, you can admire him as a person but dating him is a whole other boundary and its reallly stupid of you to do it. This guy has not even gone through most of the pivotal 20 yrs. ALOT can happen. He can change, his brain can form, he may pick a career, move, adopt new values, figure out youre fucken sus for dating him, so much.

    Youre dating a baby. Dont do that. Let the baby date other babies. You need to date in your age range, you can tell because you are already expecting contributions to your LIFE, which a man of your age can provide. When you date someone with such little life experience youre basically raising them. And its weird cos ur raising them and then turning around and fucking them. Idk

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