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KoryAnders live sex chats for YOU!


Suck & deepthroat [Multi Goal]

Date: November 6, 2022

57 thoughts on “KoryAnders live sex chats for YOU!

  1. The point is that you don't need to jump into a marriage or serious relationship with this dude in the first place. Take your time. You have to figure out who you are before you know what you need

  2. Ok facts, but at least she may get financial/emotional support by chance? I dunno, at the very least she wouldn’t be holding onto that secret

  3. Seems more accurate to say your boyfriend is upset that you want to hang out in the company of an ex, and can’t get over the idea that you are now friends. Many other bad things stem from that.

    Five months is way too soon to be this paranoid. You already know what you gotta do.

  4. If the mothers don't have custody he has zero reason to contact them. He can contact cps, explain he believes he may be the father an arranged to do DNA tests.

    This sounds like an excuse to talk to ex's and make you feel like you have to accept it.

  5. It hurts to be broken up with and it hurts even more when it's something so silly like this. She knows you're very busy at work and don't always have a chance to message her but she's still doing this so don't argue or try to win her back. You deserve someone who believes you when you say that you're really busy and can't always text back at work, who trusts you to do that. I know that you're really busy, especially leading up to a deployment but please take a minute to eat during the day, even if it's just a granola bar, a protein shake or a frozen meal you microwave and eat really fast. Military service is naked on your mind and body, don't make it harder by not eating for 12 hours in a row. Eating and staying hydrated will help your energy levels and can also help you feel less stressed, so give yourself that bit of care.

  6. A lot of people are bringing up smell, but having been with a less hygienic person in the past, who didn’t smell, having unclean sweaty privates and unwashed hands during intercourse causes vaginal infections and UTIs. There’s a good chance she’s already had the misfortune of having to deal with this and not showering is a big turn off to a lot of women who have learned from this lesson. If you want a spontaneous love life, it’s best to shower everyday.

  7. Honestly, this is a weird dynamic to have. You're not dating this guy. Stop getting each other gifts; He is an unappreciative turd and it's time to flush this friendship.

  8. u/headofbigness, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. This is absolutely fucking stupid. At NO point. I repeat. None. Would a man be able to be so smooth that I’d cheat on my husband who I am deeply devoted to and madly in love with. I don’t give a goddamn flying fuck if that man thinks he’s gods gift to women, it isn’t going to happen. Cheating IS a decision made clearly and consciously. It isn’t based on arousal in the moment. It’s a choice. A CHOICE you trolling asshat. He didn’t doubt his own fertility. He HAS a child. He didn’t say he doubted his fertility. You are the most confident dumbfuck I’ve encountered in some time. You have to be trolling. This is so fucking

  10. It actually is especially since she stole his credit card to buy it with. He can easily say that she cheated and didn’t want to get pregnant from it so she stole his card to buy the plan b.

  11. Before my husband and I were married, I drove him to the ER in the middle of the night in an ICE STORM because he was in pain. You do that for the people you love. Your bf does not really love you and does not act like you're a priority. Dump him and move on.

  12. Hello /u/landline1989,

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  13. i was screaming in pain in front of my boyfriend and he took me to the er without a second thought, stayed there the whole six hours it took to see somebody and seemed genuinely concerned for me. in my case, it was just a kidney stone and i’ll be fine but the fact he listened and cared is what i needed.

    your boyfriend, sorry to be frank, is a fucking asshole. id leave somebody for way less than this. will he react the same if you broke a bone? got cancer? got into a freak accident? think about what this reaction means for all your future incidents. he doesn’t care and he’s acting like your appendix bursting is inconvenient to him.

  14. I definitely see your point. We talked it out and I told him I was feeling insecure but he reassured me that he doesn't see her like that at all, and that he'd let me know if he was hanging out with her next time. I apologized for being a little jealous too.

  15. Don't marry anyone who shows this much contempt and disrespect toward you. A ring is supposed to signify your love and unity. This represents anything but that. Sounds like he doesn't want to marry you at all and did this so you'd dump him.

  16. He will be staying in an apartment near the base, and was told he will be given a monthly allowance towards certain expenses (rent, grocery). The army recruiter he has been meeting with is giving information on what I can do etc. when I do go with him (such as support programs for finding jobs, whether that be in the base or simply nearby). I do plan to do more research however so thank you!

  17. The fact that your BF blindsided you with this is…not good. Break up with him and save yourself years of heartache.

  18. I would drop the amount of contact you have with him waaaaayyyy down.

    If you do have to be around him for some reason, be clear that you won't listen to this garbage. If you're talking on the phone, hang up. If you're in person, calmly leave the room. Do your best not to be visibly angry, since that's likely the reaction he wants.

  19. Tell him to fuck off and swim instead. Clearly he doesn't care about that you're in pain when using the treadmill and he wants what's good for him without taking any consideration about how you feel. He will annoy you regardless, it's time to wake the fuck up and put him in his place, he can't tell you what to do.

  20. Tell her you can’t afford to feed her. If you don’t mind cooking for her too, you can say she’s welcome to split the cost of groceries with you for it. I did this with a roommate in my 20s, I didn’t mind cooking more food of what I was already making as long as we split groceries.

  21. Are you asking if you should deny your feelings, push them down, ignore them? No. Not ever. You can simultaneously have feelings about something, and recognize that it might also be forgivable. The most important thing is that you allow your feelings to be present and process/grieve them.

  22. People hang on to memories and sentiment in different ways.

    I'm, perhaps, like your wife in that once I have the experience and the memory of that experience, I don't necessarily want or need a physical keepsake of it.

    There's nothing wrong with either way. Neither of you are wrong in how you do it, but peoples' brains work differently, and her way is not disrespecting yours.

  23. Yeah there are few flower shops in my area that do the same. At the end of it all, the flowers are going to be dead within a couple of weeks lol. I do totally understand that quality is quality and you get what you pay for (most of the time).

  24. i do kinda like him but i dont want a relationship with anyone. I told him i dont like him cause some guys if u tell them u dont want a relationship, they will try to change ur mind

  25. Clinging , harrassing and stalking him sure arent the way to fix things. Men are allowed space to process things believe it or not. Give hi that space. If he breaks up with you you deal with it and move on. If he comes and wants to talk you talk to him. That simple.

  26. He was 21 years old when you came into this world… He has decades of life experience. You are literally a child in comparison.

    Just because it's legal doesn't make it right.

    Why is this grown adult, wanting a child? That's what you are really, an inexperienced child. So, why is he with you?

    If you wouldn't date a child, why would you want to be with someone who would?

    Don't get hung up on legality, that's just a thing your are using to excuse why you would never do what he is doing.

    But good luck.

  27. Honestly, I’d stop trying to make it a surprise for her birthday. Heck, it could even REALLY surprise her and be an early birthday present! 2 more months with the joy and love of the pet she wants so much is worth not being rigid about a birthday present on her birthday.

  28. Wow, I get it's a tough time for you and your new family, but your son is also family and seems to be under a lot of stress, otherwise he wouldn't behave this way. It's your responsibility as a parent to be empathetic towards your son and understand what he is going through. If you shove him out of your life won't resolve these problems but makes him resent you and that new family of yours even more. Ask yourself – how would you feel in his place?

  29. You have no idea how exhausting it is to grow a human. None. Trust and believe that it takes a lot. How are you going from living with parents to married with a child?

  30. Own it. Right now she thinks you are cheating or she is trying to tell you it is okay.

    Wanting to present your best self to the world isn't a weird secret. Honestly, you'd have to be wearing it to bed at night for her to be really clueless, and that's not good for your skin.

  31. Having her next to me is sort of my therapy right now.

    Dude. c'mon. That's not her job, that's not what she signed up for. Its wildly upsetting that you think this is okay.

    You have resources. Use them.

  32. If you found out that he had a penile implant, and never told you about it you would feel some type of way. It’s not exactly apples to apples but apples to bananas comparison.

  33. If you found out that he had a penile implant, and never told you about it you would feel some type of way. It’s not exactly apples to apples but apples to bananas comparison.

  34. Omg.

    Your wife should have told you she invited someone over. You should have at least been a little more polite to her friend. You both messed up. Geez.

  35. This is about control. He doesn't want you to be successful or self-reliant, because that lessens his hold on you. My advice: absolutely do not leave this new career, especially not for a man like that. He does not have your best interest at heart, he wants to have power over you. Do not let him take this away for you. If that means divorce, honestly? Yeah go for divorce. Your partner is manipulative, controlling, and a pretty bad dude. At this point it sounds like the divorce may be trash taking itself out.

  36. From reading this story, I'd feel more safe being alone outside at night than in the same room as OP

  37. Her friends text me but she doesn’t, she invited our mutual friend to our dated event, she just doesn’t act how girls typically act around me when they have a crush

  38. Yea, your not being a nag or jealous… You need to shove your foot right up his ass and say no. I can’t even wrap my mind around this.

  39. It sounds like he doesn't get it and doesn't want to get it. It sounds like he's trying to weaponize your special time against you because he's petulant that he can't force you to stop doing something that brings you so much happiness. He's also using his child to hurt and shame you for not giving in and doing what he wants, which is deeply sad to read.

    This feels like a control thing. You enjoy it, he has no part in it at all, he refuses to do anything aside from on the weekend you go for these trips on, he doesn't care any other time, and he's manipulating you with his child? It reeks of a control issue. He wants you to stop doing it all together and I really feel like that's going to be the only thing he thinks is a reasonable outcome. It sounds like he doesn't want to compromise or negotiate other plans because he doesn't want other plans- only for you to obey.

  40. Yeeesh, we've never had a weekend away alone in 22 years of being together.

    She's a stay at home mum and I'm the career person with a big wage (was not always this way, we worked together to get to where we have)

    And yes, the 10yo has to move into his own room and we are working on that.

  41. Yep, the idea that people just glossed over point 3 is wildly ridiculous to me.

    That's not normal and not to be ignored.

  42. How often does he see her? If I saw my bff once a year, on that one day, my bff would be my priority

  43. There’s tons of porn available. But that wasn’t enough for him, because he ‘needs’ to jerk off to your best friend and his ex. I would dump him and warn your best friend. Maybe warn the ex, depending on your relationship with her. He obviously can’t be trusted with women’s pictures or having access to their sm.

  44. Issues like lack of time together or lack of communication. There were days he’d spend the whole day with his friends while I’m at work, and when I get home I expect that he wants to talk to me, even if for a little, but I usually have to ask over and over or wait hours before I get time.

    This is also partially why I didn’t want to message first, because usually it feels like I’m having to beg for his attention.

    When we called, he told me he never realized how much the time was effecting our relationship and how his priorities had been out of order. He admitted to not fully listening to my concerns and apologized and wanted to come up with solutions. Which makes me want to forgive him because I really believe he’s trying to do better

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