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SashaCorelive sex stripping with hd cam


47 thoughts on “SashaCorelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. When you're not together she's free to sleep with whoever she wants. That said she should ha e told you when you got back together.

  2. we do that sometimes, he plays pokemon and i watch tv… his major reasons for not coming over are “im tired and lazy” or “i feel shitty and congested” LOL its always the same excuses and sometimes i take it too personal and think he simply doesnt want to be with me or love me anymore. our minds, our worst enemy

  3. if it were rape, why would she still be talking to OP in person? It's not something you typically see in rape cases.

    Rapes /= rape cases

  4. Ooof. I am very sorry for your loss. I am not sure there is any advice that can really solve the immense pain you and your wife must be feeling.

    It sounds like you guys were wonderful parents. Please only listen to this if relevant/wanted, but would you guys be open to volunteering with children or fostering? I say this because obviously a large part of the grief of this loss is being parents without children. It won’t fill the hole in your heart, but maybe it would help? I wonder if it would be helpful for your wife. It may also give yourself something to work towards, working on your healing journey to be better mentors or parents to these other children who might need you.

  5. I’m actually a woman ? but I was a strange child. Mom was an artist and we lived mostly with her. We were also very poor so creativity was the only thing I really had and she let us go wild with her art supplies. She was also bipolar, so my understanding of people, the way they react, and the way they behave was kinda screwed up – I had no social understanding basically. I made myself this sparkly cape for Halloween one year and I just really loved it. Because I had absolutely no idea what was socially acceptable, I wore that shit almost everyday until like 10th grade of highschool. Eventually, my peers ate me alive for it and I stopped.

    After a few more absolutely brutal social situations, a couple years in therapy, and several years living on my own, I’m happy to say that I now understand and feel more confident about much more of life, and would happily wear a cape if I so pleased because fuck what other people think. But I don’t wear a cape because I don’t identify with it

  6. OP, do you work?

    How long have you been married? Do you have kids?

    I hope you answer some questions seeing that many people are asking you things. (so we can give better advice)

  7. Why would you want him back is my question. He knows you don't like him touching your food or eating from your plate or cutlery…so in response, he tries to put his hands in your food and asks to feed him with your cutlery. Then he flips over your tray (that he made for your birthday) when he asks and you offer a reasonable alternative. He is either very, very stupid or he's intentionally antagonising you…and I don't see why you'd want to be with him in either case.

  8. Hello /u/Velaryonqueen,

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  10. I had a boyfriend do this to me when I was 15. I’m 24 now and still messed up from it. I would leave for your safety and your childs

  11. Let him know there will be consequences to your relationship when you do the test and it comes back that he’s obviously the father.

  12. The point is, there's a gap in life experience and sexual experience most likely as well.

    Is there something else going on with this relationship that might be contributing to her situation?

    It needs to be looked at as well to find out the extent of the problem.

  13. Well, could be something similar to an mosquitoes net, like an window cover. There's also films that can be applied to windows, that can be visible one side only, darken the window or just make it impossible to see through. Basically, the same idea. The wires for the internal phones us to be as cheap as possible, but there's shielded cables, that can do the same thing, without the noise that happens when they do the same path than electrical wires. They just are a bit expensive, but it can be done. It just requires 2 wires, for the whole building. The gus that install it, often bridge it from one apartment to another. Of course, when it is done, in the days when some maintenance is required, everybody needs to be at home and open the door for them. It can be done, but but sometimes isn't practical, because certain people just can't hear someone knocking at the door or just don't wish to open the door for them, due some reason.

  14. I had proof she lied about where she was. She admitted to being at “a guys house for a beer to catch up.” I wanted to believe and we were already thinking about starting a family. So I stupidly knocked her up while still confronting her. She eventually couldn’t handle lying to me anymore and told me what happened. She’s literally crying every night at the thought of me leaving her. FWIW we are both financially independent so it’s necessarily desperation on her part.

  15. Have you stopped insulting and belittling people to amuse yourself across the board, or only for him?

    Cos he probably doesn't want his name attached as a recommendation to some smarmy git who thinks its funny to verbally shit on people.

  16. This is also what my Ex did, always blamed me, everything was my fault.

    It's just toxic BS, just ignore her for the rest of your life.

  17. As a woman, when I watch porn I don’t think of it as wanting to have sex with the actors/be the actress. I’m watching the action, not the people, if that makes sense.

  18. For some people, it's an easy discussion because there is no issues with things like retroactive jealousy or feeling like their partner is…ahem… “used”, for others it's felt to be a required topic for whatever reason and then sometimes they allow it to eat away at their relationship – be it retroactive jealousy or the aforementioned “used”, or simply to see if the other person aligns with their outlook on it all – which can also cause the relationship to fall apart due to differing morality, values, what have you.

    If you genuinely feel that the past is the past and have no desire to allow it to dictate your future, then I would suggest not talking about it. To what end would it serve in this case? You already know she has slept with more people than you have.

    I would just tell her that you would not be comfortable with the topic and thar the past is the past and you aren't going to judge her for it.

  19. Your biggest mistake was not confessing to your GF. Everything else that happened was done to cover up and keeps secrets and lies So sad.

  20. Thank you. I seriously needed to hear this comment really badly. I appreciate it I hope you have a great night ❤️

  21. My non indigenous father doesn’t have any right to the land. It is in the care of me and my 3 siblings. No non indigenous person has the right to be on indigenous land or harvesting from indigenous land. Just try it for yourself without informing anyone ?

    That being said. My father is not going to be excluded from any aspect even though we have every right to ask him not to be present for the ceremonial aspect. He respects our culture enough to understand that.

  22. OP just because he doesn’t hit you doesn’t mean he isn’t abusive. He’s allowed his feelings but this is absolutely no way to express or deal with them. Your family’s dislike of him is justified. Please don’t continue to put up with this. You deserve someone who knows how to express their emotions in a nonviolent way that scares you

  23. You’ve known him for a month which means you barely know him at all and he threatened to rape you.

    This is him on his best behaviour.

    Please don’t see him again. He is dangerous and there is a very high risk that he is going to rape you if you don’t give him what he wants.

  24. This is the answer. OP is overthinking it and turning something not a big deal into a Seinfeld episode.

  25. How is a 27 year old man acting like he’s 13 and “confused”? Yes it’s a red flag and completely unnecessary statements to keep you guessing, dump him. Who has time to put up with this nonsense?

  26. oh god kissing is SO BOLD. what specifically about his actions would you say he likes me? or is it all of it? I was feeling friend vibes but I feel like something changed with the 2am apartment night

  27. Sorry didn’t mean to sound harsh, but it was always just a situationship ie a sexual relationship that isn’t going anywhere, if it wasn’t her it’s be someone else, he doesn’t see u as gf material

  28. He doesn’t really have hobbies other than gaming, so he games with his friends live! sometimes, but insists that we stay in a call while he does. That’s really the only time I get to indulge in my own hobbies. Normally I game with him though, but my PC is broken, so I know as soon as I fix it, the time I have for hobbies will reduce again.

  29. That’s not cheating, it’s rape. Sorry dude.

    Your gf should support you when you tell her. Unfortunately the reality is a lot of rape victims aren’t believed. But if she won’t support you in this then that’s very indicative of her ability to support you through tough times in the future.

  30. Right before I started kindergarten, my friend threw a swing at me and gave me a hell of a black eye. (Not as bad as yours, but still not something you see on most new kindergarteners.) My teacher looked at me and very cautiously asked me what happened and I told her how mean old Amy got mad and hit me with a swing. My kindergarten picture is me in a cute little dress and pigtails, grinning with a black eye. After a while, it's just an amusing story for you to tell. Maybe you'll get married and your inlaws will tell everyone how they met you. Maybe it's a story you'll tell future girlfriends and laugh. But it will end up amusing you at some point. Hold onto that picture though, because you'll love it eventually.

  31. This has to be a troll.

    36 year old man only just moved out of his mummy and daddy’s house due to “issues” with them? Nah.

    No woman would actually have unprotected sex with a mentally slow person like you who hasn’t been potty trained at your age, so I call bs on the pregnant bit too.

    1/10 for effort.

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