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Miawilddoll live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: September 26, 2022

49 thoughts on “Miawilddoll live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I mean to say that she will appreciate the grace and lack of pressure while she works through the fact that her ex texted her.

  2. In that situation, I would get an abortion. But remember that decision is entirely your own so only do what you’re comfortable with. If you and this guy have only known each other two months and you already don’t like him, it probably won’t get better. I’m 24 and I know a lot of women my age that were in similar situations and every single one is either a single mom or in a very unhappy relationship with the father. It’s not guaranteed to not work out but with so many differences and you already having reservations about everything, it’s not looking good.

  3. Aww I am sorry about that. I would certainly explain that to your dad as well and tell him these are the reasons you need time apart from them.

    This could drive a huge wedge and he needs know that you are hurt by their actions.

    Again I am sorry what you are going through. I too have half siblings/stepmom/bio dad that i have no contact with- so I know it can be rough. I am glad you least have your mom and grandma on your side.

  4. Your boyfriend is an entitled infant. He is a guest in their home. It’s up to him to adapt to them, not the other way around. If he doesn’t like the smoke or TV, his option is to move. Talk about a choosing beggar.

  5. It's great advice, they aren't married and she's still an independent person who gets to make her own. Decisions. Why should he have any say in what sort of car she gets?

  6. Your husband definitely needs to talk to you! A call, text, or anything! That is seriously crazy. You deserve to know when your husband will be home or how late he’s planning on staying out

  7. Dating is a time to decide if you are compatible. Are you? If not be kind and end it so you can each find “the one”.

  8. Hello /u/IndividualActive8896,

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  9. Hello /u/ThrowAwayMistletoee,

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  10. You guys need couples counseling. She wasn't honest about what she wanted in a partner and is now trying to get over on you because she can definitely skip that months savings to pay her part.

  11. Well, she thought you were friends, but now she might feel like you were only her friend while you waited for a chance to date her. All you can really do is wait for her to figure out her feelings and accept being friends might not be possible after this.

  12. Thank you. Another issue I didn’t add was that when we do hang out she just instantly watches tik tok until she falls asleep

  13. People are allowed to change their minds. He didn’t lie or manipulate to get into a relationship. He decided he loved her enough to reconsider his stance on marriage.

    What he should have done is say, “I’ve been thinking, because of you and our relationship, I might be open to marriage again. How do you feel about getting married someday?” It needed to be a discussions, and not just tell her he plans to marry her. Of course that may freak her out.

  14. I can't play video games, I've had to stop going to the gym and if I do any of those things she get really emotional and starts crying saying she just misses me. At first I thought it was sweet. I figured letting her move in would help

    It was at this point in your post that I said, out loud to my coworkers who thought I was working, “You knew all these things before moving in together?!”

    The fact that you knew she was so clingy that you couldn't even on-line your life, and you thought that her moving in would make things better, is absolutely mind-boggling.

  15. He is an adult and responsible for himself. That’s it, full stop. He needs to wake himself up and get up for work. It is not your responsibility.

  16. Thanks so much for your advice, I'm going to try the slow fade thing. Hopefully you won't see me on the news after being worn as a skin suit though hahaha

  17. There may be a lot of different reasons. Just try to ask her out (just the two of you,without friends) and see where you get.

  18. I understand you’re shocked and hurt, but really if you think about it… is it so big a problem? As long as you lay some ground rules, eg:

    -if you break up it has to be amicable and no nothing about the other person to Either you or your fiancé at all. Even to their own child

    -don’t get married


    Your parents are humans who deserve to not be lonely. I mean it’s better than them each dating some 20 year old right?

  19. Admitting you're a borderline pedophile isn't a flex. Btw, in case you didn't know, men age and their looks change too. So maybe stfu?

  20. Thank you and good ideas on this post. I figured it was manipulation tactic again and thought about that but he is pressed to have this agreement in writing (which I am not keen on that). I even suggested rehoming all three (a decision that’ll break my heart) if it meant no one gets to have them.

  21. she shows me them, i just realize many are missing, like no way last couple of her n the dudes dms go only up to 3 months ago.

    and no way the fifth last person she talked to she talked to 2 months ago, ykwim

  22. Hey I totally get what you mean. My bf is a teacher and he says school roleplay makes him feel uncomfortable too.

    It sounds like your wife could be having some insecurities about her age. Perhaps the role play is a way to feel young and like she’s experiencing her youth again.

    I would definitely sit her down and express that while open to roleplay, this type is no longer comfortable for you anymore. It’s negatively effecting your sex life. Also, it’s not fair of her to make you feel like you don’t “love her” because you’re into it. That’s very wrong.

  23. Just shut the door in her face if she harassed you agin and tell her your going to the management company if she doesn’t leave you alone

  24. Hold on. You did this EXACT thing to guy you dated, but are posting about it here complaining?

    Look up “hypocrisy” in the dictionary.

  25. i think you already but i will repeat anyway. get your shit together. you do not want to get involved with a married woman. she could just be saying that shit just to seem cool. i have seen plenty of that. divorce is not a big deal especially if you are poor.

    if you want to get over her then write a letter. write down exactly what you want to tell her. everything and i mean pure all of your heart into it. once it is done, take a deep breath and burn it. the last part is important. you will feel a lot better after you burn it.

  26. I didn't meet anyone …it was emails but I'm taking responsibility that I definitely fucked up as those emails should not have been sent

  27. Yeah she had an affair for the whole 3 months? Damn really? You just got married for 6 months and she could only held herself back for what, a week before sleeping with another man? And continuously doing so, only stopped cos she has to return back to you. Yet she's still keeping him in contact, for what? The next time you gotta do LDR she's gonna meet with him again? The affair might be 3 years ago for her, but it's still fresh for you.

  28. If that's what you think then you're clearly with the wrong person. She already made her decision and it seems like it is a deal-breaker for you.

  29. I appreciate your comment, but I would like to clear things up because I feel like, based on your advice, you may be confused about some things. I agree with most of your first point, and I have told bf for a while now that he needs to really be on top of job hunting to find a career in his field. I was hoping he would realize how difficult it would be and learn about all of the qualifications he may need through just job hunting experience, and then be willing to settle for any job and just work towards one in his field. That being said, my income alone, despite being freshly out of trade school, could cover a studio apartment. With him making at least minimum wage, we could definitely afford a one-bedroom. I prefer not to on-line alone, though, which is why I am moving in with a friend. At this point, I am no longer interested in moving in with him yet. So that's a moot point either way. He has also never had a job, which I find concerning. Not in the service industry nor in his field. He's helped out in his family's farm, but even he's admitted that he sees that more as chores than work. I agree with you that he needs to have a job, I don't care how much he makes, but I do care about him having initiative. Most of what he is doing these days is staying at home playing video games or going to hang out with friends, and it's been this way for the last 5 months. I also wouldn't call these “demands” because I've been very clear with him that anything I ask of him is up for discussion. He does not like to discuss these “heavy” (his word, not mine) topics. Once again, thank you for the comment. I agree with you on just about every point you've made, I just feel I may not have made that clear enough. Much love.

  30. Any help would be appreciated

    First, you have been communicating which is great.

    Second, your requesting favors in return is also great, so long as you don't regularly do a tit-for-tat or scorekeeping thing. Matching energy is good, building resentment isn't.

    Either she's going to be a spoiled princess her whole life or she's going to grow up. You can't really know, though, which is the problem. The time to break up is when you feel like this is making you an angry/bitter person. That's when it is unhealthy for you.

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